According to Svengali, you should be able to drag and drop the file you wish to convert onto the script, and it will do the conversion, even saving the new file into the same folder as the original xml plist.JazHaz wrote:EDIT: also tried dragging and dropping the .py file onto python.exe, tried executing the .py file too.
Converting XML plists to the old NeXTSTEP (ASCII) format
Moderators: winston, another_commander
- Diziet Sma
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Re: Converting XML plists to the old NeXTSTEP (ASCII) format
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
Re: Converting XML plists to the old NeXTSTEP (ASCII) format
Yep. The new file gets "-ns" as suffix, so it won't override the original one. The dropping will only work if the Pathes are set (usually Python does it on it's own when the installer is used).Diziet Sma wrote:According to Svengali, you should be able to drag and drop the file you wish to convert onto the script, and it will do the conversion, even saving the new file into the same folder as the original xml plist.
Re: Converting XML plists to the old NeXTSTEP (ASCII) format
Usually I wouldn't have posted the script, because I think that we don't need multiple versions. Commander Jettisons script works well and the tweaked version only changes a very minor thing and is just my personal preference. And you have already made a 'Linux' version for it .-)GGShinobi wrote:But what I like is that Svengali uses spaces instead of tabs!Diziet Sma wrote:I'd like to formally nominate Svengali's version of the script for inclusion as the new official version. How say ye?so I think I equally like both versions!
btw: The script uses tabs, like the orginal script. All I've changed is the handling of quotes to get rid of them for keynames in the sublevels (e.g. role). Parent keynames (like entity identifiers) always get quotes. The exceptions are keynames which are containing a minus (e.g. escort-ship) or keynames with a dot (e.g. filenames). Together with the colorscheme it gives a good overview about outdated keynames, mistakes, or simply a warning to check things.

PS: Nonsensical comment -> should be escort_role .-)
Re: Converting XML plists to the old NeXTSTEP (ASCII) format
I pressed "quote", copy-pasted the whole text into a console with vim running (in paste-mode (:set paste)) and got rid of the "quote"-tags and so...Diziet Sma wrote:Weird.. how did you create your copy? I copy/pasted into Geany, saved it, and it ran fine.. (but now I think about it, I've set Geany to auto-strip CR characters from line endings..GGShinobi wrote:I had a little problem with Svengali's version:So I had to resolve it by runningCode: Select all
bash: ./ /usr/bin/python^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
Code: Select all
Really? Then it seems that the tabs are being converted by the bulletin board to spaces when one presses "quote". I just double checked it, I get spaces.Svengali wrote:btw: The script uses tabs, like the orginal script.
Hmm, sounds and looks reasonable. But I haven't decided yet which version I prefer (I have used them only for one test yet), so I won't vote on this. At the moment, I like both equallySvengali wrote:All I've changed is the handling of quotes to get rid of them for keynames in the sublevels (e.g. role). Parent keynames (like entity identifiers) always get quotes. The exceptions are keynames which are containing a minus (e.g. escort-ship) or keynames with a dot (e.g. filenames). Together with the colorscheme it gives a good overview about outdated keynames, mistakes, or simply a warning to check things.

EDIT: I've now used both versions and it seems that vim likes the Svengali-version more: the syntax is properly highlighted there. Unfortunately, not so with the other version.

忍 knowing that enough is enough, you'll always have enough.
Running Oolite 1.77 on Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS
Running Oolite 1.77 on Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS
- Diziet Sma
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Re: Converting XML plists to the old NeXTSTEP (ASCII) format
In the course of using this to convert the Q-Bomb Detector equipment.plist in readiness for 1.79, I found that since I have Python 2.7 and Python 3.3 installed, (not uncommon in many Linux machines these days) I was getting error messages when trying to run the script.
Some quick google-fu turned up two solutions:
Some quick google-fu turned up two solutions:
I've now edited the Linux version of the script in the Wiki page using the first method, to automatically force use of Python 2 in multi-Python systems.Python 2 will happily run alongside Python 3. You need to specify python2 in order to run this version.
Any program requiring Python 2 needs to point to /usr/bin/python2, instead of /usr/bin/python, which points to Python 3.
To do so, open the program or script in a text editor and change the first line.
The line will show one of the following:
orCode: Select all
#!/usr/bin/env python
In both cases, just change python to python2 and the program will then use Python 2 instead of Python 3.Code: Select all
Another way to force the use of python2 without altering the scripts is to call it explicitely with python2, i.e.
Code: Select all
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
Re: Converting XML plists to the old NeXTSTEP (ASCII) format
That is going to vary between distributions, I think. My system (Debian stable) has available "python", "python2.6" and "python2.7", with "python" being a symlink to "python2.7", which is not quite the same arrangement as ArchLinux.Diziet Sma wrote:I've now edited the Linux version of the script in the Wiki page using the first method, to automatically force use of Python 2 in multi-Python systems.
I'm not sure if there is a solution that works everywhere, though, and at least that change makes it clear it's a python2 script.
- Diziet Sma
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- Location: Aboard the Pitviper S.E. "Blackwidow"
Re: Converting XML plists to the old NeXTSTEP (ASCII) format
Well mostly, that's just where I first found the info, and I've learned that Arch links tend to have the best-informed and clearest explanations & solutions to many Linux problems..
In fact, I haven't fired up my Arch partition for a couple of weeks.. I have those two versions installed in my Mint partition.. 2.7 is for Oolite-related things, and 3.3 is because I'm teaching myself Python in preparation for making some iPhone/Android apps.
In fact, I haven't fired up my Arch partition for a couple of weeks.. I have those two versions installed in my Mint partition.. 2.7 is for Oolite-related things, and 3.3 is because I'm teaching myself Python in preparation for making some iPhone/Android apps.
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
Re: Converting XML plists to the old NeXTSTEP (ASCII) format
Oh ... hang on. I may not have been clear enough here. Oolite 1.79 will still be able to read XML format plists. The only case where Openstep is required is when sending me a manifest.plist to add to the index, and that's only because the index needs to be in one format or the other, and I haven't got automatic conversion between the two set up yet.Diziet Sma wrote:In the course of using this to convert the Q-Bomb Detector equipment.plist in readiness for 1.79
- Diziet Sma
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- Location: Aboard the Pitviper S.E. "Blackwidow"
Re: Converting XML plists to the old NeXTSTEP (ASCII) format
Ahh.. I wasn't quite clear enough either.. it had been on my mind for a while to make the change anyway.. (future-proofing, and all that.. not to mention being easier to read), and making an OXZ version was enough motivation to kill two birds with one stone..cim wrote:Oh ... hang on. I may not have been clear enough here. Oolite 1.79 will still be able to read XML format plistsDiziet Sma wrote:In the course of using this to convert the Q-Bomb Detector equipment.plist in readiness for 1.79
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
- Average
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Re: Converting XML plists to the old NeXTSTEP (ASCII) format
Suddenly realised that this old script still gets some use. So, after a long hiatus, I updated it to work with Python 3. Actually, since the script is so basic, the very first version from the top post probably could be run by Python 3 unchanged.
While being at this, I also incorporated the change by Svengali (many thanks!) and made some other cosmetic changes. Python 2 interpreters should still be able to run the script correctly as long as the input data is in ASCII. Actually, I had the code to make it fully compatible with Python 2, but at the last minute decided against applying it to keep things simple: it would require the Python 2 users to install an additional module.
Here is the new version:
Should I replace the old one on I'll also strip the CR characters before uploading this time, promise.
While being at this, I also incorporated the change by Svengali (many thanks!) and made some other cosmetic changes. Python 2 interpreters should still be able to run the script correctly as long as the input data is in ASCII. Actually, I had the code to make it fully compatible with Python 2, but at the last minute decided against applying it to keep things simple: it would require the Python 2 users to install an additional module.
Here is the new version:
Code: Select all
'''Convert plist from XML to OpenStep format'''
# Version: 2
# Changes:
# * convert to Python 3 retaining some Python 2 compatibility
# * quote strings less (thanks to Svengali)
# * optimize handling of lists: make the 1st item special, not the last one
# * more comments
# * assorted cosmetic changes
import sys
# this script requires at least Python 2.6
assert sys.version_info >= (2, 6)
import re
from plistlib import readPlist # using deprecated method to retain
# compatibility with Python 2
# Change these as needed.
# plist file name can also be passed as parameter on command line
FILENAME = 'shipyard.plist' # name of the plist file to be converted
NEWSUFFIX = '-ns' # added to FILENAME to produce output file name
NONWORD = re.compile(r'\W') # if keys contain this pattern, they'll be
# put in quotes (the keys on the outmost
# level are always quoted)
def write_dict(fs, dct, lvl):
'''Writes dictionary into plist file fs. Recursion as needed'''
for k, v in sorted(dct.items()):
q = '"' if lvl == 0 or else ''
fs.write((lvl+1)*'\t'+'{quote}{key}{quote} = '.format(
quote=q, key=k))
if isinstance(v, list):
write_list(fs, v, lvl+1)
elif isinstance(v, dict):
write_dict(fs, v, lvl+1)
q = '"' if isinstance(v, str) else ''
val=v if not isinstance(v, bool) else 'yes' if v else 'no'))
def write_list(fs, lst, lvl):
'''Writes list as array into plist file fs. Recursion as needed'''
first = True
for i in lst:
if first:
first = False
fs.write('\n' + (lvl+1)*'\t')
if isinstance(i, list):
write_list(fs, i, lvl+1)
elif isinstance(i, dict):
write_dict(fs, i, lvl+1)
q = '"' if isinstance(i, str) else ''
quote=q, item=i))
fs.write('\n' + lvl*'\t' + ')')
def main(args):
'''Main conversion routine'''
# Either get the plist file name from command line or use the default
filename = args[0] if args else FILENAME
# Intentionally using deprecated API to retain compatibility with Python 2
pl = readPlist(filename)
level = 0
with open(filename + NEWSUFFIX, 'w') as f:
if isinstance(pl, list):
write_list(f, pl, level)
elif isinstance(pl, dict):
write_dict(f, pl, level)
f.write('// Parsing error!')
if __name__ == '__main__':

Re: Converting XML plists to the old NeXTSTEP (ASCII) format
Maybe just add a link for Python3 version, so Python2 users don't scream and Python3 users can get up & running faster!Should I replace the old one on

"Better to be thought a fool, boy, than to open your trap and remove all doubt." - Grandma [over time, just "Shut your trap... fool"]
"The only stupid questions are the ones you fail to ask." - Dad
How do I...? Nevermind.
"The only stupid questions are the ones you fail to ask." - Dad
How do I...? Nevermind.
Re: Converting XML plists to the old NeXTSTEP (ASCII) format
Have the .plist format rules changed Jan/2014?
I've added this script to one I'm writing (to generate effectdata.plist files) and get errors due to missing semi-colons in the output. I've gotten
when lacking one at the end of a ship definition, and even
when missing ';' at the end of lists or dictionaries!
The wiki documentation is inconsistent about this, so, I just add a ';' after every closing brace/bracket:
and the parser is much happier.
I've added this script to one I'm writing (to generate effectdata.plist files) and get errors due to missing semi-colons in the output. I've gotten
Code: Select all
20:31:25.268 [plist.parse.failed]: Failed to parse Resources/Config/shipdata.plist as a property list.
Parse failed at line 58 (char 2205) - unexpected character (wanted ';' or '}')
Code: Select all
21:31:38.971 [startup.exception]: ***** Unhandled exception during startup: NSInvalidArgumentException (Tried to add nil value for key 'food' to dictionary).
The wiki documentation is inconsistent about this, so, I just add a ';' after every closing brace/bracket:
Code: Select all
def write_dict(fs, dct, lvl):
# added semi-colon ^ after closing brace
def write_list(fs, lst, lvl):
fs.write('\n' + lvl*'\t' + ');')
# added semi-colon ^ after closing bracket
"Better to be thought a fool, boy, than to open your trap and remove all doubt." - Grandma [over time, just "Shut your trap... fool"]
"The only stupid questions are the ones you fail to ask." - Dad
How do I...? Nevermind.
"The only stupid questions are the ones you fail to ask." - Dad
How do I...? Nevermind.
- hiran
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Re: Converting XML plists to the old NeXTSTEP (ASCII) format
From an XML point of view the format is very generic and thus quite error prone - in writing and parsing.
I believe if XML support shall further be supported it would make sense to properly design the grammar and document that in an XSD.
Until that happens XML could still be understood by Oolite but marked as 'discouraged' or 'deprecated'.
I was novice enough to extend the wiki a bit with XML structure information but now believe I better had not...
I believe if XML support shall further be supported it would make sense to properly design the grammar and document that in an XSD.
Until that happens XML could still be understood by Oolite but marked as 'discouraged' or 'deprecated'.
I was novice enough to extend the wiki a bit with XML structure information but now believe I better had not...
Sunshine - Moonlight - Good Times - Oolite