Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld & Black Markets

Discussion and information relevant to creating special missions, new ships, skins etc.

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Re: (BETA) Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld

Post by phkb »

Thanks for the heads up, Devium. I'll check it out and post a fix soon.
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Re: (BETA) Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld

Post by cdr_slickov »

Loving this OXP. Just a quick point; on the wiki it says:

"Permits can only be used once, and will automatically be removed after use. "

I bought a permit and it's allowing me continuous sales of that particular illegal good into that system; think I've done it about four or five times now. Is that right, or am I misunderstanding something?
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Re: (BETA) Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld

Post by phkb »

No that sounds like a bug! Patch on the way
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Re: (BETA) Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld

Post by phkb »

OK, version 0.6.2 is up, which should address the bugs reported by Devium and cdr_slickov.
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Re: (BETA) Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld

Post by phkb »

Version 0.7.0 of Smugglers is now available, as is Illegal Goods Tweak 2.2.2. If you're using both, you need to upgrade both.

In this version:
  • Updated all bounty changes to use "setBounty", rather than just updating the bounty directly, so a description can be passed to other OXP's.
  • Expanded the use of the "properties" element of illegal definitions, so that multiple options can be entered (eg "cuisine,meat,steak").
  • Added a couple of extra illegal goods definitions.
  • Added the ability to sell illegal cargo on the Black Market, for a reduced price. Plus some extra things...
  • Added Seedy Space Bars to list of stations that have a Black Market.
  • Moved a lot of static text into descriptions.plist and missiontext.plist.
  • Fixed issue with only 500kg of gold or platinum taking up 1t of smuggling cargo space, and 500000g of gemstones.
  • Removed redundant items from equipment.plist.
  • Fixed bug when using a HUD that doesn't implement the "Big GUI" option, where the HUD was being turned off when displaying some mission screens, but wasn't being turned back on again.
  • In Oolite 1.83 the bugfix relating to damaged equipment items that take up cargo space is resolved, so code has been added to switch to using the in-built repair methods, rather than keeping a long list of "Repair" equipment items. For backwards compatibility with 1.82, however, those items are still present.
  • Adjusted the costs of repair items to be more in-line with how the core system handles repair costs.
  • Improved integration with Illegal Goods Tweak. When docking with slaves, IGT will always run first, and Smugglers will be called afterwards.
  • Updated screenID's to enable BGS background sounds.
  • Renamed background overlay images to prevent possibility of future duplication.
  • Added checks for null value in station allegiance.
  • Updated the check for "Allow Big GUI".
  • Cleaned up sound function to avoid the need to check for BGS.
  • Toned down overlay images.
  • Code refactoring.
Available via the download manager or links in the first post.

[Edit] Oops. Small bug found and squashed. Version 0.7.1 now available.
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Re: (BETA) Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld

Post by Rustem »

Thanks your Smugglers OXP, it it add more variable illegal goods. I tested one day.

- Distance to Rock Hermit may be displayed round value (example, 1244.441 km to 1244 km) in target. I purchased Rock Hermit waypoints.

- In Galaxy3 Onbige system (Rich Industrial) is declared illegal Import Machinery (political properties - "...a production boost to an opposing faction ..."). Why Import? May be Export or Import/Export better. Or for polar economy add new rules and possibilities.
- Machinery don't have status {Ban: - } in Onbige Commodity Market Screen {F8}. But {F8F8} displayed commodity info about illegal import Machinery. It right?
Last edited by Rustem on Wed Jan 20, 2016 9:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: (BETA) Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld

Post by phkb »

Thanks for trying this out, Rustem!
Rustem wrote:
In Galaxy3 Onbige system (Rich Industrial) is declared illegal Import Machinery (political properties). Why Import? May be Export or Imp/Exp.
Smugglers only adds goods that are illegal to import. Mostly this comes down to gameplay - illegal imports are more interesting in the Oolite game world because (a) it creates tension when you dock (am I carrying something this planet has declared illegal), (b) and there's the opportunity for inserting new game mechanics (like bribing dock officials). Illegal exports aren't quite as interesting - you launch, and bam, here's your fine, pal. That's my view, anyway. There's certainly scope to add illegal exports, but I don't know how to make it more interesting, or at least as interesting as illegal imports are.
Rustem wrote:
Machinery don't have status {Ban: - } in Onbige Commodity Market Screen {F8}. But {F8F8} displayed commodity info about illegal import Machinery. It right?
Sounds like a bug. I'll try to have a look at this shortly, but I'm on holidays at the moment so my free time is taken up with family.
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Re: (BETA) Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld

Post by Rustem »

May be add to interfaces screens :

** Black market **
- description about Illegal goods for current system.


** Illegal goods information **
- To list of illegal goods on your current course add info Illegal goods for current system.

This need for don't selected current system (Home key) on F6 Galactic Chart and don't viewed on the F7 System Data screen.
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Re: (BETA) Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld

Post by phkb »

Rustem wrote:
** Illegal goods information **
- To list of illegal goods on your current course add info Illegal goods for current system.
I've been thinking about this for a while myself. I originally had the current system included in the course but I thought it might be confusing so I took it out. I'll put it back in the next release.
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Re: (BETA) Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld

Post by phkb »

Version 0.7.3 has been released, which fixes the problems on the F8F8 commodity info screen and includes the current system on the "Illegal imports on current course" screen. Thanks to rustem for picking up these issues.

Get it from the download manager, or from links in the first post.
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Re: (BETA) Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld

Post by FSOneblin »

This is a great OXP! However, I am having some issues. I have tried several rock hermits, but I can find neither smuggling compartments nor phase scan adjusters. Import permits show up, as do the black market purchases, only the smuggling compartments and phase adjusters. I've tried looking on a few files to no luck. Am I missing something? I am using the Oolite 1.83 trunk build, but had no luck with 1.82 either.
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Re: (BETA) Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld

Post by phkb »

That is odd. I'll check this out later this afternoon (I'm at work at the moment - probably best not to load up Oolite during work hours, however much I want to) and hopefully have a fix published by this evening.

Edit: One question for you, though. What ship are you flying?
Edit2: Also, do you have any free cargo space when you dock at a Rock Hermit?
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Re: (BETA) Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld

Post by FSOneblin »

phkb wrote:
That is odd. I'll check this out later this afternoon (I'm at work at the moment - probably best not to load up Oolite during work hours, however much I want to) and hopefully have a fix published by this evening.

Edit: One question for you, though. What ship are you flying?
Edit2: Also, do you have any free cargo space when you dock at a Rock Hermit?
Yes, I'm afraid so. I have tried going to one with no cargo (with no gold, gems, and so on).

I am flying a Supercobra. I also tried doing this with a teretrurus.

Take your time getting your fix up. Work and stuff comes first!

Thanks for your help!
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Re: (BETA) Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld

Post by phkb »

OK, version 0.7.4 is now available. There were a few bugs in relation to the availability of smuggling equipment. Thanks FSOneBlin!
  • Reconfigured the cargo contracts fixes to work with the default contract code and with Switech's cargo contract mod OXP.
  • Removed unnecessary "requires.plist" file.
  • Extra checking for the presence of the sting ship to prevent null errors.
  • Fixed issue where smuggling equipment was not being offered for sale anywhere.
  • Fixed issue where the phase scanner was not being offered for sale at any time.
  • Fixed issue where going into the smuggling compartment purchase page multiple times without actually purchasing something was deducting money anyway.
  • Adjusted the price of the phase scanner.
  • Tidying up of some equipment installation rules.
  • F7 screen was turning off HUD when in flight in some circumstances.
Available from the manager or from links in the first post.
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Re: (BETA) Smugglers - The Galactic Underworld

Post by FSOneblin »

It is working like a charm! It really adds something to the game! Thanks!
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