Re: Third Plea For Help
Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:25 pm
That sounds more than reasonable, but when I tried doing that, the ballturrets on the ship vanished. I tried using a similar string that is used in Aquatics, by calling my particular set of turrets "Genesis_left/right/top/bottom-turret_subentity_key = 'ballturret'". I suck at writing script. There is something to it that I just can't seem to grasp.Eric Walch wrote:You use "ballturret" as keyname. But, that is an entity that is already defined by Oolite and there should be no reason to overwrite the internal files.mandoman wrote:... but I can't get them to initialize. I took a look at the Aquatics setup, and changed a couple of minor things, such as putting "initializeTurret" in parenthesis, but nothing I do activates them in the game. I don't get it. I was able to manipulate them into the correct places using the "subentities" option, why doesn't the description of the ball turret not connect and initialize the turrets? Could you please help me just a little more on this? I feel so close to getting them working, but can't quite nail it. Any help would be fantastic. Thanks.
However, the big problem is that a lot of scripters like to overwrite the internal files for unknown reason. That means that only the last one will load. And if that last one is a bad copy of the original, all ballturrets in Oolite that are based on that copy are screwed.
As said before, I would use unique keys for the ships to make sure no other oxp will mess with your definitions.
Capt. Murphy, you say I should write my own unique scripts, but others have told me to wait on that, and use scripts from the core files as much as possible. That is why I use the core ball turret lines for defining the turrets on my ships. Those ball turrets are showing up on my ship, and I finally got them arranged so they were pointing outward, away from the ship itself, and I didn't have to use 1, 0, 0, 0 for any of them to make it happen. That suggests to me that they should have some rotation, even if it is just enough to see them twitch. As it is, they don't even twitch.
I'll keep working on it. I spent the last week just getting them to first appear on the ship, and then to all point outward away from the ship. Now I'll just have to keep manipulating the shipdata.plist until I get them to start tracking aggressors and firing.
Java Script sounds like a brilliant device for making things happen in the game, and so do unique AIs. The only thing, is it isn't simple to use. Maybe for those who have a lot of experience with computer script can adapt to Java Script without much problem, but I have no such background. My older brother, who is a programmer that took advanced calculus, and trigonometry didn't even recognize the word "Quaternion", when I asked if he had any experience with it. Of course, those advanced courses he took were when he was in college, about 40 years ago. If I ever get this Quaternion stuff figured out, I'm going to start writing a comprehensive guide for idiots, like me, who don't grasp such things so easily. Same goes for Java Script, if I ever figure it out.
It all sounds so easy from the way you guys talk, but it's only easy if you know what you're talking about. I was using Gimp, and Inkscape to make up all kinds of neat stuff before I learned of Blender. Now Blender is almost easy for me, and I can lose myself in it, manipulating the vertex points to come up with designs I could only imagine in my mind before. Then when I get it translated into .dat form, and see it in the game, it makes me all the more excited to build another, and another, etc......
That's about all I can do, though. I can make player useable ships all day long, especially if there aren't any tricky quaternion things on them. They die on the drawing board when it comes time to write script, and AIs for them, though, even though I know exactly how I would like them to behave. Oh well, enough said. Thanks to all for helping me get that aft laser problem figured. I still can't hardly believe that it came down to a missing letter "i". Sheesh!