Re: Handy tip for starting the Debug Console in Linux
Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 5:20 am
Excellent.. looks like you're all set.
For information and discussion about Oolite.
aliases, by the way, very cool. Did you come up with those Diziet ?I thought I'd ask since thoseDiziet Sma wrote:<chuckles> I wish!
No mate.. none of that .bashrc is my own work. As I said, it's just the bog-standard (default) .bashrc file. It's been that way for years.
aliases looked custom .Excellent news! Don't forget to update the Guest Additions in your openSUSE VM!CommRLock78 wrote:Well, I installed virtualbox 4.2 and - openSUSE VM is connected to internet - for the first time ever Hurray, thanks for the tip there, I think that going with the new version helped, a couple tweaks and I was online
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# Aliases
# #######
# Some example alias instructions
# If these are enabled they will be used instead of any instructions
# they may mask. For example, alias rm='rm -i' will mask the rm
# application. To override the alias instruction use a \ before, ie
# \rm will call the real rm not the alias.
# Interactive operation...
# alias rm='rm -i'
# alias cp='cp -i'
# alias mv='mv -i'
# Default to human readable figures
alias df='df -h'
alias du='du -h'
# Misc :)
# alias less='less -r' # raw control characters
alias whence='type -a' # where, of a sort
alias grep='grep --color' # show differences in colour
alias egrep='grep --color -E' # show differences in colour
alias fgrep='grep --color -F' # show differences in colour
# Some shortcuts for different directory listings
alias ls='ls -hF --color=auto' # classify files in colour
alias dir='ls --color=auto --format=vertical'
alias vdir='ls --color=auto --format=long'
alias ll='ls -l' # long list
alias la='ls -A' # all but . and ..
alias l='ls -CF' #
alias ds='ls -rS -alF --color=auto'
alias dt='ls -rt -alF --color=auto'
alias dv='ls -v -alF --color=auto'
alias dx='ls -X -alF --color=auto'
alias md=mkdir
alias rd=rmdir
alias qq=nano
alias pstree='pstree -Uulhca'
alias linkdead='ps -a | grep "^I.*bash$" - | cut -c5-9 - | xargs kill -HUP'
alias mc='. /usr/share/mc/bin/'
alias make='LC_ALL=C make'
I like those - I also like the comments that have been put in . I'm not sure if I'd want to eclipse my rm, mv and cp commands, but it probably isn't a bad idea to be prompted while using them .Tricky wrote:Handy aliases I use...
I didn't snap at first - these look like DOS commands, if I'm not mistaken - it's been a long time since DOS (which has bastardizations of Unix and CP/M commands)Tricky wrote:Code: Select all
alias md=mkdir alias rd=rmdir
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# Proportionally resize images to 900 pixels wide for Oolite forum
alias shrink='mogrify -resize 900'
<looks around - no penguins> I've taken to cropping screenshots for posting, rather than resizing them - I think the image quality is slightly better that way.Diziet Sma wrote:A handy little alias I just now thought of for resizing Oolite screenshots before uploading to photobucket.
Man, you have no idea how long I've wanted an easy way to go about resizing. I'm addin' this one to my listDiziet Sma wrote:A handy little alias I just now thought of for resizing Oolite screenshots before uploading to photobucket.Code: Select all
# Proportionally resize images to 900 pixels wide for Oolite forum alias shrink='mogrify -resize 900'
I often crop as well.. Ubuntu had a handy little image viewer that could crop.. haven't seen something similar on Mint yet. I might need to dig up the name of the program I used to use and install it.El Viejo wrote:<looks around - no penguins> I've taken to cropping screenshots for posting, rather than resizing them - I think the image quality is slightly better that way.
Of course, that only works for pics with the hud disabled - but that's how I take most of my pics anyway.
I've been using mogrify for ages.. the alias just occurred to me because I was sick of toggling through my bash history to save typing the command from scratch. (Mogrify is an amazingly versatile tool.. read up on it when you have some time..)CommRLock78 wrote:Man, you have no idea how long I've wanted an easy way to go about resizing. I'm addin' this one to my list
<fires up terminal and types inDiziet Sma wrote:I've been using mogrify for ages.. the alias just occurred to me because I was sick of toggling through my bash history to save typing the command from scratch. (Mogrify is an amazingly versatile tool.. read up on it when you have some time..)CommRLock78 wrote:Man, you have no idea how long I've wanted an easy way to go about resizing. I'm addin' this one to my list
man mogrify
> Man, there sure are a helluva lot of options for this utility I finally remembered the name of the program I was using for cropping:- Shotwell. It's pretty basic, but faster and simpler than loading up GIMP just to crop an image.Diziet Sma wrote:I often crop as well.. Ubuntu had a handy little image viewer that could crop.. haven't seen something similar on Mint yet. I might need to dig up the name of the program I used to use and install it.El Viejo wrote:<looks around - no penguins> I've taken to cropping screenshots for posting, rather than resizing them - I think the image quality is slightly better that way.
Of course, that only works for pics with the hud disabled - but that's how I take most of my pics anyway.
EV isn't actually a penguin, so I don't think he'll be able to make much use out of Shotwell .Diziet Sma wrote:I finally remembered the name of the program I was using for cropping:- Shotwell. It's pretty basic, but faster and simpler than loading up GIMP just to crop an image.Diziet Sma wrote:I often crop as well.. Ubuntu had a handy little image viewer that could crop.. haven't seen something similar on Mint yet. I might need to dig up the name of the program I used to use and install it.El Viejo wrote:<looks around - no penguins> I've taken to cropping screenshots for posting, rather than resizing them - I think the image quality is slightly better that way.
Of course, that only works for pics with the hud disabled - but that's how I take most of my pics anyway.
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alias ooniverse='nohup oolite & exit'