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Re: Numerous Error warnings With Ubuntu 11.04

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 5:23 pm
by mandoman
I didn't think so, but the way I've been guessing things lately, it could easily have been that. I did as you recommended, checking the AddOns folder against the oxps installed according to Latest.log. I didn't see anything different between the two. I did get a couple of warnings about missing .png files for a gun, but that's the first I've seen of that, as the Latest.log reports previously didn't have those warnings. Kind of puzzling.

Re: Numerous Error warnings With Ubuntu 11.04

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:17 pm
by mandoman
This is interesting, though I don't know why it is this way. Oolite runs much better on my machine when I have the older Ubuntu desktop up. There are far less freezes, and very few crashes....days now since a system crash. Something about that Unity Gnome 3 desktop that Oolite doesn't like, or visa-versa. I like the old style desktop better than the Unity desktop anyway. :mrgreen: