You are absolutely right. (of course)El Viejo wrote:That's his Alt-Coriolis, I think... his 'normal' Coriolis is set faster.Gimi wrote:Griff's Coriolis is set to 0.08 as well.

Moderators: winston, another_commander
You are absolutely right. (of course)El Viejo wrote:That's his Alt-Coriolis, I think... his 'normal' Coriolis is set faster.Gimi wrote:Griff's Coriolis is set to 0.08 as well.
Heh! I've re-tweaked mine this evening actually. I now have both varieties of Griff's Coriolis set to 0.12, the Dodo stations set to -0.10, and the Torus set to 0.08.Gimi wrote:You are absolutely right. (of course)
Hmmm, I might just copy that.El Viejo wrote:Heh! I've re-tweaked mine this evening actually. I now have both varieties of Griff's Coriolis set to 0.12, the Dodo stations set to -0.10, and the Torus set to 0.08.Gimi wrote:You are absolutely right. (of course)
Griff/CaptKev's Dodo, atm. When Griff releases his new Dodo, I'll mix both. It'd be nice to see a Griff Ico sometime.Gimi wrote:What dodo stations are you using?
Good call Gimi, I have slow turning stations, now I just have to work out which of the 45 other OXPs is clashing. I've tried grepping for station_roll and that didn't help, so unless I can find another short cut it's going to be a manual searchGimi wrote:Pull out all other OXP's, and leave the override for station roll in. (The script works fine for me)
I too have been struggling with this and assumed it did not work.m4r35n357 wrote:Is that really all you need to do? Makes no difference on my setup . . .Cmdr. Maegil wrote:- create a folderOolite\AddOns\main_stations_slowdown.oxp\Config
- in this folder, create a file namedshipdata-overrides.plist
- open it with a text editor such as jEdit or Notepad++ (NOT Notepad, it adds corrupting metadata)
- copy the following code and paste it on the fileSave and restart with the shift pressed until the spinning ship appears.Code: Select all
{ "coriolis-station" = { station_roll = 0.15; }; "dodecahedron-station" = { station_roll = 0.15; }; "icosahedron-station" = { station_roll = 0.15; }; }
Cmdr. Maegil wrote:Scale?... Ah, yes, I remember now - it's one of those sparkly things on fish! Right, carry on...