Carriers v0.8 use EscortDeck and Ship Storage Helper to hold 2 traders and 7 escorts in the default deck, or 10 escorts in XL deck. After enough hunting for derelicts or spending a lot of money for buying escorts finally you will be able to command a decent fleet.
A message for developers:
I need help in fixing the "sit into an escort during flight" feature of Carriers. I tried many variations in the last half year without success.
To enable this feature type the following into the debug console or set in the 9.line in escortdeck.js:
You must fly a Carrier (there is a savegame within Carriers_0.8.oxz) and pick up a ship into the Escort Deck which is usable (non-salvage) and playable (has player role and view positions in shipdata.plist and defined in shipyard.plist). If you set
then you will get many derelicts in front of the actual station but an Asp is already on the deck in the savegame. Then prime the deck, press mode to select an escort and activate the deck. Normally this launch an escort from your deck but in this case you will found yourself in the launched ship.
To sit back into the Carrier first target it (a direction mark after the Carrier's name on EscortDeck MFD help to determine where is it if not in the screen, for example ^> mean up right). Then go near them within 500m and slow down. After 1s you will see the docking tunnel.
I can not make this round (sit into an escort then back to the Carrier) without errors and strange side effects like losing equipments and MFDs or not changing the ship at all. When I try to solve a problem then another is appear in an endless loop so far.
My steps:
1. Spawn a virtual dock (a ship with a dock subentity) near the player ship.
2. Call dockPlayer() into which show the docking tunnel.
3. Replace player ship to the escort using Ship Storage Helper.
4. Remove the old escort and spawn a Carrier.
5. Call launch() to do not stay within the virtual dock.
6. Remove the virtual dock.
These are not working within a single function so I used shipDockedWithStation and guiScreenChanged events and a timer to split these but got various errors depending on the distribution. I always get the following in trunk after dockPlayer:
Code: Select all
23:11:40.207 [general.error.inconsistentState] -[PlayerEntity isDocked] (PlayerEntity.m:11993): ***** ERROR: status is STATUS_DOCKED, but dockedStation is nil; treating as not docked. This is an internal error, please report it.
Regardless of this I can use replaceShip() in guiScreenChanged and launch in the escort ship but looks like shipWillLaunchFromStation event handlers are not called so CombatMFD is not updating anymore.
When I try to sit back into the Carrier, the first access of ship.missiles (which is a must to replace missiles) give the following error:
Code: Select all
23:11:40.144 [script.javaScript.exception.ooliteDefined] ReportJSError (OOJavaScriptEngine.m:203): ***** JavaScript exception (carriers 0.8): Error: Native exception: Tried to init array with nil object
23:11:40.144 [script.javaScript.exception.ooliteDefined] ReportJSError (OOJavaScriptEngine.m:214): ~/.Oolite/AddOns/Ship_Storage_Helper_0.23.oxz/Scripts/Ship_Storage_Helper.js, line 290.
In Oolite 1.80 the situation is even worse: the launch() show the space but controls are frozen, in F5 still show docked status so I must press F1 by hand to launch and this takeoff start from the main station. Maybe I do something badly in carriers.js but I have no idea at the moment.