Galactic Navy Strikes Back

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Re: Galactic Navy Strikes Back

Post by Cholmondely »

Any chance somebody could tell me what is wrong with this oxp? What actually needs fixing?

Is it updating the AIs? Or something to do with the markets?

Or is it not actually broken at all?
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Re: Galactic Navy Strikes Back

Post by Cody »

Cholmondely wrote: Sun Aug 15, 2021 11:13 am
Any chance somebody could tell me what is wrong with this oxp?
The Witchspace Lobster doesn't like it!
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Re: Galactic Navy Strikes Back

Post by montana05 »

Cody wrote: Sun Aug 15, 2021 11:23 am
Cholmondely wrote: Sun Aug 15, 2021 11:13 am
Any chance somebody could tell me what is wrong with this oxp?
The Witchspace Lobster doesn't like it!
Besides that, only an update of the market is required. As discussed before, an override would do the trick. All other problems I know of are not really affecting the game play.
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Re: Galactic Navy Strikes Back

Post by Cholmondely »

montana05 wrote: Sun Aug 15, 2021 11:35 am
Cody wrote: Sun Aug 15, 2021 11:23 am
Cholmondely wrote: Sun Aug 15, 2021 11:13 am
Any chance somebody could tell me what is wrong with this oxp?
The Witchspace Lobster doesn't like it!
Besides that, only an update of the market is required. As discussed before, an override would do the trick. All other problems I know of are not really affecting the game play.
So, the market worked on my picky, choosy awkward AppleMac (after I deleted all those .0's).

Every market was empty, but the GN would buy from me. I understand that this is the expected behaviour. The Navy does not sell, but does buy what it needs. The prices did not duplicate the main orbital, and did make sense.

I did not, however, check to see if they would not buy things that they would not want. Furs?

Umm... why does the Witchspace Lobster not like it? Are the GN lobsters all heretics?
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Re: Galactic Navy Strikes Back

Post by montana05 »

Cholmondely wrote: Sun Aug 15, 2021 11:40 am
montana05 wrote: Sun Aug 15, 2021 11:35 am
Cody wrote: Sun Aug 15, 2021 11:23 am
The Witchspace Lobster doesn't like it!
Besides that, only an update of the market is required. As discussed before, an override would do the trick. All other problems I know of are not really affecting the game play.
So, the market worked on my picky, choosy awkward AppleMac (after I deleted all those .0's).

Every market was empty, but the GN would buy from me. I understand that this is the expected behaviour. The Navy does not sell, but does buy what it needs. The prices did not duplicate the main orbital, and did make sense.

I did not, however, check to see if they would not buy things that they would not want. Furs?
GN is using the old standard of the market. I am sure you can recall our small discussion some time ago about the market for navy stations. Following the training of spara you can add with an override a new market to the stations, beware there are more of them in the shipdata.plist.

A quick conclusio (please add/correct if I am wrong):

The major problem is still the missing license. The AI's could use a brush-up, same for the scripts. The OXP would require a converting of the code. The update of the ships and stations is strongly recommended (package exists).

Does it affect the game play much ? I don't think so. Once in a while you have Thargoids shooting at each other, just call it a feature, not a bug. :wink:
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Re: Galactic Navy Strikes Back

Post by Cholmondely »

montana05 wrote: Sun Aug 15, 2021 11:45 am
Cholmondely wrote: Sun Aug 15, 2021 11:40 am
montana05 wrote: Sun Aug 15, 2021 11:35 am

Besides that, only an update of the market is required. As discussed before, an override would do the trick. All other problems I know of are not really affecting the game play.
So, the market worked on my picky, choosy awkward AppleMac (after I deleted all those .0's).

Every market was empty, but the GN would buy from me. I understand that this is the expected behaviour. The Navy does not sell, but does buy what it needs. The prices did not duplicate the main orbital, and did make sense.

I did not, however, check to see if they would not buy things that they would not want. Furs?
GN is using the old standard of the market. I am sure you can recall our small discussion some time ago about the market for navy stations. Following the training of spara you can add with an override a new market to the stations, beware there are more of them in the shipdata.plist.

A quick conclusion (please add/correct if I am wrong):

The major problem is still the missing license. The AI's could use a brush-up, same for the scripts. The OXP would require a converting of the code. The update of the ships and stations is strongly recommended (package exists).

Does it affect the game play much ? I don't think so. Once in a while you have Thargoids shooting at each other, just call it a feature, not a bug. :wink:
1) the old pre-1.82 market script does work on my Mac. Why? Is it that the Legacy script is inherent for the AppleMac but not to other computers, so it works for me but not for you? The only thing about old markets that does not work is where the pre- 1.82 versions of Oolite install a market without needing it specified (not the case here - the market is specified). Non-specification in oxp's now results in an empty market (I hope that what I've just written makes sense!). So I don't see that my Mac needs a market override for the Navy.

On the other hand, Sothis, Nuit, Biosphere, Mandotech's shipyard etc do need an override, as their markets are not only empty, but the prices for everything are 0 and they will not buy anything. They look like the GN markets, which being naval bases have nothing to sell - maybe this could be tweaked so that they sell off radioactive waste - but then again, they probably have a use for the waste.

2) When I start off with a new Jameson, I almost always fly to Zaonce, and then to Isinor. I then build myself up on the Isinor-Tionisla milk-run. The dangerous bit of this milk-run is arrival at Tionisla where I sometimes get scragged by pirates (if they are not already busy beating up on somebody else!). Galactic Navy totally changes this: Isinor becomes a Sector Command base with a naval flotilla around the naval base - and another at the witchpoint (waiting for the Thargies?). I've just been trying out Phkb's Ship Configuration oxp, so I've a new avatar. I arrived at the Witchpoint 3 times. The first time I was set upon by pirates who were immediately set upon by the Galactic Navy! A truly heartwarming sight if ever there was one! Makes you want to run and buy loyalty bonds if you had any dosh to do so! The second time, they were just sitting there, pootling around. The third time, there was a battle royal going on between the Navy and the McNasties! I know it's just Isinor - but it is my principal milkrun, and for me it does make a major difference!

Sorry to be a bore - but when you run GN on your very own non-Apple Babbage Analytical Difference engine, what is wrong with your markets?
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Re: Galactic Navy Strikes Back

Post by montana05 »

Cholmondely wrote: Thu Aug 19, 2021 9:34 am
Sorry to be a bore - but when you run GN on your very own non-Apple Babbage Analytical Difference engine, what is wrong with your markets?
Well, let me rephrase please, the market isn't working as originally from the author intended. To give you more details, I need to visit a navy station first, have a look at the market and check with the code. My only purpose to visit this stations is to get a new mission and, sometimes, buy equipment, so I believe I didn't open the market for years. :oops:
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