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Re: [RELEASE] Zeke Mining Transporter 0.1.1

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:36 pm
by Micha
snork wrote:
Hm, I think that is due to some other oxp in your game like RS or Shady Sung's or such ?
That was exactly it - Shady Sung's (possibly others, but that is a major culprit).

Why the bleep OXP authors just copy & paste the shipdata when all they want to do is re-skin (or slightly tweak) the original ships I'll never understand. Should like-ship them all instead and then add in the tweaks, causes a lot less hassle when the original shipdata gets modified.

@Capt Pat: Apologies and please disregard my post above regarding the pricing.

Re: [RELEASE] Zeke Mining Transporter 0.1.1

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 3:43 pm
by sdrubble
snork wrote:
following referred to a post that was moved to its own topic (TAF reset)

sdrubble, that is really interesting, I did not know there is some auto-reset-TAF.
Without some auto-reset I can not use TAF, as I am flying on gamepad, and I try to use the keyboard only when there is no action to expect.
But my main doubt about it is, if it won't spoil my game experience. Like an atuomatic, always-on Go-pass-Go,-collect-200$ ! card.

I am ok wiith things taking their time, or being difficult in-game. To me, it raises, hm, my dedication.
The topic snork refers to was split from this one, and on top of that it was RENAMED afterwards. You can find it HERE and have fun with a lively, erm, "conversation"... :twisted:

Cheers :mrgreen:

Re: [RELEASE] Zeke Mining Transporter 0.3.1

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:47 pm
by Captain Patrick
New version 0.3.1 now uploaded. Thanks to Micha for a script that spawns a Rock Hermit in systems without any; and to Smivs for creation and integration of new ship designs.

Re: [RELEASE] Zeke Mining Transporter 0.3.1

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 5:23 pm
by maik
I just saw that the thread title has been changed in the meantime to read RELEASED. Consequently, I moved it from the WIP section of the [wiki]OXP List[/wiki] up to the normal one.

Re: [RELEASE] Zeke Mining Transporter 0.3.1

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 6:32 pm
by Captain Patrick
Maik, thanks, it does seem ready for that. In a few weeks, if the feedback's been good and no further features have been suggested, I'll bumb up to version 1.y.z, and remove max_version from the requires.plist.

Meanwhile, if you like, you can shorten the description there still further to "a cheap playable ship, and a save file to start as miner" (I have not been granted wiki edit powers yet).

Re: [RELEASE] Zeke Mining Transporter 0.3.1

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:09 am
by maik
ok, done.

Re: [RELEASE] Zeke Mining Transporter 0.3.1

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:46 pm
by Micha
Also, I've tweaked and uploaded a new version of Shady Sungs which has standard ship prices, so as of V1.2 it's not a conflicting OXP anymore.

EDIT: And the requires.plist's max_version should be 1.76.99.

Re: [RELEASE] Zeke Mining Transporter 0.3.1

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:21 am
by snork


Sooo, after only 3 weeks in Oolite-time full of diverse adventures I can finally afford myself a Moray Medical Ship - no more hanging around in the Aegis* waiting for someone else to jump to one of the few presumably safe systems. :D (made it as far as Ensoreus - no worth going there, there never were any ships available)

mining tales from the spacelane :
The most frustrating / longsome / driving-me-nuts moments were :
  • when I actually survived a Thargoid invasion in the Ontiat system 8) - the next safe harbour was about 30,000 km away - only to later on that same savegame get rammed to death by some competing miner. :cry:
  • Somewhere along the road the income from the mining did not exceed the loss in ship resale value much - but after a while this was overcome.
  • Or when I thought I finally had amassed the money for a Moray Medical Boat**, but then the only ones available in the Zaonce shipmarket came with (very) expensive equipment installed, so more mining runs were needed.
  • And this idea about having me some company on my lonely mining trips turned out to not be such good an idea after all. Those darn purring rodents ate my precious radioactives! :shock:
    And getting rid of them in a ship as slow and vulnerable as Zeke's Miner is challenging. So much that - me no being a seasoned sunskimmer - I started to wonder if it was possible at all. (it is)
I did cheat a little, as in allowing my miner to be equipped with a scanner targeting enhancement, but should I play this again, - and I probably will when I'll have them shader bells and whistles available - I may choose to not do this, as without the STE the game ship is probably feeling even more low-tec. And raising the urge to get another ship, making e.g. the Cobra1 more attractive in comparison to this miner. :)
On a replay I would also try to change Micha's RH-script so it only garantuees presence of at least one rock hermit only at Zaonce.

One thing I am not really sure of is : I think I discovered it is possible to position one's own ship next to a rock hermit in a way that NPC ships attempting to dock will crash into the rock hermit. :mrgreen:


So this was a really nice change in gameplay, and Zaonce is a really good starting place. The ship being so slow, in other systems jump-driving out of the main station's / planet's masslocking zone can use up to 4 LY worth of witchdrive fuel. But not at Zaonce 8)
So, thank you Zeke for this oxp. I appreciate not just the differing style of gameplay, but also the clever use of already existing ships and oxps to provide fun game - everything well thought-out and balanced. :)
And for those of us looking for harder starting conditions, but maybe not as tedious as an Adder startgame can get, this may be perfect. :mrgreen:

on other oxps with this one :

I am not really really sure, but think it is Switeck's Shipping oxp, that made the mining more interesting, as in more ships competing. I often had up to four other ships going after the splinters, including Cobra3-s and Boas, sometimes resulting in my miner being rammed, mostly to death. Recommended (the oxp)

One oxp I used that gave me difficulties (I think it is this one) is Asteroid Storm - the very large asteroids in it for me slow down the game too much. In particular if they are spawned so close to the rock hermit that the latter will be "swallowed" by the rotating very large asteroid, this resulted in 4fps being displayed, but I think it was way lower than that. Blowing the huge asteroid to pieces sometimes had the framerate recover, sometimes not. :|

oxps that should be no-no with this one (or ore-processor in general) imo. are : the icesteroids and graffiti asteroids - the ice boulders will not break into scoopable splinters, but sometimes contain already ore-processed stuff (I only ever saw alloys).

so long - snork

* is there a plural of Aegis ?
** I decided to skip the Cobra1 as it has little advantage over Zeke's miner equipped with Ore processor and RH-locator.
And I use my own ship pricing list that I originally came up with to go with Switeck's Adder-start savegames - Cobra1 and MorayMed are slightly cheaper, everything else considerably more expensive. (Cobra3 @ 300k credits)

Re: [RELEASE] Zeke Mining Transporter 0.3.1

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 9:55 pm
by SandJ
snork wrote:
So this was a really nice change in gameplay
What an excellent revue*, and advert for an OXP. <insert thumbs-up smiley here>

* Oops. That should have been 'review'. However, with hindsight, maybe 'revue' ("revue n. entertainment of short sketches") is OK too.

Re: [RELEASE] Zeke Mining Transporter 0.3.1

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 11:21 am
by JazHaz
Just ran Oolite v1.76.1 for the first time, got a message saying that this OXP is not compatible.

Re: [RELEASE] Zeke Mining Transporter 0.3.1

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 11:40 am
by Smivs
Looks like it has a 'max_version' specified in the requires.plist.

Code: Select all

	version = "1.76";
	max_version = "1.76";
The 'max_version' is un-necessary and can be deleted thus

Code: Select all

	version = "1.76";

[RELEASE] Zeke Mining Transporter 1.0

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 5:56 pm
by Captain Patrick
Version 1.0 now available for download at removed max_version from requires.plist; changed version numbers throughout.
Smivs wrote:
Looks like it has a 'max_version' specified in the requires.plist.

Code: Select all

	version = "1.76";
	max_version = "1.76";
The 'max_version' is un-necessary and can be deleted thus

Code: Select all

	version = "1.76";