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Re: [RELEASE] YAH_Haulers OXP V1.11 (updated 6 August 2016)

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 8:12 am
by spara
Keeper wrote:
Another updated version posted now.

V1.12 restores the individual colour schemes for the different store brands, which the current version of Your Ad Here had removed (making all stores orange). Also it overrides a line from YAH that contained a typo which was preventing one ad from displaying ("The Happy Trumble Restaurant" ad from the Pi-42 store was displaying on the Sainsboory's store by mistake, instead of the "Coriolis Preservation Society" ad).
Thanks, I'll fix 'em in the main OXP shortly. Btw, now that you're on fire with YAH, would you be interested in adopting the whole set? Would be a bit easier for you and I'm more than happy to pass the torch on this one.
Keeper wrote:
What do you think about the escorts all having military lasers now? Too strong?
YAH has them of old, but with the current AI routines, it could be taken into consideration to downgrade them to beam lasers. Then again, sidewinders as station defenders won't give much of a fight to a player even with military lasers, since they come out one by one and can pretty much be shot down on exiting the station. I think it's a different case with ship escorts though. They are already flying and ready to shoot. And often as a group. For ship escorts, I would use beam lasers.

Re: [RELEASE] YAH_Haulers OXP V1.11 (updated 6 August 2016)

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 10:29 am
by Norby
Keeper wrote:
What do you think about the escorts all having military lasers now? Too strong?
Imho ships below 30t mass (Adder, Gecko, Mamba, Sidewinder) are too small to fit the best equipments, otherwise ~10 times heavier ships like Python (266t) should get even larger ones which missing from the core game. In ShipVersion my script deny players to get shield boosters and military equipments while use a small ship due to the same reason.

Re: [RELEASE] YAH_Haulers OXP V1.12 (updated 6 August 2016)

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 4:04 pm
by Keeper
Good point. I wonder if it's possible to spawn the station with some defenders patrolling around it already -- without it spawning GalCop Vipers.

I did quickly set up defenders as "escorts" for the station and that sorta worked, but was a bit weird as they are swirled above the station, and had green lollipops on the scanner as though they were stations themselves. From reading around it does seem that it's possible to set the station as a group leader and add defenders to that group. Not entirely sure how the scripting should look but I've copied down a few different things to experiment with. I don't know if I'll be able to figure it out. Anyway, now it's 9 a.m. and I really should go to bed!

Re: [RELEASE] YAH_Haulers OXP V1.12 (updated 6 August 2016)

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 5:38 pm
by spara
Keeper wrote:
Good point. I wonder if it's possible to spawn the station with some defenders patrolling around it already -- without it spawning GalCop Vipers.

I did quickly set up defenders as "escorts" for the station and that sorta worked, but was a bit weird as they are swirled above the station, and had green lollipops on the scanner as though they were stations themselves. From reading around it does seem that it's possible to set the station as a group leader and add defenders to that group. Not entirely sure how the scripting should look but I've copied down a few different things to experiment with. I don't know if I'll be able to figure it out. Anyway, now it's 9 a.m. and I really should go to bed!
Spawning them as escorts makes them take escort positions and since the station is rotating, they'll spin around keeping their positions. I guess that with the current version of Oolite, someone needs to write a custom js AI for the station and for station patrol.

Station AI should scan it's perimeter and if it's patrol is missing, launch a new one. Patrol AI should just randomly fly around the station and only attack if itself or the station is attacked.

Now to think of it, I did something like that with Spicy Hermits. I recall it was far from perfect, but maybe it would work anyway. I have to check it.

Re: [RELEASE] YAH_Haulers OXP V1.12 (updated 6 August 2016)

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 6:21 pm
by spara
Now that was easy :mrgreen: . I did it already with Spicy Hermits. I've got a script now that spawn a couple of patrolling defense ships with custom AI around the station on station spawn. They keep flying around the station and if the station gets attacked, they'll close on and attack the aggressor. I'll put them to the fixed YAH.