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Re: Space Marines 'trademarked' by Games Workshop?!

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 10:42 pm
by ioannis
From a quick check on the net, this sounds like cruel and unusual punishment. I must object. :P

Re: Space Marines 'trademarked' by Games Workshop?!

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 10:10 pm
by Cmdr Darkstar
Selezen wrote:
GW have done this for YEARS. It's the very reason I stopped buying their stuff - they think they own the rights to EVERY WORD used in their things. If you use the word WARHAMMER, for example, they will hit you with a law suit. Same with Eldar, Space Marine, Imperial Guard...and so on.
I'm sure my old Star Wars toys claimed (c) / (r) / tm on "Imperial Guard" as well. (Hmmm... this puts a new twist on the old Imperium vs Empire debate. No longer "who has the best superweapons" or "who has the best storm troopers" but "who has the best lawyers").

I also remember Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles claiming (c) / (r) / tm on the names "Leonardo", "Michaelangelo", etc :roll: