Oh (I knew I was forgetting something important here), the JS source class files contain also additional more human-friendly descriptions of properties at the parts where the internal IDs are created. These descriptions contain also the data type of each property, as well as a quick explanation about what it does. For OOJSPlayerShip.m:
Code: Select all
// Property IDs
kShip_accuracy = -128, // the ship's accuracy, float, read/write
kShip_aftWeapon, // the ship's aft weapon, equipmentType, read/write
kShip_AI, // AI state machine name, string, read-only
kShip_AIScript, // AI script, Script, read-only
kShip_AIScriptWakeTime, // next wakeup time, integer, read/write
kShip_AIState, // AI state machine state, string, read/write
kShip_AIFoundTarget, // AI "found target", entity, read/write
kShip_AIPrimaryAggressor, // AI "primary aggressor", entity, read/write
kShip_alertCondition, // number 0-3, read-only, combat alert level
kShip_autoAI, // bool, read-only, auto_ai from shipdata
kShip_autoWeapons, // bool, read-only, auto_weapons from shipdata
kShip_beaconCode, // beacon code, string, read/write
kShip_beaconLabel, // beacon label, string, read/write
kShip_boundingBox, // boundingBox, vector, read-only
kShip_bounty, // bounty, unsigned int, read/write
kShip_cargoList, // cargo on board, array of objects, read-only
kShip_cargoSpaceAvailable, // free cargo space, integer, read-only
kShip_cargoSpaceCapacity, // maximum cargo, integer, read/write
kShip_cargoSpaceUsed, // cargo on board, integer, read-only
kShip_collisionExceptions, // collision exception list, array, read-only
kShip_contracts, // cargo contracts contracts, array - strings & whatnot, read only
kShip_commodity, // commodity of a ship, read only
kShip_commodityAmount, // commodityAmount of a ship, read only
kShip_cloakAutomatic, // should cloack start by itself or by script, read/write
kShip_crew, // crew, list, read only
kShip_cruiseSpeed, // desired cruising speed, number, read only
kShip_currentWeapon, // the ship's active weapon, equipmentType, read/write
kShip_dataKey, // string, read-only, shipdata.plist key
kShip_defenseTargets, // array, read-only, defense targets
kShip_desiredRange, // desired Range, double, read/write
kShip_desiredSpeed, // AI desired flight speed, double, read/write
kShip_destination, // flight destination, Vector, read/write
kShip_destinationSystem, // destination system, number, read/write
kShip_displayName, // name displayed on screen, string, read/write
kShip_dockingInstructions, // name displayed on screen, string, read/write
kShip_energyRechargeRate, // energy recharge rate, float, read-only
kShip_entityPersonality, // per-ship random number, int, read-only
kShip_equipment, // the ship's equipment, array of EquipmentInfo, read only
kShip_escortGroup, // group, ShipGroup, read-only
kShip_escorts, // deployed escorts, array of Ship, read-only
kShip_exhaustEmissiveColor, // exhaust emissive color, array, read/write
kShip_exhausts, // exhausts, array, read-only
kShip_extraCargo, // cargo space increase granted by large cargo bay, int, read-only
kShip_flashers, // flashers, array, read-only
kShip_forwardWeapon, // the ship's forward weapon, equipmentType, read/write
kShip_fuel, // fuel, float, read/write
kShip_fuelChargeRate, // fuel scoop rate & charge multiplier, float, read-only
kShip_group, // group, ShipGroup, read/write
kShip_hasHostileTarget, // has hostile target, boolean, read-only
kShip_hasHyperspaceMotor, // has hyperspace motor, boolean, read-only
kShip_hasSuspendedAI, // AI has suspended states, boolean, read-only
kShip_heading, // forwardVector of a ship, read-only
kShip_heatInsulation, // hull heat insulation, double, read/write
kShip_homeSystem, // home system, number, read/write
kShip_hyperspaceSpinTime, // hyperspace spin time, float, read/write
kShip_injectorBurnRate, // injector burn rate, number, read/write dLY/s
kShip_injectorSpeedFactor, // injector speed factor, number, read/write
kShip_isBeacon, // is beacon, boolean, read-only
kShip_isBoulder, // is a boulder (generates splinters), boolean, read/write
kShip_isCargo, // contains cargo, boolean, read-only
kShip_isCloaked, // cloaked, boolean, read/write (if cloaking device installed)
kShip_isDerelict, // is an abandoned ship, boolean, read-only
kShip_isFrangible, // frangible, boolean, read-only
kShip_isFleeing, // is fleeing, boolean, read-only
kShip_isJamming, // jamming scanners, boolean, read/write (if jammer installed)
kShip_isMinable, // is a sensible target for mining, boolean, read-only
kShip_isMine, // is mine, boolean, read-only
kShip_isMissile, // is missile, boolean, read-only
kShip_isPiloted, // is piloted, boolean, read-only (includes stations)
kShip_isPirate, // is pirate, boolean, read-only
kShip_isPirateVictim, // is pirate victim, boolean, read-only
kShip_isPolice, // is police, boolean, read-only
kShip_isRock, // is a rock (hermits included), boolean, read-only
kShip_isThargoid, // is thargoid, boolean, read-only
kShip_isTurret, // is turret, boolean, read-only
kShip_isTrader, // is trader, boolean, read-only
kShip_isWeapon, // is missile or mine, boolean, read-only
kShip_laserHeatLevel, // active laser temperature, float, read-only
kShip_laserHeatLevelAft, // aft laser temperature, float, read-only
kShip_laserHeatLevelForward, // fore laser temperature, float, read-only
kShip_laserHeatLevelPort, // port laser temperature, float, read-only
kShip_laserHeatLevelStarboard, // starboard laser temperature, float, read-only
kShip_lightsActive, // flasher/shader light flag, boolean, read/write
kShip_markedForFines, // has been marked for fines
kShip_maxEscorts, // maximum escort count, int, read/write
kShip_maxPitch, // maximum flight pitch, double, read-only
kShip_maxSpeed, // maximum flight speed, double, read-only
kShip_maxRoll, // maximum flight roll, double, read-only
kShip_maxYaw, // maximum flight yaw, double, read-only
kShip_maxThrust, // maximum thrust, double, read-only
kShip_missileCapacity, // max missiles capacity, integer, read-only
kShip_missileLoadTime, // missile load time, double, read/write
kShip_missiles, // the ship's missiles / external storage, array of equipmentTypes, read only
kShip_name, // name, string, read-only
kShip_parcelCount, // number of parcels on ship, integer, read-only
kShip_parcels, // parcel contracts, array - strings & whatnot, read only
kShip_passengerCapacity, // amount of passenger space on ship, integer, read-only
kShip_passengerCount, // number of passengers on ship, integer, read-only
kShip_passengers, // passengers contracts, array - strings & whatnot, read only
kShip_pitch, // pitch level, float, read-only
kShip_portWeapon, // the ship's port weapon, equipmentType, read/write
kShip_potentialCollider, // "proximity alert" ship, Entity, read-only
kShip_primaryRole, // Primary role, string, read/write
kShip_reactionTime, // AI reaction time, read/write
kShip_reportAIMessages, // report AI messages, boolean, read/write
kShip_roleWeights, // roles and weights, dictionary, read-only
kShip_roles, // roles, array, read-only
kShip_roll, // roll level, float, read-only
kShip_savedCoordinates, // coordinates in system space for AI use, Vector, read/write
kShip_scanDescription, // STE scan class label, string, read/write
kShip_scannerDisplayColor1, // color of lollipop shown on scanner, array, read/write
kShip_scannerDisplayColor2, // color of lollipop shown on scanner when flashing, array, read/write
kShip_scannerHostileDisplayColor1, // color of lollipop shown on scanner, array, read/write
kShip_scannerHostileDisplayColor2, // color of lollipop shown on scanner when flashing, array, read/write
kShip_scannerRange, // scanner range, double, read-only
kShip_script, // script, Script, read-only
kShip_scriptedMisjump, // next jump will miss if set to true, boolean, read/write
kShip_scriptedMisjumpRange, // 0..1 range of next misjump, float, read/write
kShip_scriptInfo, // arbitrary data for scripts, dictionary, read-only
kShip_shipClassName, // ship type name, string, read/write
kShip_shipUniqueName, // uniqish name, string, read/write
kShip_speed, // current flight speed, double, read-only
kShip_starboardWeapon, // the ship's starboard weapon, equipmentType, read/write
kShip_subEntities, // subentities, array of Ship, read-only
kShip_subEntityCapacity, // max subentities for this ship, int, read-only
kShip_subEntityRotation, // subentity rotation velocity, quaternion, read/write
kShip_sunGlareFilter, // sun glare filter multiplier, float, read/write
kShip_target, // target, Ship, read/write
kShip_temperature, // hull temperature, double, read/write
kShip_thrust, // the ship's thrust, double, read/write
kShip_thrustVector, // thrust-related component of velocity, vector, read-only
kShip_trackCloseContacts, // generate close contact events, boolean, read/write
kShip_vectorForward, // forwardVector of a ship, read-only
kShip_vectorRight, // rightVector of a ship, read-only
kShip_vectorUp, // upVector of a ship, read-only
kShip_velocity, // velocity, vector, read/write
kShip_weaponFacings, // available facings, int, read-only
kShip_weaponPositionAft, // weapon offset, vector, read-only
kShip_weaponPositionForward, // weapon offset, vector, read-only
kShip_weaponPositionPort, // weapon offset, vector, read-only
kShip_weaponPositionStarboard, // weapon offset, vector, read-only
kShip_weaponRange, // weapon range, double, read-only
kShip_withinStationAegis, // within main station aegis, boolean, read/write
kShip_yaw, // yaw level, float, read-only