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Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:00 pm
by LittleBear
For 1.375 onwards the Sector where the Mark is lurking is shown on the BB Page offering the hit, eg "Pest Controller Required (North West Sector)", so as long as you chose a hit in the same Sector of the Galactic Chart as yourself, it'll be within 4 to 5 jumps. Basically, flip through the board 'till you find a local one. :wink: 1.4 will do this for all Galaxies, but ATM the feature is only turned on for Gs 1 - 4.

@Griff. Yep for 1.4 all the Old Ships / New Ships models in the pool of ships used by RH are switched to the SimonB versions. (The Gravestone Model is from the Orbital Graveyard - used only behind certain briefing screens rather than in space.)

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 3:02 am
by _ds_
LittleBear wrote:
@Griff. Yep for 1.4 all the Old Ships / New Ships models in the pool of ships used by RH are switched to the SimonB versions. (The Gravestone Model is from the Orbital Graveyard - used only behind certain briefing screens rather than in space.)
Then I for one will either remove this OXP or fork it.

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:20 pm
by Screet

it would be really great if the problem of the bars targetting the player for a brief amount of time could be solved.

I had a very good time bounty hunting...and almost my cargo hold filled with their cargo. I thought a new contract would be nice and did head for the bar. Bad idea. The torus drive brought me very close and during the targetting practice of the bar, my turrets returned fire - with the result of me becoming a fugitive *GRRR*

OK, surely not an every day incident, but also not too nice. Looks like more troubles for turreted ships than just fuel-station-traps...


Q-Bombed in Seedy Space Bar!?!

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 11:40 am
by Diziet Sma
I'm having a blast with my new career as a bounty hunter... this is a great oxp, but I've run into something I thought couldn't happen..

I dropped in on a SSB to pick up my next mission, as usual there was a bit of fun going on with a Thargoid, who didn't last long under my lasers, after which I proceeded to dock.

Whilst auto-docking was in progress I noticed a lot of what looked like laser fire hitting the SSB, however no hostiles showed on my scanner and the SSB wasn't returning fire, so I decided to ignore it and carried on docking.

As I browsed the notice board I heard ECM's going off two or three times. 'Must be a bit of a bun-fight going on outside' I thought, 'hope they leave some for me...'. I'd just decided on a nice juicy contract close by, and was about to accept it, when all of a sudden up pops the spacebar message... a moment later I see the all-too-familiar expanding blue sphere of a Q-Mine detonation spreading across my screen. Clearly, somebody outside got carried away, and took out the SSB, with me inside!

The thing is, according to the Wiki, "Criminal Commanders should however exercise caution in the vicinity of a Space Bar. In addition to their weapons systems, bars are defended by a group of Sentinel Satellites. These devices perform a dual function. Firstly, they will detect and disarm any active Q-Mines, frying the mine’s computer circuitry with an EMP burst before it can detonate."

So uhhh.. how come I died? Has anybody else had this happen?

Re: Q-Bombed in Seedy Space Bar!?!

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 11:43 am
by Screet
Diziet Sma wrote:
I'd just decided on a nice juicy contract close by, and was about to accept it, when all of a sudden up pops the spacebar message... a moment later I see the all-too-familiar expanding blue sphere of a Q-Mine detonation spreading across my screen. Clearly, somebody outside got too carried away, and took out the SSB, with me inside!
I had that once with Thargoids outside.

However, it could be that you were sitting in the bar that turned hostile upon me! When my turrets switched on, I became fugitive and launched two cascade missiles at the bar, ending that horrible episode for both of us ;)


Re: Q-Bombed in Seedy Space Bar!?!

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 11:49 am
by Diziet Sma
Screet wrote:

I had that once with Thargoids outside.

However, it could be that you were sitting in the bar that turned hostile upon me! When my turrets switched on, I became fugitive and launched two cascade missiles at the bar, ending that horrible episode for both of us ;)

TWO cascade missiles ??? Damn! does the term 'overkill' mean anything to you? :lol:

In hindsight, I think it must have been you... it DID look like there were two blue spheres at one point...

Edit to add:
Now I think about it, is it possible that the sentinel satellites guarding the SSB don't recognise cascade missiles, seeing as they're an oxp item? I also have the missiles and bombs oxp installed, so maybe some pirate had equipped himself with one, and decided to try out his new toy...

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 12:44 pm
by LittleBear
They will detect the Cascade Missiles as well as q mines, but the defence network is not perfect as sometimes they fail to pick them up in time. I've strengthed it a bit for 1.4, but sometimes a mine or missile can slip though. :wink:

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 12:55 am
by Nemoricus
I've been playing Oolite with Random Hits for a while now, and I must say that it really adds on to the gameplay. I like how it forces you to move around the galaxy. It helps keep things interesting.

That said, the difference between in the difficulty of the first and second tier missions might be a bit too big. You go from one target in a poor ship to a target with a pretty good ship with multiple escorts. This just seems somewhat excessive. However, since I haven't played third tier missions yet, my impression may be skewed.

However, it would be interesting to see more variety in the targets at each level. First tier targets might come with a pair of average escorts every once in a while, and a second tier target may be a very tough ship with few or no escorts.

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 5:45 pm
by Screet

I've found a little odd thing: In G3 / Ordiesat there's "The Colonial's Rest". I did find a GalMine Hopper, but there were no satellites and no rocks around the station, thus nothing to mine. It's also reproducible among different visits to that system.


Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 10:59 am
by LittleBear
Thanks. Confirmed and fixed. A missing - sign in script ment that although the machines and asteroids were being added they were being added in the wrong place! :wink:

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 6:26 pm
by Nemoricus
I just did a few third tier missions, and they look no different than second tier. This explains why the jump from first to second was so big.

Targets for second tier shouldn't be so hard. Maybe a moderate ship with several decent escorts or a good ship with few escorts would be a better set-up.

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 9:50 am
by Capt. Slog
A lot written about 1.4. When will it become available? I'm looking forward to being able to guage how far I need to travel.

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 12:34 am
by Capt. Slog
If it'll help I'll take a test version and help test it.

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 9:30 am
by LittleBear
Sorry about the delay. The reason has been that 1.4 adds a Criminal Hatred Factor, which in turn generates occasional special in-system missions. I've also had to re-write all the AIs to get better Hunter / Criminal interaction. ATM this is whats done :- 1) Re-Write of Random Generator, 2) Hunter and Bar AIs rewritten. 3) Patrol AIs for special criminals and hunters, 4) Invite to join the Special Operations Group, 5) 2 types of special in system missions (Defend the Bar from Organised Crime attack and increased in-system Thargoid Activety). Still to do are :- 1) Add 4 more types of in-system mission. 2) Re-write the Marks AIs (they work, but they still sometimes crash into other ships), 3) Add the Special Easter Egg Mission, 4) Add code to calculate the Marks sector position for Gs 5 - 8. I'll get a new beta up over the weekend.

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 10:08 am
by Nemoricus
Ah, wonderful news. I look forward to testing it.

Are you going to do anything about the second tier missions?