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Q-Charger v1.21 - NPC version
Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 10:10 pm
by Norby
I made a
new version which capable to Q-Charge the NPCs.
The goal was that the
ShipVersion OXP can award it to the enemy also.

Re: (NEW RELEASE) Q-Chargerv1.2.oxp
Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 1:33 pm
by Astrobe
FYI the link on the wiki for version 1.23 is wrong/dead.
Re: (NEW RELEASE) Q-Chargerv1.2.oxp
Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 5:33 pm
by Norby
Fixed, thank you!
Re: (NEW RELEASE) Q-Chargerv1.2.oxp
Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 2:46 am
by vsfc
Hi Commanders,
I am running 1.79 version of oolite, which I build from git trunk from time to time. Through the oxp manager downloaded q-charger oxp and removed other copy from AddOns folder. Q-Charger stopped working. Quick look through the script did not reveal anything at the moment.
For a time as someone will be looking at fixing this problem I have a suggestion to make this equipment primable to allow pilot to enable / disable Q-Charger. I find it useful for fuel collecting at the 100% speed using fuel collector and not having Q-Charger kick in. Very handy when you are in thargoid space and have no fuel left.
Re: (NEW RELEASE) Q-Chargerv1.2.oxp
Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 2:56 am
by vsfc
Here is a bit more info on this from log file.
../AddOns/ZygoTraffic V0.5.oxp
12:14:01.142 [shipData.load.begin]: Loading ship data.
12:14:03.098 [script.javaScript.exception.syntaxError]: ***** JavaScript exception (Q-Charger.js.anon-script): SyntaxError: syntax error
12:14:03.098 [script.javaScript.exception.syntaxError]: OOLite/oolite/, line 112: if( Math.floor( ship.entityPersonality / 328 ) + 1 ) >= 60 ) ///exactly as in ShipVersion OXP
12:14:03.100 [script.javaScript.load.failed]: ***** Error loading JavaScript script OOLite/oolite/ -- compilation failed
12:14:03.100 [script.load.notFound]: ***** ERROR: Could not find script file Q-Charger.js.
12:14:04.200 []: Loaded 355 world scripts:
aad-hud_eta 2.1
Altimeter 1.0
Re: (NEW RELEASE) Q-Chargerv1.2.oxp
Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 7:38 am
by Diziet Sma
vsfc wrote:Through the oxp manager downloaded q-charger oxp and removed other copy from AddOns folder. Q-Charger stopped working.
Hmm.. The above is not really clear on the order of the steps taken.. did you remove the OXP version
before you started Oolite and installed the OXZ version?
Or did you install the OXZ first, and
then delete the OXP, either while Oolite was running, or after shutting Oolite down?
Because I could imagine that either of the methods in the second question might break things.
Re: (NEW RELEASE) Q-Chargerv1.2.oxp
Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 8:03 am
by vsfc
Lets say Q-Charger does not work when only oxz version is installed, no AddOns version is there. After oxz install I did shutdown and restarted oolite many times. The log snippet in the my next message shows that there is a syntax error in the code.
Hope this helps.
Re: (NEW RELEASE) Q-Chargerv1.2.oxp
Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 9:12 am
by Norby
Thank you vsfc for the report, I fixed and made your requests in
Q-Charger v1.24.
You should select the "Update expansions list" menu in the manager, then press "More" until the Q-Charger appear under the Equipment category. The light blue color indicate that there is a new version available. Press it and your update is done.

Re: (NEW RELEASE) Q-Chargerv1.2.oxp
Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 9:43 am
by Digital86
Hi Commanders!
Readme Q-Chargerv1.23.txt wrote:The Q-Charger kicks in when the throttle is set over 95% maximum. The speed will be maintained at a steady 2x ship max speed until it is kicked off by lowering the throttle below 95% maximum.
You need to make changes:
The Q-Charger kicks in when the throttle is set 100% maximum and press to 'throttle up'. The speed will be maintained at a steady 2x ship max speed until it is kicked off by lowering the throttle below 100% maximum.
Re: (NEW RELEASE) Q-Chargerv1.2.oxp
Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 10:25 am
by Norby
I think the documentation is correct, following the js code:
Code: Select all
if(ship.speed > ship.maxSpeed * 0.95) ...
The default setting is enabled what you can disable if you prime and activate Q-Charger, so you do not need to press anything except if you disabled it first.
Re: (NEW RELEASE) Q-Chargerv1.2.oxp
Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 12:02 pm
by Astrobe
I think throttle setting and speed are two distinct things. One can see it when disabling witchdrive injectors: there is a deceleration time during which your speed is higher than your throttle setting indicates. For instance you can adjust a similar test in the BulletDrive OXP, in order to change how early/late you lose/regain control of your ship.
Re: (NEW RELEASE) Q-Chargerv1.2.oxp
Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 12:03 pm
by Digital86
I do not need by default! I need to make myself included, press to "throttle up"
Re: (NEW RELEASE) Q-Chargerv1.2.oxp
Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 12:42 pm
by Norby
You can disable by default if you change the word "true" to "false" in the 63. line in Scripts/Q-Charger.js (you can use wordpad or anything except notepad which break js scripts):
I can not make a button which similar with
Injectors and operate until pressed down only.
We have a switch only what you can turn on/off after you selected Q-Charger in the primeable list by pressing Shift+N a few times. When this equipment is primed then you can use the "n" key to flip the switch.
Re: (NEW RELEASE) Q-Chargerv1.2.oxp
Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 1:27 pm
by Digital86
I am sorry you can't make double push on "throttle up"
Option "shift + n" - is not suitable
Re: (NEW RELEASE) Q-Chargerv1.2.oxp
Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 6:22 pm
by Digital86
Hi, everybody.
Change of speed happens jump.
It is possible to make to be accelerated and be slowed down smoothly?
Otherwise it is possible to break a neck