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Re: Pre-combat advice

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 10:14 pm
by Smivs
AlanSlade wrote: it legal to attack offenders and fugitives even if not fired upon?
While not exactly legal you can also fire upon other merchant shipping, miners and hunters - 'clean' ships. Only if this act of piracy is witnessed by a Police ship (ie it is within scanner range), or within the aegis of a station will you get a criminal status, otherwise you won't. Obviously shooting Police ships is unwise :wink:
Disclaimer:- This post is for information only. I do not advocate, promote or encourage piracy 8)

Re: Pre-combat advice

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 10:20 pm
by Cody
Smivs wrote:
Obviously shooting Police ships is unwise...
Indeed... but it is rather good sport! Just have a hyperspace jump already laid-in so you can escape.

Re: Pre-combat advice

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 12:48 am
by Tricky
AlanSlade wrote:
Cool on my way to a level 12 system now, is it legal to attack offenders and fugitives even if not fired upon?
It's even legal to fire on clean traders, so long as Galcop aren't around. :twisted:

Re: Pre-combat advice

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 5:26 am
by AlanSlade
I watching you two (Smivs and Tricky) you clearly have grey areas in your moral code :lol:

But I guess the message is what Galcop don't see won't hurt me!

Re: Pre-combat advice

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 5:33 am
by Yah-Ta-Hey
a quick learner , you are. do what you want, just don't get caught with hand in cookie jar.
good job, what?
ps. Smivs with one of the most upright pilots around.. but je just got back from vacation and has to get back to being a good gourd again. :roll:

Re: Pre-combat advice

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 5:39 am
by AlanSlade

Well I am now competent with 163 kills but I am trying to collect a bounty and when I approach he has 5 ships with him and the best I have done so far is to take two out before I am smoked - does anyone have any tips on attacking such a large group of ships?


Re: Pre-combat advice

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 5:55 am
by Paradox
AlanSlade wrote:

Well I am now competent with 163 kills but I am trying to collect a bounty and when I approach he has 5 ships with him and the best I have done so far is to take two out before I am smoked - does anyone have any tips on attacking such a large group of ships?

Helps to have front and aft military lasers. Try to target your bounty first, that way, if you get him, you can run from the others. Otherwise, shoot till your front laser goes red, then turn on your skunk-foo and run like hell while firing your rear laser till it goes red, then turn again, rinse and repeat. Most likely, your bounty will hyperspace out. You can wait till he and a couple goons are gone, then pick off the 1-2 who are slowest, then when you follow him through the gate, you wont have as many to deal with... Just don't take too long, or the gate may close...

Re: Pre-combat advice

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 9:37 am
by Diziet Sma
Another tactic that can help - try to quickly ID the escorts, and lob hardheads at the two most dangerous.. that will keep them off your back for a little while, leaving you free to focus your attention on the mark.
Paradox wrote:
Most likely, your bounty will hyperspace out. You can wait till he and a couple goons are gone, then pick off the 1-2 who are slowest, then when you follow him through the gate, you wont have as many to deal with... Just don't take too long, or the gate may close...
I prefer to dive through his wormhole as quickly as possible.. that way, when I pop out the other side, I get to spend some quality one-on-one time with the mark before his buddies show up.. :twisted:

Re: Pre-combat advice

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 7:08 am
by AlanSlade
Good news I took him in text book fashion.

We met and I ran taking a couple of drones with my rear military laser, I turned and dove back in taking out a Mk1 only to turn and run again when my shields began to fail and my laser was cooked. After a bit of a dog fight I cleverly ran when I saw the Q-bomb - only to realise I had mistaken a worm hole. :oops: Anyway I turned and in I went before it collapsed and quickly took out his remaining sidekick, it was cat and mouse and I destroyed him when his head on assault saw his shields collapse under my military laser yay me. :D


Good god I have only gone and scooped his escape pod. :cry:

Anyway back at the station a quick ticking off from the Guild and some injudicious use of acid and the job was done...


Re: Pre-combat advice

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:09 am
by Diziet Sma
AlanSlade wrote:
After a bit of a dog fight I cleverly ran when I saw the Q-bomb - only to realise I had mistaken a worm hole. :oops: Anyway I turned and in I went before it collapsed

'Twould appear to be one of those occasions when the little gadget in my sig might have helped you figure out what was what.. :wink:

"The bounty-hunter's friend", I sometimes refer to it as.. :lol:

Re: Pre-combat advice

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 8:55 pm
by Pluisje
AlanSlade wrote:
...After a bit of a dog fight I cleverly ran when I saw the Q-bomb - only to realise I had mistaken a worm hole. :oops: ...
Yep, been there done that. Better safe than sorry when it comes to (possible) Q-bombs.