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Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous - Kickstarter!

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 8:18 pm
by Shipbuilder
I think that he actually crashes in to an asteroid rather than being hit :lol:

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous - Kickstarter!

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 12:48 am
by DaddyHoggy
drew wrote:
That dev is a lousy shot though, I'd have got him halfway through the vid. :lol: :twisted:


DB says Igor is taking it easy on him to give him a chance to talk.

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous - Kickstarter!

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 10:07 am
by Gimi
DaddyHoggy wrote:
drew wrote:
That dev is a lousy shot though, I'd have got him halfway through the vid. :lol: :twisted:
DB says Igor is taking it easy on him to give him a chance to talk.
But it's much more fun to forget about that bit, and then have something fun to chat about. :twisted:

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous - Kickstarter!

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 12:01 pm
by Disembodied
drew wrote:
Reminds me of a scene in Incursio where Rebecca and Coyote are duelling. Even if it is newtonian, it doesn't 'feel' newtonian.
I'm definitely relieved to see that. And I like that they seem to be just pitching and rolling, too, with none of this "yaw" nonsense! ;)

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous - Kickstarter!

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:05 pm
by Griff
The combat (even in this early test version) does look like a lot of fun! I wonder if there'll be an option to switch off your main engines so you can keep drifting in one direction whilst turning to point in another, might just be newton-ish enough to satisfy everyone!

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous - Kickstarter!

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:10 pm
by Cody
Disembodied wrote:
... with none of this "yaw" nonsense!
<chortles> If I ruled the Ooniverse, there would be no yaw nonsense!

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous - Kickstarter!

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:23 pm
by Smivs
Nothing wrong with yaw! It's not something I use often, but it can be useful, and it's nice to have it available.

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous - Kickstarter!

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:52 pm
by Shipbuilder
Ok - I've finally taken the plunge and pledged at the £60 level.

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous - Kickstarter!

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 7:34 pm
by Wolfwood
Some of my thoughts and expectations: ... erous.html

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous - Kickstarter!

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 8:11 am
by Diziet Sma
Smivs wrote:
Nothing wrong with yaw! It's not something I use often, but it can be useful, and it's nice to have it available.
Yep.. when running from a horde of pirates, with drained shields, yawing side to side as you go is often the best way to prevent them from getting a bead on you. Pitching and rolling they seem to have no trouble adjusting their aim for, but yawing.. :mrgreen:

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous - Kickstarter!

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 9:44 am
by Selezen
After that video, I'm actually feeling quite positive about the game again. The physics look OK, the graphics look OK and there seem to be a fair few options for weaponry and gameplay. They do seem obsessed with asteroids though.

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous - Kickstarter!

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 9:51 am
by Diziet Sma
Selezen wrote:
They do seem obsessed with asteroids though.
I had the impression the asteroids were part of a planetary ring.. would explain why the field was so big.. besides which, a chase through an asteroid field is exciting! Reason enough to do it.. :mrgreen:

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous - Kickstarter!

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 9:51 am
by Disembodied
Selezen wrote:
They do seem obsessed with asteroids though.
I think it's just a quick and easy way of showing off how the game can handle multiple unique entities. It's the same in the Limit Theory video: lots of dust and asteroids (although Josh Parnell does state that most systems will not be like this: he just likes the effect).

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous - Kickstarter!

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 11:23 pm
by Corbeau
Can someone repeat the link to that Kickstarter graph that shows pledged money by day? Can't find it anymore.

Re: David Braben's Elite: Dangerous - Kickstarter!

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 11:25 pm
by Gimi
Corbeau wrote:
Can someone repeat the link to that Kickstarter graph that shows pledged money by day? Can't find it anymore. ... hart-daily