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Re: New to Oolite - Help Me w/ Equipment

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 11:37 pm
by Fatleaf
Cody wrote:
Heh... the maintenance overhaul is actually vital, for a couple of reasons.
It is also best to keep in mind that a higher tech planet would provide a better service :wink:

Re: New to Oolite - Help Me w/ Equipment

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 11:40 pm
by Fatleaf
PillowTalk wrote:
Damn. There goes my docking computer; Just got the credits to buy it and have some left to trade more, and the Maintenance Overhaul is 100 credits more. :(

I like that though, and would be interested in knowing what sorts of things can happen should you not service your ship.
Heh, just like in RLTM You just get the money fo rthe nice shiny thing you have had your eyes on and 'bang' you have to repair something!
But without giving spoilers, just imagine certain things not working as they should or breaking at the worst possible moment...... :mrgreen:

Re: New to Oolite - Help Me w/ Equipment

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 11:46 pm
by Cody
Also, check the value of your ship on F3F3 before and after an overhaul.

Re: New to Oolite - Help Me w/ Equipment

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 12:16 am
by PillowTalk
Alright. I think I've got a handle on this game. Only two things bothering me now:

1. Why are there white blips on my IFF when there is no wreckage left?

2. This stupid Scout ship that's stealing all the cargo from the pirates I killed. :x :lol:

Re: New to Oolite - Help Me w/ Equipment

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 12:19 am
by Cody
1. Possibly asteroids/boulders/debris.
2. Scavengers - booty is a free-for-all.

Re: New to Oolite - Help Me w/ Equipment

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 7:39 am
by JD
Metal fragments can often be quite difficult to pick out visually, you can easily scoot past without ever seeing them unless they catch the sunlight. The zoom feature on the scanner (z, and shift-z) can help when debris is hard to locate.

Re: New to Oolite - Help Me w/ Equipment

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 8:27 am
by Ranthe
Fatleaf wrote:
PillowTalk wrote:
Do you just go into Aft view and shoot like normal?
Yup, The view is like the front except the controls are backward! Start with the pulse laser in the back and work your way up to military as you can afford it and once you have mastered the rear then there is the sides that take a whole different point of view of combat. But I must say the side laser kills are always the most satisfying as they are harder to achieve.
Here's a tip: if you're using the keyboard, when you're flying with the aft view use the numeric keypad controls (8 = up, 2 = down, 4 = roll port, 6 = roll starboard, 1 = yaw port, 3 = yaw starboard) instead of the standard arrow and yaw (, and .) keys. It saves your head having to mentally switch between reversed controls, as your fingers do it for you. (While I mostly use pitch and roll in standard forward mode, I tend to use pitch and yaw only in aft control.)