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Re: Parcel / passenger transport

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 1:38 pm
by ralph_hh
Well, then I still wait for my first assassination? Hmmm... Crazy. I got promoted. I have "a good ranking in the parcel business but not yet top rank". I'm carrying 10 parcels in the moment, prototype technology, secret documents... Seems enough to get some attention.

Do the assassins follow you from system to system? If you kill them, are they replaced or is there one special group of assassins for each special parcel?

Re: Parcel / passenger transport

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 1:45 pm
by Cody
It's usually one group of assassins per interesting parcel. You'll know they're assassins by their comms messages - even mentioning the names of the parcels' owners. Aegis botherers will always follow you through your wormhole (there are ways of dealing with them), but they rarely follow otherwise (though I have known it to happen). They sometimes follow you all the way from the Witchpoint to the aegis though, where they will cause havoc, and wait for you to launch again (if you manage to dock, that is).

Re: Parcel / passenger transport

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 1:51 pm
by ralph_hh
Sounds impressive... You scare me!

Can't wait to see that. Unfortunately with job, wife and kids, the occasions to play are sometimes rare.

Re: Parcel / passenger transport

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 9:30 am
by ralph_hh
So. I finally upgraded to 1.82. Installed Tea Maker and Beer Cooler to protect my more valuable equipment and to enjoy a cool beer after a hot fight - both in game and in reality. I was finally able to repair my multi-target computer but the >2 days repair of my military shields will have to wait, no time for that. The display of the time needed is new in 1.82 and it came just in time to save my contracts!

The funny thing is... I've been carrying parcels for a while now, my reputation is good tough not yet top ranking. I carry diplomatic cases, prototype tech and other seemingly interesting stuff but I still have not yet been attacked by anyone for that. Indeed, sine I concentrate on delivering fast, this has become the most peaceful period of my whole Oolite career so far. The intention was the opposite.

Re: Parcel / passenger transport

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 2:18 pm
by Anonymissimus
Cody wrote:
even mentioning the names of the parcels' owners.
The name they are mentioning is just random though. Even if you are not carrying any parcel in service of a client with that name. At least I never managed to find the corresponding parcel. :)

ralph_hh: Perhaps you are taking parcels with short delivery distances (bad - money is much better with long ones) and/or you are good in avoiding the typical bottlenecks. If you always take the fastest route otherwise, the most problematic bottleneck systems can sometimes be circumvented with wide detours.

Re: Parcel / passenger transport

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 2:26 pm
by ralph_hh
I'm currently on a route from the most lower right planet in that galaxy 3 towards the opposite end, the trip can't be longer. I'm picking up parcels and passengers on the way, so it's a mix of long-haul and short-haul contracts. I passed a bottleneck some planets ago, no way around that, still no action there. The route is the fastest, not the shortest, to avoid delivery delays.

Re: Parcel / passenger transport

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 4:13 pm
by Cody
Anonymissimus wrote:
The name they are mentioning is just random though.
<grins> Very interesting... but not so!

Re: Parcel / passenger transport

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 4:22 pm
by Fritz
Its not completely random, but they do mention names of contracts that have been completed already!

@ralph_hh: Don't tell me that you have passed Xeines without problems!

Re: Parcel / passenger transport

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 4:37 pm
by Cody
Fritz wrote:
... they do mention names of contracts that have been completed already!
That too... long memories, some of those assassins.

Talking of assassins, I came up against a heavy assassin in an Asp named Scherezade's Famine last night... a perfect ten!
A rather protracted duel ensued, from which we both eventually limped away, bruised and battered... but unbeaten!

Re: Parcel / passenger transport

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 4:50 pm
by Fritz
Is this an OXP thing? I never had a really difficult fight with a single assassin... they are only a problem if they come in bigger numbers. The longest duel I ever had after I had earned all the useful military equipment, was with one of Smivs' Aliens.

Re: Parcel / passenger transport

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 4:55 pm
by Cody
Fritz wrote:
Is this an OXP thing?
Nope! I ain't as good as I once was, of course... but those 'tens' can be be very tricky! Besides, I had already been damaged by his pals!

Re: Parcel / passenger transport

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 4:56 pm
by Fritz
Perhaps I have the better ship...

Re: Parcel / passenger transport

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 5:05 pm
by Cody
Perhaps... I fly a slightly-tweaked Cobra. I keep thinking of switching to a Wolf, an ideal courier ship, but I love the Cobra!
As for long duels, have you encountered a Green Gecko? They can be tough to handle!

Re: Parcel / passenger transport

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 5:29 pm
by Fritz
My Python is probably a little bit stronger... at least it has more energy than a Cobra 3. The same ship can appear as a heavy assassin too, but it isn't really a challenge, at least if my ECM is still working.

The Green Gecko doesn't exist in my Ooniverse, but perhaps I'll change that...

One of the worst "surprise" ships I have encountered is the Iguana... it seems to have three front lasers, although the middle one shouldn't be there probably.

Re: Parcel / passenger transport

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 5:43 pm
by Cody
The Python is a lovely ship... I have an old rustbucket example in my hangar somewhere.
The GG is a bit long-in-the-tooth now... it needs an improved attack AI.