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Re: Flying Cars! Just in time!

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 12:31 pm
by Smivs
Disembodied wrote:
We can manage - just about - to make the food industry print nutritional information on their products. Would it not be possible to have a media outlet's content assessed for accuracy, over the course of a year, say, and award it an average bullshit rating?
Ha, they'd all be out of business within a year!

Re: Flying Cars! Just in time!

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 8:28 am
by spud42
now THAT is a very interesting idea.... have a media review panel judge the accuracy of the reports and penalise for false and misleading/sensationalist reports....

Yep out of buisness very

Re: Flying Cars! Just in time!

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 8:42 am
by Disembodied
spud42 wrote:
now THAT is a very interesting idea.... have a media review panel judge the accuracy of the reports and penalise for false and misleading/sensationalist reports....
Even an unofficial panel would be an interesting venture, giving media outlets a kind of overall Snopes rating (a breakdown would be better: this newspaper contains 60% clickbait, 30% recycled corporate press releases, 5% lies, 5% opinion. Gluten free.). But of course, the old question remains: who reviews the reviewers?

Re: Flying Cars! Just in time!

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 9:31 am
by Venator Dha
Disembodied wrote:
Even an unofficial panel would be an interesting venture, giving media outlets a kind of overall Snopes rating (a breakdown would be better: this newspaper contains 60% clickbait, 30% recycled corporate press releases, 5% lies, 5% opinion. Gluten free.). But of course, the old question remains: who reviews the reviewers?
The Press of course :mrgreen: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Flying Cars! Just in time!

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 10:45 am
by Disembodied
Venator Dha wrote:
The Press of course :mrgreen: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:D Yersss ... at root, the trouble is that we don't have a free press. We have an owned press, with a very small number of owners. By and large, our papers are free to print anything that their billionaire owners don't actively disagree with.

Re: Flying Cars! Just in time!

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:51 pm
by spud42
and now one of them has bought National Geographic..... what can go wrong????

Re: Flying Cars! Just in time!

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:11 am
by NigelJK
Can belive that in this whole thread no one has spotted that the Thargoids have landed on that mans head?


Re: Flying Cars! Just in time!

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 3:59 pm
by Selezen
We noticed. We're just not allowed to talk about it.


Re: Flying Cars! Just in time!

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 4:18 pm
by Wildeblood
Disembodied wrote:
cim wrote:
When the overall advances in medicine, nutrition and public health have had such a substantial effect, it's certainly not reasonable to expect non-specialists to evaluate each new claim. That goes both ways of course - for every person disinfecting their house twice daily there's someone saying "we stabbed ourselves with rusty nails regularly when I were a lad and it never did us any harm", being egged on by a bunch of journalists complaining about "health and safety gone mad" who work in an office where the worst risk they personally face is spilling their coffee on themselves.
Indeed - and reaching the stage where people refuse to vaccinate their children because of the risks they think exists, because they can't perceive the risks (to their children and society in general) of not vaccinating them. I've never seen a child blinded by measles, but I have seen huge shrieking headlines written by journalists whose grasp of science is roughly equivalent to their capacity for shame.
I can only repeat my tired refrain, these idiots are allowed to vote (why?): ... 2184429568

Re: Flying Cars! Just in time!

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 7:30 am
by Alex
Disembodied wrote:
cim wrote:
When the overall advances in medicine, nutrition and public health have had such a substantial effect, it's certainly not reasonable to expect non-specialists to evaluate each new claim. That goes both ways of course - for every person disinfecting their house twice daily there's someone saying "we stabbed ourselves with rusty nails regularly when I were a lad and it never did us any harm", being egged on by a bunch of journalists complaining about "health and safety gone mad" who work in an office where the worst risk they personally face is spilling their coffee on themselves.
Indeed - and reaching the stage where people refuse to vaccinate their children because of the risks they think exists, because they can't perceive the risks (to their children and society in general) of not vaccinating them. I've never seen a child blinded by measles

I recently watch a doco on vaccination. Very interesting. It's not about anyone/everyone being immune it's about not passing it on. As medical professions already knew that even with vaccination some would not be immune. But if most around them were it can't become endemic. Also cited as main reason for huge drop in <1 YO mortality.
Same doco also went on to 'state' Major rise in young unhealth/alergies and developing "old people deseases early" linked to over the top anti-septic enviorments.
Unfortunatly can't say which doco as I don't use tv for anything so can't even track it back to a station.
Programms I watch can be from anywhere on the globe.

Also like to add my penny worth (can't afford the 2 cents) About news reporting;
Reacently started watching Russian tv (RTV) for western news. What a difference for varacity of facts for newer news. No where near the expected spins or propaganda you get with in country news. ABC au and BBC uk included.
And the accents of the reporters are always a suprise. Queens English, American, Australian hardly ever Russian. Really liked the lady with the French English accent.
I never bother with any US broadcast news. Way too much hype. And a tendancy to be wrong every time I used to watch a little.

Re: Flying Cars! Just in time!

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 7:55 am
by Diziet Sma
Russia Today has become my main news source these days. Refreshingly free of BS.. it's no wonder the corporate western media are upset about it.. how dare anyone provide an alternative viewpoint to their officially sanctioned propaganda and western government lies?

A pity they don't have a proper TV channel in Australia, like they do in the US/UK. Somehow, I don't see any of our politicians ever allowing that, though.

Re: Flying Cars! Just in time!

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 8:17 am
by Wildeblood
Diziet Sma wrote:
A pity they don't have a proper TV channel in Australia, like they do in the US/UK. Somehow, I don't see any of our politicians ever allowing that, though.
They're in the SBS mix with all the other national broadcasters.

Re: Flying Cars! Just in time!

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 9:19 am
by Disembodied
Diziet Sma wrote:
Russia Today has become my main news source these days. Refreshingly free of BS.
It's just a different brand, is all. They're much better than most western media at pointing out the western government/corporate lies - not so hot on their own government/corporate lies, though. Which, given the lifespan of a dissenting Russian journalist, isn't too surprising.

Re: Flying Cars! Just in time!

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 10:48 am
by Diziet Sma
Wildeblood wrote:
They're in the SBS mix with all the other national broadcasters.
Sorry, but no, they're not. SBS broadcasts its own news in Russian on SBS Radio, and SBS on Demand rebroadcasts news (again, in Russian) from the the Russian TV channel NTV, but they do not use material from Russia Today, which broadcasts in English, Arabic and Spanish, and is an entirely different channel. In Australia, until recently*, RT could only be accessed via the internet.

It turns out, that since about 6 months ago, RT is available to subscribers of Foxtel’s Entertainment Pack, on channel 658.
Disembodied wrote:
They're much better than most western media at pointing out the western government/corporate lies
Fortunately, that's what I'm most interested in.. I'm sick of being treated like a mushroom by western media.