"The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoot"

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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Malacandra »

Paradox wrote:
Malacandra wrote:
It's amazing what can happen to a story just because you have been listening to the Tannhäuser Overture and want an excuse to drag it in...
LOL! Wasn't that the music they used for Elmer Fudd to "Kill the wabbit"

"...I'll use me speaw and magic helmet!"
Yes, What's Opera, Doc - the Tannhäuser theme is the music for the tender love duet "Weturn, my wove" that Elmer sings with Bugs-dressed-as-Brunnhilde, though the story and the rest of the music owes more to Die Walküre IIRC.

Macrae was supposed to be a cultured old spacer who likes antiques, but he seems to have grabbed the script from me and said "Look, if this is a Heinlein knock-off then you need a Jubal Harshaw or a Lazarus Long, and what am I, Scotch mist?". I think I just have to run with it. :lol:
"Sidewinder Precision Pro" and other Oolite fiction is now available for Amazon Kindle at a bargain price.

Sidewinder Precision Pro ||Claymore Mine ||The Russian Creed ||One Jump Ahead

All titles also available in paperback.
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Chapter 34 - Spitfire hits the Big Time.

Post by Paradox »

I think I did better this time. Get the special version HERE, password spitfire. Otherwise, read on!};]

Chapter 34 – Spitfire hits the The Big Time.

We went to the Galcop court sector, and after being shuffled from one bored official to another, we finally turned over the license forms we had been contracted to deliver. Afterwords, we walked around the station and stretched our legs. The shipyard contained nothing more than a rusty little Adder, and an old Cobra MKI. We did find out however, that even though Riveis is just an average agricultural planet, it was also a popular gambling destination, and had a thriving nightlife. Spitfire immediately begged to go down to the planet and check it out. She wanted to shower, and get dressed up, before catching a shuttle, so we headed back to Aria.

It took us longer to get ready than we anticipated. No surprise really, when you add two naked people in love, a small, close shower cubicle, hot water, and a bar of soap!

I put on my black jeans and a nice black button up shirt. Spitfire wore her ink-cloud dress. Just seeing her walk into the room wearing that dress, made me want to throw her on the bed and work it off of her again! It was going to be a long night. We caught a shuttle full of retirees and gray hairs, heading for the casinos down on the planet. Once we had landed, we walked out of the spaceport entrance, and stooped dead. Everywhere you looked were casinos! They were jammed in side by side so close it was hard to tell where one stopped and the next began. They towered over us hundreds of feet tall. Flashing, glowing, blinking lights, surrounded us on every side. And the signs... They were everywhere. They advertised everything, from the casinos themselves, to food, alcohol, pawn shops, loan sharks, bail bondsmen, sex, tattoos, you name it! Every vice known to man, was represented here, in glowing, flashing neon. I let Spitfire lead me to wherever she wanted to go. Even in the middle of this crowded, blinking, neon chaos, Spitfire caused people to turn and stare. I gripped her hand just a little tighter. She turned and grinned, and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. Outside one of the multitude of casinos, we encountered a group of bare breasted showgirls. Their costumes consisted of nothing more than, elaborate feather headdresses, micro g-strings, and sky high heels. They were handing out drink coupons and free cred-chips to entice people to come in and gamble in their casino. But when they saw Spitfire's dress, they gave a collective squeal and immediately surrounded us. They had to to admire it, touch it and feel it. They had to know where she got it, and how much it had cost. Three of them offered to buy it from her on the spot, and they started a bidding war. But Spitfire told them that she wouldn't sell it at any price. She cuddled close to my side, and told them it was a gift from me, and that she wanted to keep it forever. That earned us a bunch of aaaw's and oooh's and "that's so romantic"'s.

One of the girls however, a tall gorgeous red-head, took my other arm, and pressed herself up against me. "So what's a girl gotta do, for you to buy her a dress like that?" She purred. I caught Spitfire in mid pounce. The girls laughed and walked back to their post, swinging their assets from side to side, for all they were worth. I set the kicking and cussing Spitfire back down, and coaxed her to continue on down the street. The red-head waved and gave me a smile and a wink. I held tight to Spitfires hand.

She finally picked a casino to go into, the flashing blue neon sign proclaimed it as the Hoopy Casino. The noise and lights, were just as bad inside as they were outside. She had put ten of her own credits on a cred-chip, I was pretty proud of her, for showing that much restraint. Now she wanted to play some of the games. We wandered around the tables and machines, until she found one to try. It was a simple game, almost as old as man himself. Find the pea under the shell. Or in this instance, find the crystal under the force-field. On her her very first try, she won. I wasn't surprised. She lost the next five in a row, and was about to quit, but decided to try one more. She won again. Which of course kept her glued to the machine until she had lost all her remaining credits. I couldn't help but kiss those little pouting lips. The kiss became longer and longer, until we finally broke apart panting. I goosed her little butt to chase her away from the machine, and we headed deeper into the casino. Other rooms joined the main gambling floor, some offered food, some offered exotic floor shows, and some were strip bars. Spitfire pulled me from one to the next. I was busy trying to see everything, and look everywhere all at once, that I didn't really notice where she was leading me. As we went through another doorway, I thought I saw a sign that blinked "Amateur Night!". It was dark inside, but Spitfire threaded us between tables until we were next to a small stage. It was only a few moments later, when a light cut through the darkness to shine on the stage. And the lone silver pole at it's center.

A pole?! An unseen announcer said, "Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Please welcome our first dancer for this evening, Miss Cherry Nova!" Loud music with a heavy base beat started playing, and a long legged brunette walked on stage, wearing a skimpy little red nightie. She leaped and caught the top of the pole, then wrapped her legs around it. She let go with her hands, bending her back until she hung upside down. Then she slowly slid down the pole. She swung and climbed and ground herself against the pole for a while. Then untied the straps of the red nightie. She let it slide down her body to puddle on the floor. This left her in a little pair of red panties and two red pasties. She shimmied her breasts, and tiny, embedded micro lasers in the pasties, shot red beams of light over the heads of the crowd. People began tossing a few cred-chips on the stage.

I gave Spitfire hand a tug, and motioned towards the exit with my head. But she looked at me with those big gray eyes, and mouthed the word "please?". I shrugged and her smile went ear to ear. Then her attention returned to the dancer on stage. She was spinning around the pole again, and I couldn't help but admire the strength and gymnastic skills she demonstrated. She was also a pretty good contortionist as well. More cred-chips were thrown to her. She slid down the pole again, and once on the floor, off came the pasties. She tossed them out to the people in the crowd. She took a few more turns around the pole, and then her red panties followed, landing squarely on my head. Before I had a chance to move, Spitfire had reached over and snatched them off. Then she set them on the table in front of us. She gave me a look, but then squeezed my hand and looked back to the dancer. She was now completely naked, as she performed a few more tricks on the pole. Then with a flourish, her dance was over. A few more cred-chips bounced on the stage, as people applauded, and the brunette swished through the curtain at the back. The lights lowered again, and a small vac-bot rolled out to gather up the chips.

Then, the unseen voice announced the first amateur for the evening. I looked at Spitfire to see if she was ready to leave, but her eyes were still glued to the stage. I wondered what she found so fascinating in all this. I remembered the story she had told me, about surviving as an orphan. She had hinted, that she had slept with girls as well as guys. Was she here because she..? From the corner of my eye, I watched her face as the next dancer climbed to the stage. This dancer was dressed from head to foot in black. She wore thigh high leather boots with gold chains, and a pair if thin, stretchy, skintight black pants. She also wore a black leather "space-racer" style jacket and cap. As another song began to thump, she began her dance. She ignored the pole in the center, and instead, began to strut around the stage. She removed her cap, and long, raven black hair fell down her back. She tossed her hat to the side, and whipped her long hair forward and back again to the beat of the music. Another strut around the stage, broken up with hip swings and bottom shaking. She unzipped her jacket, holding it slightly open in front of her, and showing just a narrow strip of flesh through the gap. She popped her hips from side to side, and at just the right moment, she flung the jacket open, and let it slide off her arms to the floor. Spitfire leaned forward in her seat. Her lips were parted, and her face, a picture of rapt fascination. The woman's right arm was covered from wrist to shoulder in tattoos. One of which was a beautiful rose vine. It continued from her shoulder, down her chest, wrapping around one breast, before disappearing beneath her pants at her hip. My attention was also riveted now as well. It wasn't the tattoo that caught my eye however, it was the two golden rings that had been revealed. They twinkled in the beam of the spot light, and for some reason, I found them fascinating. I realized that Spitfire was now watching me, but when I looked at her, she just smiled, then turned her attention back to the dancer. The dance was over, when the dancer (an amateur my ass!), turned her back, and pulled her pants down as far as her boots would allow. She was wiggling her bottom at the crowd as the music came to an end. The crowd applauded, and more cred-chips were thrown.

Just then, Miss Cherry Nova stopped in front of our table. She looked at me and motioned at the red panties she had thrown. But it was Spitfire who took them from the table, and handed them back to her. She gave Spitfire a long look, her eyes opening wide as she took in her dress. Then she grabbed an empty chair, and set it next to her. She leaned close to Spitfire so she could talk to her. I couldn't make out a word over the noise of the music and the crowd, but I figured it was probably about Spitfire's dress again. I saw Spitfire laugh and nod at whatever Miss Nova was telling her. They talked back and forth during the entire next performance. It was another amateur dancer, but I was more curious about the conversation beside me, than the dancer on stage. That act was almost over when Spitfire leaned over to me, and shouted in my ear, "STAY HERE, DO. NOT. MOVE!" She kissed me, then gave me a look that said, I had better do as she said! Then, to my astonishment, they both got up an left! Spitfire following Miss Nova through a door at the side.

WHAT THE HELL??? I sat there completely confused, and somewhat concerned as well. It wasn't that I thought they were going back there to... No. I knew Spitfire wouldn't do that. But what was this all about then? The next act was another "pro", but I hardly noticed. My eyes were glued to that side door. My own insecurities began to prey upon me. Spitfire was far more open and casual about sex than I was, although I was trying to loosen up. Occasionally, while walking around various space stations, she would point out other females as well as males, who she thought were "hot" or "sexy". I never really thought much of it though. But I knew her! She wouldn't do anything while I was sitting right here!

Would she? No!..?

The act ended, but I had no idea who, or what, had just been on stage. All the stage lights were suddenly turned off. The only light to see by now, were the holo-candles on each of the tables. Then, even those were extinguished, plunging the room into almost total darkness. All except the holo-candle in front of me. I glanced around the room, wondering what was happening, but it was a total sea of blackness. Then, music began to play. It was a soft, haunting melody, almost classical in nature. The crowd had become silent, wondering, as did I, what was happening. A soft beam of bluish white light, began to glow from above and behind me. It concentrated upon an object on stage. It's tightly focused beam, illuminated a thatch of platinum white hair. I gasped. Spitfire slowly raised her head, those huge gray eyes, luminous in the light. Darkness concealed everything but her face. She moved only her eyes, peering around the room as though searching for something. Then they focused on me. Looking into my eyes, she smiled a slow, sensual smile. The beam of light expanded, revealing her shoulders, and upper chest. She brought her arms up into the light, weaving her hands in and out around her face, peeking at me playfully through her fingers. She closed her eyes, and tilted her head back. Then ran her fingers through her hair, before trailing them down the sides of her face and then her neck. She lifted her head, her hair now a glowing halo around her face. Her fingers trailed lower, to her chest, between her breasts. The beam of light expanding to follow them. The ink-cloud dress seemed to be part of the darkness that surrounded her, covering and revealing in turns. The ethereal music wove around Spitfire, as she began to sway back and forth to it. She would occasionally close her eyes as she danced, only to lock them upon mine once again as she opened them. Her hands wove trails in the air, the motions followed by her arms and shoulders. She brought her hands back to her breasts, covering them as if suddenly shy. But then, with another slow, sensuous smile, began running them lower, over her torso. She slid her hands down her sides to her hips, the light expanding again to follow them, as if she were brushing away the darkness from her body. Her entire body was swaying to the music now, in sensuous and erotic gyrations. Yet, not once, had she moved her feet from their original position. Her hands returned to her body, and pressed against her abdomen. She moved them downward, over her tummy and finally, to cover her pelvis. Then, flung her hands wide, as if flinging the darkness away. The light had expanded to completely illuminate her. She stood with her arms straight out to each side, her fingers spread open. Her back was arched and her breasts pushed forward, as though offering herself to my gaze. Her lips were parted and she was breathing hard. Yet still, her gaze was locked onto me. She stood perfectly still, and let the ink-clouds, swirl and roil over her body. Revealing or hiding whatever parts of her they wished. Then the music reached it's climax, and faded away. In silence, the beam of light shrunk to focus on the floor at her feet. Then it slowly began to climb up her body. The inky-clouds, paying hide and peek in it's light. Once it reached her face, she closed her eyes, and bowed her head. The light faded out, returning the room to darkness. The room lights came back up, and Spitfire was gone from the stage. The crowd erupted. Men and women were yelling and whistling, even the other dancers, were clapping and bouncing up and down as they cheered. Cred-chips began to rain on the stage. The little vac-bot was running in mad circles trying to keep up. I stood up as Spitfire appeared at the side door, surrounded by a gaggle of cheering, half naked strippers. She was laughing and blushing, but her eyes were searching for me. I had to fight my way through the crowd to get to her. I grabbed her hand, but people were grabbing and clutching at her, trying to talk to her or get her attention. I finally just muscled in, picked her, and cradled her in my arms. Then carried her through the crowd, toward the door of the bar. People were slapping me on the back, and trying to touch Spitfire, but I just plowed on through. I looked down at her face. Her mouth was open, and she was breathing hard. Her arms were around my neck, and her fingers were clenched in my hair. Her eyes hungry.

I finally made it to the street outside the casino, and I set her back on her feet. She grabbed my hand and began pulling me along. She was almost running, making me stretch my legs a mite to keep up. Then, without warning, she pulled me into a narrow, shadowy recess. She shoved me back against the wall, and ripped my shirt open. Buttons pinged and bounced off the walls to fall spinning on the ground. Crowds of people continued to walk past , but if anyone saw us, or heard us, we never knew. We were far beyond caring. She was damn lucky I hadn’t taken her right there, on that stage!

Some time later, we emerged from the shadows. I was cradling Spitfire again, as I walked on my own unsteady legs, She lay in my arms still twitching and trembling. I looked down at my little pixie, her head resting against my chest, and her little hands inside my open shirt. Her eyes were closed, and there was a very contented smile on her face. I headed back toward the spaceport. We had only gone a block or so, when a large portly man, with a red face, came hurrying up to us. On each side of him were two muscle goons in black sleeveless t-shirts, marked HOOPY CASINO SECURITY. I didn't like the look of this.

“Miss! Miss! I have been searching all over for you! What is your name please?“ Said the portly man.

Spitfire managed to open her eyes, and with a sleepy, sexy smile, she said, “Hunh?”

“Her name's Spitfire. Why, what's it to you?” I asked.

“Oh! Allow me to explain. My name is Percy Bargelutt, I am the entertainment manager for the Hoopy Casino, here on Riveis. I needed to give you this.” Mr. Bargelutt pulled a cred-chip from his pocket, and tried to hand it to me. My hands were full, but Spitfire was starting to regain consciousness, and held her hand out to accept it. “There is a total of over five hundred credits on that chip Miss Spitfire. Those represent the two hundred and fifty credit prize for the Amateur Contest, as well as all credits “donated” by the patrons of the bar.

“Five hundred credits?” Spitfire was now fully conscious as she stared at the cred-chip in her hand.

“A little over. Five hundred and fourteen to be precise.”

“Now Miss Spitfire, or is it Mrs...?”

“It's umm... Miss.” She answered

I didn't like the glance he gave me, or the sudden hint of smile that had appeared on his face. “ Ah, yes well, The other reason I wanted to find you Miss Spitfire, was to offer you a position with the casino. It is rare talent such as yours, that we look for in our entertainers.

Spitfire patted me on the chest, letting me know that she wanted to be put down. She wobbled, so I held onto her, until her legs were able to support her.

“Are you asking me to be a stripper in your Casino Mr. Bargelutt?” She asked.

“Well, that is where you would start of course. However, with your, attributes,” His eyes traveled over her body. I clenched my fist, making my knuckles pop. “I am sure you would advance quite quickly, and believe me when I say, you would also be making a lot of money!”. I grit my teeth,and kept my mouth shut, but I sure did want to punch Mr. Portly in his jowls. If this was something that Spitfire wanted to do, I wouldn't stop her, even though it would shatter my heart. However, I would sure as hell try to talk her out of it

Spitfire leaned against me, and pulled my arm over her shoulder lacing her fingers through mine.. She looked up at me and smiled, then looked back at Mr. Portly. “ Mr. Bargelutt, I'm flattered. But Mr. Black and I are partners in our own business. And I am very VERY happy with that arrangement.”

“Well, yes, of course, I see.” He said, with a sigh, giving me the once over. “Well, if you ever change you mind, Miss Spitfire, please contact me. The offer is open.” He handed her his card. “Good evening Miss Spitfire.” Mr. Portly and his goons headed back toward the casino.

I hugged Spitfire, lifting her off the ground, and kissed her. She had her arms around my neck, and made a little noise of protest when I attempted to set her back down.

“I don't think I can walk yet!” She whimpered, and then she grinned at me. I grinned back, and picked her up again, cradling her in my arms like I had earlier.

“Take me home baby.” She said, as she closed her eyes once more.
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Neelix »

nice imagery :-)

- Neelix
Talaxian Enterprises: [wiki]Vacuum Pump[/wiki] [wiki]Waypoint Here[/wiki]
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Paradox »

Neelix wrote:
nice imagery :-)

- Neelix
Thank you sir!
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Diziet Sma
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Diziet Sma »

Paradox wrote:
Current = ex. And no, no you don't know how much it sucked. I don't know if you have Goodwill stores down there or not. Here, they are where people donate their old clothes and household junk, and then Goodwill sells it. The clientele of these stores is wide ranged, to say the least. But a large portion are low-income or even homeless.

Among other duties, I cleaned the public bathrooms.

Need I go on?

I will anyways.

My second week on the job, I arrived to work to find, that someone had missed the toilet, and taken a dump, on the floor of the women's bathroom. Four days later, some else had left their "deposit" in the men's standing urinal... When I said it was a crap job... I meant it.
To such depths am I lowered.
Yes, we have Goodwill type stores downunder.. and having read the above, yes, I do know how much your job sucked.. I've had that level of job myself in the past..

Very happy for you that the sucky job is now the 'ex-job'!
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
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Chapter 35 - 79Au meets K-9

Post by Paradox »

Chapter 35 - 79Au meets K-9

Spitfire's little stunt last night, combined with the money from her cargo purchases, had netted her 602 credits. And after totaling her net worth this morning, she was currently running and dancing around the ship in near hysteria. “I'm rich! I'm rich! I'm filthy stinking rich!” I heard again, as she ran by the door to our quarters, for the third time. From the bridge to the cargo bay, and back again. Problem was, she hadn't bother to get dressed yet.

I wasn't complaining.

I headed to the bridge, to get some work done. “Morgan! Can I go shopping, please?” Spitfire asked as she ran breathlessly onto the bridge, and leaping into my arms.

“Of course Bee! But I need to get a little work done here first. You ate all our food supplies again, and...”

“Umm, that's okay, I kinda meant shopping by myself anyways. Besides, I thought you didn't like taking me clothes shopping anyways.”

“Well that first time had me feelin' a mite awkward. But things are kinda different now, and I was rather looking forward to takin' you the next time.” I blushed a bit.

Spitfire kissed me. “You can go with me next time Morgan, I promise! I will even let you pick out some of the outfits!” She added, with a suggestive smirk.

I sighed, as I set her on her feet. “Okay, but here's the rules. Rule number one, you take Aria with you.” By this, I meant one of the necklaces that Spitfire had made, that allowed us to talk to Aria and each other, no matter where we were.

“Deal.” She said immediately, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

“Rule number two, no gambling, and you do not blow all of your credits!”

“No gambling, and I'll only take two hundred credits with me.” She countered.

“Two hundred! That's an awful lot of money Spitfire! How about one hundred credits?” As soon as I said it, I saw the smirk on her face. I had the feeling, I had just been outsmarted.

“Deal! She said, before I could re-think what had just happened.

Oh well, it was her money after all. I sighed and continued. “Rule three, you're back before dinner, and you don't bring anything back to the ship, that is going to take up cargo space.” That was actually two rules, but since she had pulled one over on me, I felt justified.

She thought about that one for a moment. “Deal.”

“Rule three, you put on some clothes before you leave.”

She laughed, and put her arms around my neck. She pulled my head down and pressed her mouth to mine in a long, arousing kiss. When we finally came up for air, She sad, a little out of breath, “Spoil sport! But it's a deal.” I smacked her smartly on her cute little bottom. She squealed and raced off to our quarters to get dressed. As she left the bridge, she said. “And maybe if your lucky, I will bring you a surprise!”

Just what I needed, more surprises...

I spent the rest of the day catching up on all the chores and little projects that I had fallen behind on. Life with Spitfire was filled with never ending interruptions. They were pleasant interruptions to be sure, and I wouldn't have it any other way! But it did leave me with quite a list of things to do. I sent a quick vid to Pa and Terra, filling them in on everything that had been happening. I sent in the insurance payment for Aria to the Stars. I inventoried supplies, and ordered replacements for everything we were running short of. I even cleaned the windows on the bridge!

A few hours had passed when,“Captain, Bee wishes to speak to you.” Announced Aria.

“Oh! Sure Aria go ahead.” I said.

I was surprised when the vidscreen came on. I forgot that Aria's chips had video as well as audio. There was Spitfire's face on the screen grinning ear to ear. “Hi baby!” She said, making kisses at the camera.

“Hey honey Bee! What are you up to?” I laughed.

“Just wanted to check in with you. I miss you!”

“I miss you too babe! Thank you for checking in!”

She giggled. “What do you think of this outfit?” She let the camera fall back to her chest. She was evidently in a changing room someplace, and was facing a full length mirror. The dress she had on, flowed from over her right shoulder, across her body, and down her left leg. It left her left shoulder, arm, and breast completely exposed. As well as her right leg, up to her waist.

“I um... I... Ya... Umm...” And so on, I said.

“Thank you! I like it too!” She said, with her most seductive, and evil, pixie grin.

“Okay, just wanted to let you know I as okay. Gonna go, love you baby!” She blew a kiss at the mirror. The vidscreen went black.

A few hours later, I was putting away the last of the delivered supplies in the common room, when Aria announced that Bee had returned. I heard the door swoosh open, but she didn't say anything. “She has on a new outfit, and is waiting for me to turn around to surprise me!” I thought to myself. I smiled as I stood and turned. Spitfire was wearing her usual raggedy little cut-offs and tiny crop top. She was however, holding something in her arms... Something covered in fur.

“Hi baby.” She said, her huge eyes looked worried.

“Umm, hi babe. What is that you're carrying?” I asked cautiously.

“Umm... It's a puppy?” She said.

“A puppy?!”

“Oh Morgan! I found him, and he needs a home, and couldn't just leave him alone in that alley! I promise I will take care of him, and I will pay for his food, and take full responsibility for him! Oh Morgan please?! He's so cute and smart! I will teach...” She brought the little furry thing closer as she pleaded her case.

“But a puppy Bee?!?” I interrupted her. “Where is he going to, you know, “do his business”, when we are in space?”

“I will set something up in the cargo bay Morgan, I promise. I already have an idea. Oh please Morgan. I promise I will be the one to take care of him! He's an orphan just like I was. Pleeeease Morgan?” Her eyes were so serious and pleading.

Ya, it was the orphan line that got me, and she probably knew it. Was I ever going to win an argument with her? Probably not. I knew damn well I was going to let her keep that puppy. I couldn't refuse her anything that I knew she really wanted. But I wasn't ready to let her off the hook just yet... “But Spitfire, what about his shots. Has he had any of his shots yet? And what about grooming...”

“I will take care of it all, I promise! First thing in the morning, I will take him down to the station vet, and make sure he is okay and everything. And I don't think he will need to be groomed because he has such short fur. Please let me keep him Morgan! I will do ANYTHING! Pleeeease!?

That was the line I was waiting for.

I looked at the puppy in her arms. It looked closer to “young dog” than “puppy” really, but not by much. It wasn't very big, and looked to be maybe a small terrier mix. Just a little mutt. “He needs a bath.” I stated.

Spitfire eyes went from pleading to hopeful. “I will go give him one right now. Please Morgan?”

I took her pixie face in my hands and gave her a long kiss. “Have I ever denied you anything you really wanted?” I asked.

“Oh Morgan!!!” She set the dog on the floor and then leaped on me, arms around my neck and legs around my waist. She pressing herself against me as hard as she could, as she kissed me over and over. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!..” She covered my face with kisses before joining her mouth to mine. A minute or so later, our mouths still tasting one another, we heard a tiny growl.

The little pup was standing between my feet, looking back toward the door to the cargo bay, the fur along his back bristling. A carry-all bot appeared, carrying the results of Spitfire spending spree.

We both laughed as I set her back on her feet. She picked up the dog and explained to it, that everything was alright. The little dog gave a single BARK at the bot, then relaxed in her arms. “See Morgan, he's already a good watch dog!” I just smiled and shook my head. She headed toward our quarters, with bot in tow, to put away her purchases and give the dog a bath.

We didn't have a bathtub in our quarters, and I wouldn't let her use one of the guest cabins. Don't want to have guests complaining of allergies, or dog hair in their bathtub! She didn't argue, and simply solved the problem, by taking the little dog into the shower with her. I put out a bowl of water and another with a bit of food, something I figured the dog could eat. I figured that would hold it, till she could buy some dog food. I finished putting away the supplies, and headed for the bridge. A small, dripping wet dog raced out of the door to our quarters. It stopped in front of me, just long enough to give a good shake and spray me with water. Then it ran past me toward the common room. A split second later, a dripping wet Spitfire, barely wearing a tiny towel, appeared as well. She skidded to a stop in the hall, and I pointed behind me toward the common room. I gave her bottom a slap as she ran past in hot pursuit of the dog. I laughed the rest of the way to the bridge.

A few minutes later, I heard the door open behind me. “Thank you for putting out that food. I would never have caught him, if he hadn't stopped to eat!” I small, but much cleaner and fluffier, puppy appeared around the side of the command couch. He proceeded to sniff and explore his way around the room. Spitfire walked around the couch as well. She had the tiny little towel wrapped around her, as she stopped in front of me. She straddled my legs, and then put her knees on the seat to either side of me, then sat on my lap. She put her hand on my chest, and looked at me with big serious eyes. “Thank you Morgan.”

“You welcome Bee.” I said, as I smiled into her loving gray eyes. And then, I noticed the earrings. “You got your ears pierced Bee!” She had tiny little gold hoops through her earlobes.

“Do you like them?” She smiled, blushing a bit, and suddenly seeming a bit shy.

I couldn't quite figure her out. She'd dance, as good as naked, on a strip club stage, but feel shy in front of me because she got her ears pierced. I looked at the gold wire piercing her cute little ears. “I love them Spitfire.” I said. I reached out and touched one of them to admire it. “Your ears look like they are already healed up.” I said.

“Yep. After they pierce them, they spray them with an anti-bacteriological agent, then put on a cell-rejuv cream. They were completely healed in like twenty minutes! I want to get some more around the edge of my ears, but I wanted to make sure you liked them first.” She pinched and squeezed her earlobes to show me they were completely healed. “So, you're SURE you like them?”

“Yes Bee, I really like them! They are very sexy!”

She closely watched my eyes. “And what about these?” She asked, and opened up the towel.

I looked down. My eyes and mouth opened wide with shock. She stuck her chest out and did a little shimmy, making her breast jiggle back and forth provocatively. “Well? What do you think?”

“I umm... I... Umm, I umm...” She had two more piercings, each with a golden ring.

She laughed, which also made her breasts to wonderful things. I tentatively reached out to touch one of them.

“They are all healed too silly!” She said. She gave them both a tug and a little shake. I watched in complete fascination. “It doesn't hurt...” Her voice took on a lower, sultry tone “At least, not in a bad way! Now you try it.”

I gave the rings a cautious tug. Spitfire's eyes half closed and she gave a throaty little giggle. “Didn't it hurt to have them pierced?” I asked?

“Like hell!” She assured me. “But not as much as this one...” She put her hands on my knees and leaned back.

I looked further down. “Oh my..!”

"I told you I would bring you a surprise!" She giggled.

After her revealing, and me delighting, in her new jewelry, I asked, “But what made you do this Spitfire? Is this because of the dancer the other night at the club?”

“Kind of.” She said. “When I saw her rings, I thought they were really, really, sexy! And I wondered what it would be like. Then, I watched you as you watched her, and I could tell you like them too!“ I blushed this time. “So, after all the absolutely amazing, wonderful, beautiful things, that you have done for me. I thought it was time I do something, extra special, just for you.”

“You did that for me!?” I was stunned.

“Well, let's just say it was something that I was curious about. But the thought that it might "turn you on", is what what made me actually go and do it!”

“I don't know what to say Spitfire. They are beautiful. But you are even more beautiful! PUPPY!”

“Puppy?” Be looked at me in confusion.

“Yes puppy.” I pointed to the little dog on the floor. “He's leaving you a special present too.”

She whipped her head around just in time to see the pup squat in the corner of the bridge. “Oh PUPPY! Oh no puppy! Don't do that there!” She scrambled off my lap and ran to the little dog. But not in time. She looked at me worriedly. “I will clean it up Morgan. It will be alright, I promise!”

I just grinned and nodded. I watched her, standing naked on the bridge, her new tiny gold rings twinkling. She was bent forward, not knowing if she should pick up the poor pup mid “task”, or just let him finish and then clean it up.

Life was good, even if there was a puppy on the ship.
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by ClymAngus »

Excellent, there's a lot more interplay going on here. Force and persuasion being applied in different directions. This is good.
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Paradox »

ClymAngus wrote:
Excellent, there's a lot more interplay going on here. Force and persuasion being applied in different directions. This is good.
Amazing what 12 hours of sleep will do for a person! };]
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Chapter 36 - It's getting a little Nippy in here!

Post by Paradox »

Chapter 36 - It's getting a little Nippy in here!

After cleaning up the mess, Spitfire set out some paper in the cargo bay. She placed the rags she had used to clean up the mess in the center of the papers, then took the puppy over too it. “You make your messes on the paper, understand? On the paper!” She was trying to clarify her statement by pointing at said paper over and over. Either through luck, coincidence, or actual understanding, the puppy walked to another part of the paper, and proceeded to do his other type of business there. “See he really is smart!” Like a proud parent, Spitfire beamed at me. She moved his water and food bowls out there, as well as a box and blanket for him to sleep on. Then she closed the cargo bay door, and took my hand to lead me back to the bridge. She led me around the couch, and pushed me back into my seat. There, she resumed her previous position on my lap. “Now, where were we?” She asked mischievously.

“We were playing with your new jewelry.” I gladly reminded her.

“No, you were playing with my new jewelry. I was enjoying it!” She corrected me. “But right now, there's something else I need to show you.”

I gave her a very confused look! There wasn't anyplace else left to...?

She twisted around, and started to pull at something on the back of her neck, just under her hair. A flesh colored bandage lifted off to reveal a small tattoo. In simple clean lettering was “Johnathan Noughty”, and under it was the date he had passed away.

“Well?” She asked.

“That's real nice Bee! I'm sure he would have liked it.” I said. She smiled.

“Okay, what about this one?”

It was amazing, I would never have seen the bandages, if she hadn't started to peel them off. The next tattoo, was on the front of her shoulder, on her upper chest. It was about as big as the palm of my hand. It looked like a curling banner, across a background of stars. Lines along the banner, made it look like a piece of sheet music. The lettering that followed the lines, were shaped like musical noted, and they spelled out "Aria to the Stars"! “Wow...” Was about all I could say.

“The little stars and the lettering, glow in the dark! It's all done with nanobots, so it can be easily removed if I ever wanted to. So do you like it?” She was grinning and her eyes sparkled.

“Ya Bee, I do. I really do! I'm almost tempted...”

“Really!? Because I was thinking it would be sooo cool if we both had matching tattoos! Would you be willing to get one too? I will pay for it!” She didn't plead or beg this time. She wanted this to be something that I wanted to do, and not something I just did for her. But she was so excited, she was bouncing up and down. This however made other things in front of my face jiggle, in a most distracting manner! “Well?” She prompted me.

I forced myself to look up. Her sparkling gray eyes were so excited. “Yes Spitfire! I think that's a right fine idea. I think I'd like getting a matching tattoo!” That earned me an ear bleeding squeal, but it was worth it, for all the bouncing and kisses I received in return. We decided to go the following day and get mine done. “Now, are there anymore surprises on your body I should know about?” I asked. She shook her head, and said that she had more ideas, but first wanted to first make sure I liked what she had done so far. I gave her a suspicious look and said ”Are you sure? I think I had better check!” I grabbed her and laid her across my lap. She squealed and giggled as I proceeded to “search” for any more hidden surprises. I pinched and poked and tickled until I was satisfied. "Well, I don't see anything else on this side."

The meaning of what I said, slowly dawned on her. "Oh no Morgan, no more please! NO! AAAAHHHH!"

I flipped her over and started my search on her back side. More squealing, kicking, and laughing followed. I finally picked her up, threw her over my shoulder, and carried her off to our quarters.

We were lying there, snuggled together and trying to catch our breaths, when I heard a sound. The howling of a little puppy coming through the access tunnels and ventilation shafts. “Ooooh no. She groaned. “Baby, as soon as I ca-can, I will go get him, I pr-promise.”

I just laughed. “I will go get him. It's okay.”

“No Morgan. I p-promised I would take care of him, and I will. I j-just can't move right now.”

“I know babe, my knees are still a little weak too, but it's okay, I will go get him. You stay here and twitch, it does my ego proud.”

“I love you Morgan, with all m-my heart, I love you!” She said.

“I love you too Bee, more than I can ever tell you.” I replied.

“You don't have to tell me M-Morgan. It's in every thing you do for me. I could never doubt how mu-much you love me.” Her body gave another little shudder.

I gave her a kiss, then padded naked down the hall to the cargo bay door. He was sitting just on the other side, and he wagged his tail in greeting as the door opened. “Don't like being down there all by yourself huh? Well, can't say as I blame you. Come on then. I start back up the hall, and he followed along behind, just as smart as you please.

We got back to our quarters, and he stood on his little hind legs with his front paws on the bed and gave a bark. Spitfire giggled and reached down to pull him up. As soon as she set him on the bed, he bounced this way and that, tail going a mile a minute. I crawled back into my side of the bed, and lay on my side, facing Spitfire. She turned away from me, then scooted back until I was spooning her. She patted the bed in front of her and tried to get the puppy to lay down there. Instead, he walked up and licked her nose. Then proceeded to burrow his way under the covers until he was down near the boot of the bed. He turned around under the covers a few times, then lay down.

“He gave me a good night kiss!” She exclaimed.

“Sure looked that way, didn't it.” I said.

I gave her one too, and we all went to sleep.

Some time in the middle of the night, I woke to a short little scream. “Oh! I'm sorry Morgan! His nose is cold and wet. I think he was just checking to make sure it was me. If you know what I mean...

I laughed and went back to sleep.

She was woken again, early in the morning. This time, he was licking and biting her nose. It was time for his morning constitutional. Spitfire threw on one of my old t-shirts, and shuffled out of the room, puppy at her heels. A few minutes later, she returned. “Morgan!” She shook me awake. “You know, he went right to the cargo bay, down the stairs to his papers, and did his business. He knew exactly what they were for. I can't...” I grabbed her and pulled her back into bed. I then pulled off the t-shirt she was wearing, and proceeded to punish her for waking me up.

“If that's how you're going to punish me, I am going to be sure and wake you up more often!”

“Darlin', if we do that, much more often than we already do, neither one of us will ever be able to walk again!”

I received a playful punch for that, and some time later, we both got up to shower. When we came out of the bathroom, we found a puppy waiting for us. Playfully chewing on my boot. “Oh no! Puppy, that's not a chew toy! She grabbed him up, and I retrieved my boot. “Morgan, I'm sorry! I am so sorry! I will buy you a new pair of boots!”

I just grinned. We had caught him before he had done any real damage, so no harm... this time. “We need to go shopping, and get him some toys and things of his own.”

Her eyes lit up, relieved that I wasn't mad, as well as at the thought of going shopping again. She found a length of heavy string in her workshop, and fashioned a temporary leash and harness. Things were a bit chaotic, when she first tried to get him into it. But he finally figured out, that this wasn't a game, and settled into the idea.

Evidently, pets were a fairly common occurrence on the station. We found everything we needed, including a vet, just a little way into the stations commercial sector. Puppy wasn't at all thrilled with the idea of shots, but no one got bit in the process, so we considered it a success. Toys, collar, leash, harness, food, treats, Spitfire payed for it all without a blink. Actually, she , still had most of her original one hundred credits left after we were done. It still shocks me, how much a single credit was worth. When you're buying cargo, and dealing with hundreds or thousands of credits at a time. You forget that most everyday transactions, are made at the percentage level. We still had one more thing to get for the puppy, a license.

“But what name are you going to put on it Bee? I asked.

“Oh! I hadn't even thought of that! I don't know what to name him! We sat on a store front bench, to consider it for a while. Spitfire picked him up, so she could look at his face. He wiggled and squirmed, trying to get close enough to lick her. She laughed and brought him closer, slurp. “Ouch! You mustn't nip mommy's nose quite so hard!” She laughed.

I reached out to pet him, and he bit playfully at my fingers. “He is a little nipper all right!” We both stopped and then looked at each other. And so, Little Nipper was christened. We got his license taken care of, so he was legal.

We owned a puppy, Little Nipper was part of our crew.

Afterwords, we went and got my very first tattoo. It was identical to Spitfire's, and in the same place as well. She was ecstatic. She went ahead, and got a few more rings put around the outside of her ears. Holding my hand and wincing a bit as each hole was made. I decided, I kind of liked the look. She also got one in her belly button. I finally chased her out of the shop, when she started talking about me getting an earring, and her piercing her nose. I thought we had punched enough holes in our flesh for one day. We stopped on the way back to the ship, and got something to eat. She spoiled the dog by sneaking him bits of her hamburger.

Spitfire had won over five hundred credits in a strip contest. Been offered a job as a stripper. Gone on a shopping spree. Had various parts of her body pierced and tattooed. Talked me into a tattoo, and adopted a puppy. I thought it was about time to leave Riveis, before anything else could possibly happen!

We got back to the ship, and she started teaching Nipper what things he was allowed to play with. “You don't chew on daddy's shoes! This is yours to chew on!” She showed him one of my boots, wagging her finger at him and repeating, “No chew!” Then she gave him one of his rawhide chew-toys. He immediately took it, and went off to enjoy it. Spitfire looked at me and shrugged. He had a few balls and other assorted toys now. All of which, were soon scattered around the bridge.

“Don't forget to stow those before we lift off. We don't need them floating around when we switch the grav-plates.” I warned her. She opened an empty panel under one of the consoles and put all of the puppies toys in it. Except the chew-toy he was currently chewing on.

Meanwhile, Aria and I looked over the station manifest, and contracts. We couldn't sell our furs here for a profit, and none of the contracts looked worth taking. Time to look for a rich tech planet close by. Xezaor. It would take us about two and a half days to get there. We assumed our regular positions. Spitfire between my legs, with my left arm wrapped around her. The other arm held Nipper. This arrangement would require a rethink. Once our launch window opened up, Spitfire turned on the grave-plates. We were suddenly weightless, as the ship lifted from the ground. Little Nipper whined at the sensation, and immediately threw up on me. To his credit, he managed to looked a mite embarrassed. Nothing to be done about it right then though. Spitfire took us out into the black.

Once clear of the station. The grav-plates were reversed again, and our gravity returned to normal. We stopped the ship outside the station, but well within the patrol zone. I changed my clothes, and Spitfire cleaned up the command couch. We hoped, Little Nipper would get used to the temporary shifts of gravity soon. As well as going in and out of witchspace. Spitfire worked out a harness arrangement so she could fasten him to a safety belt on the seat next to us. She also made sure there was a towel under him, just in case. It was time to go.
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Chapter 37 – Blood is Drawn

Post by Paradox »

Chapter 37 – Blood is Drawn

Nipper whined when we entered witchspace, but it was over quickly. He didn't have much left in his little stomach anyways. I suggested a quick shower for both of us. Spitfire and her clothing, had also suffered some collateral damage from the puppy puke. We let Nipper off his harness, then went of to shower. Spitfire decided it was time to reveal one of her new outfits. She chased me out of our quarters, as she wanted to surprise me yet again. I took Nipper to his papers in the cargo bay. He did what he felt was necessary, and I gave him a treat for a job well done. He seemed to be feeling better, and with treat in mouth, followed me back to the bridge.

Soon after, Spitfire made her appearance. Gone were her ever present tool-belt, cut-offs, and crop top. She now wore black leather thigh-high boots. She also wore a black, one-piece sleeveless bodysuit, which appeared to be painted on. The front featured an oval cutout, which started at her collar, and ended several inched below her belly button. It came very close to revealing at least two of her new gold rings. The back sported a large circular cutout, low on her back. It was low enough to show off the two adorable dimples, and well as a hint of bottom cleavage. She topped the outfit off, with black leather fingerless gloves, and a black leather space-racer style cap.

Once I could talk again, I said, “Do you expect me to get anything done around here, while you are wearing an outfit like that?

Spitfire lips curved into her most seductive smile. “Nope.”

It was a good thing I had gotten so much done at our previous stop. Between Spitfire modeling her new outfits, and me stripping her back out of them, neither one of us accomplished much over the next two days. There were occasional breaks, to teach and play with the puppy of course.

Aria announced witchspace exit to Xezaor in thirty minutes. Nippers toys were put away, and Spitfire made sure he used his papers. Spitfire buckled into her seat, and held him and a towel on her lap. I took my place, and we waited. The witchpoint was clear as we exited. Nipper dry heaved once, and whined for a while, but managed to keep everything down. Aria located the station, and I pointed her towards it. On the way in, we were mass-locked by a small convoy of traders, who were also headed toward the station. We exchanged news and good lucks, the I turbo boosted to get us past them. A short while later, a group of Galcop vipers slowed us down again. After that, we arrived at the patrol zone near the station. Spitfire took over and docked us, while I held Nipper on my lap. He growled when we reversed the grav-plates, but no more heaving. Yay.

We got a good price for the furs, and arranged for Aria to be refueled. Spitfire checked contracts, but nothing look worth taking on. We arranged for a full load of computer related goods, and walk Nipper around the station while there were delivered and loaded. Spitfire had bought several of her second-skin bodysuits, each in a different color, and with different cut-out patterns. The one she currently wore, was blood red. After our walk and lunch. We headed back for the ship to plot our next destination. We were near the galactic center, and I figured that we might find better prospects closer to the edge. Besides, I had heard on comm chatter about a mega tech planet named Ceesxe, that wasn't to far to the galactic north of us. I wanted to check out some upgrades to Aria, and I just knew that Spitfire would want to go shopping at a place like that. I found a poor agri. planet, Ordima, in the general direction I wanted to go. Perfect. Spitfire secured Nipper, and got our window. Minutes later, we were in the black. Aria plotted our course, and Spitfire shot us into witchspace. We had a day and a half to kill.

Ordima station gave us a good deal on our computer parts. We picked up a partial load of furs, and Spitfire bought some platinum, and filled the rest of the hold with wines. We looked at the star-charts. But there were no rich tech planets around. I kept scrolling up, and there it was, Ceesxe, about three days away. I had hoped to build our cred-chips up a little more before getting there, but what the heck. It wouldn't hurt to look around. We were off once again.

In the evenings, I had Spitfire work on the simulator. She could dock the ship every bit as well as I now, if not better. Now, I wanted her to be able to fight. She would dogfight for two or three hours every evening. She was such a bloodthirsty little thing. After three days of simulator hunting, she had surpassed my real life total of sixty two confirmed pirate terminations. I figured she was ready.

“Exit from witchspace to Ceesxe, in thirty minutes.” Announced Aria.

“Thanks Aria.” I said. I was sitting and petting Nipper in Spitfire's usual spot on the couch, when she came through the bridge door.

“Move it, you big sexy lug!” She said looking down at me.

“Sorry Captain. But I figure, if you're gonna wear the Captains pants, or in your case bodysuit, then it's time you did the Captains job!” I grinned at her.

“But... but this is your ship...” She stammered, confused.

“Wrong Spitfire. This here is OUR ship. And today, YOU are the Captain.” I insisted.

“But Morgan, I'm not rea...” Her eyes were worried and a bit scared. Probably like mine were, that first day I actually made it out of Lave station.

“Yes Spitfire, you are ready. You're just as good as I am. But you need the actual experience. The only way your going to get that, is setting in that seat right there, all by yourself.

“Oh Morgan, I just don't know...” She was starting to whine.

“That's okay, I know. I love you, and I have faith in you. Little Nipper and I, will both be right here beside you the whole way. Now have a seat Captain, take us in, and make me proud.

She took a deep breath and let it out again. She bent over and kissed me hard. Then sat in the command seat. A short while later, Aria began the countdown to exit. As soon as we popped through, she hit the throttle.

“Three ships to port Captain, currently IDed as clean.” Said Aria.

“Keep an eye on them Aria.” Spitfire hit the fuel injectors.

“Locate the station Aria?” Asked Spitfire.

“Marked on the compass Captain.” Came the reply.

Spitfire aimed the nose at the distant dot, and as soon as we cleared mass-lock, she hit the torus drive. We encountered a couple more mass-locks, but they was all peaceful like. Spitfire juiced us past, and we finally made the station. She popped us though the dock and set us on the ground like an old pro. I was so proud. I turned the pup loose, and stood up, then I helped her to her feet. She was trembling from head to foot.

“See there now honey Bee. Smooth as the skin on your bottom. I am right proud of you!” I folded her into my arms and squeezed her tight.

“Oh Morgan, I was so nervous! Don't let go of me, I don't think I can stand by myself right now.”

“Don't worry babe, I have you, and I don't plan on ever lettin' go!”

“I love you Morgan Black.” She whispered.

“I love you too, my little Spitfire. Now go get ready to go shopping.”

I sold our cargo, and Spitfire had me sell hers as well. We both made respectable profits. While she showered and changed, I had me a look at the stations manifest and services catalog. As I had expected, they offered a few goodies here that I had seen nowhere else. But I had to breath deep when I saw the prices! I had already added the extra energy unit. Now what I wanted, was to boost our shields. We had three choices we could afford... barely. A simple shield booster, or a front or rear shield capacitor. I was weighing the pros and cons, and flipping mental coins, when Spitfire announced she was ready.

You would think by now, I would be getting used to seeing her, in every kind of dress or undress. But no matter what she did or didn't wear, she still took my breath away. Damn, how I loved this girl!

This was a simple dress compared to others she had worn, but breathtaking is still an understatement. It had a collar around her throat, and from the center of the color, a black patterned material fell down her chest to pass between her breasts. Then it flowed around her torso to meet in the back. Her breasts, with their golden rings, were left completely bare. It was very short, falling barely past the tops of her thighs, and in danger of flashing her other gold ring! Gold filigree bracelets adorned her wrists, with black gladiator style sandals on her feet. I wanted her then and there, but I managed to control myself, barely... for now.

At tech level 15, Ceesxe was the most technologically advanced planet in the galaxy. Robots, drones, androids, and synthumans in all shapes, colors, sizes, and configurations, were as common as ordinary people. Spitfire and I gawked like a couple of yokels from the hills. Which, compared to these people, we probably were. A hover cab took us to the local shopping district, and we began making our way up and down the streets. Within minutes, Spitfire was pulling Nipper and I into a store. She was vibrating with excitement, for there on a manikin, was her ink-cloud dress. As well as a dozen more in different styles. But it was one outfit in particular, that had caught her eye. A bodysuit, made of the same material. My legs felt weak just imagining it! Then we saw something else that intrigued both of us. An accessory available as either a bracelet, collar, or ring, that allowed you to program and control the colors and patterns of the material. As we were looking over the accessories, a sales girl appeared who was actually wearing one as a mini-dress. Her dress was currently sky blue, with billowy diaphanous clouds, slowly blowing past. She made an adjustment to a ring on her right hand. The dress became completely transparent. She gave a rehearsed “oops!” and giggle routine, a standard sales tactic I was sure. Then, she made another adjustment, and the dress was instantly covered with drifting, multi-colored bubbles, which randomly popped to reveal whatever happened to be underneath. She said the designs were limitless, and that anything could be programmed into them. It was all done with more amazing nanobots she explained. She even scanned Spitfire's dress, and a few seconds later, was wearing an exact duplicate, bare breasts and all. It even attempted to simulate her gold rings. She assured Spitfire that any of the accessories could be programmed to work with her original dress as well. Spitfire bought one of each controller, and the jumpsuit. The jumpsuit came in a small packet, no larger than my pilots license, and about a quarter of an inch think.

Then, she pulled Nipper and I to the men's department. Now I finally began to protest. But she wouldn't take no for an answer. She ordered a small carry-all to follow us around, as she began picking out things for me to try on. Whenever I became reluctant, she would bounce on her toes and beg “Pleeease! For me?” It was the bouncing that did it. Her breasts and those little gold rings jiggling... What could I say? One of the outfits I actually liked, consisted of a pair of black leather pants, and a sleeveless black leather vest. It had a very dark and dangerous look to it. I especially liked the name of the company, IronHide. They claimed that the leather was specially grown and treated, and was the toughest leather in the galaxy.

“Oh Morgan! Turn around so I can see your butt! OH Baby!!! You have got to get that outfit! I will even buy it for you! She pushed me back into the dressing room, kissing and groping me. A discrete knock on the door was all that kept us from getting carried away right then and there. She also talked me into a couple of black mesh t-shirts. And, I had to admit, they would be cooler when we were working on engines and in the access tunnels. Then she picked out a couple black silk dress shirts. Those were fine by me. However, I dug my heels in, when it came to the stretchy black pants, that showed every bump and bulge a man has! It was like wearing tights. She gave me a long look in the eyes, and then looked down at her own bare breasts. Okay, she had a point. There she stood, her breasts completely exposed with their little gold rings, and she did it for me. “Just one pair baby, just for me?” SIGH! I had been so close to finally saying no..! She paired the stretchy pants with a long, billowy sleeved black silk shirt. Knee-high black leather boots, and a black leather belt to completed the outfit. I wasn't about to admit it, but looking in the mirror, I looked like a movie pirate. Not bad actually.

It was time to head out of the shop. Nipper was making anxious noises, so we needed to take him for a walk. Toward the center of the shopping district, we found a beautiful park. Grass, trees, fountains and waterfalls. They even advertised a free concert in the park during the evenings. We looked at each other and smiled. We would be back tonight! A little scooper-bot began following Nipper as soon as we entered the park area. Nipper would growl and bark at it, but it didn't go away until he had found a place to do his business. As soon as he finished, it rushed in and tidied up the spot, then away it went. Probably of to chase after some other poor pooch. We ate lunch, then continued to stroll. She bought a tool-bot, so she wouldn't have to cart her tool-belt and tool box around, when crawling through the ducts and tunnels. I asked her what she was going to do, if she didn't have her hammer or wrench around anymore. That brought her to a dead stop, right in the middle of the crowded walkway.

“I don't know baby, I do feel like I am missing something when I don't have them. And they have saved my life a couple of times... I guess for now, you and Nipper will just have to do.” I goosed her for that, and she squealed and laughed, but I could tell she was thinking about it. There was so much going on around us, that we were feeling a bit overwhelmed. We looked at the bots and and androids, but we knew we really had no use for anything like that.

Then, I saw the lev-cycles. Low, sleek machines, that levitated a few inches off the ground. They were powered by duel engines, which also provided the forward thrust. Pa used to have one when I was a teen, and I used to ride it along the trails and around the farm. But that was an ancient under-powered relic compared to these. I didn't need one, and the cost made me wince. And what would I do with one on a space ship anyways? Spitfire and I were considering installing heat-shielding on Aria. Which would enable us to land directly on planets, instead of having to shuttle down from the stations. Then we could use it to travel around dirt-side, to and from the ship. But even as I daydreamed about it, I knew I was just trying to come up with an excuse. There were more practical things that were needed for now.

But Spitfire was just as enthralled by the big, dangerous looking machines as I was. She got me to sit on one, and then got on behind me. It had a comfy passenger seat, and even a backrest for her to lean on. She opened the top of one of the saddle bags, and put Nipper in it. He stood up on his hind legs, with his paws hooked over the edge. His tongue was hangin' out, and he looked at me like “Well, what are you waiting for?” I couldn't help but laugh. The salesman tried to talk me into taking it out for a ride, but I turned him down, much to Spitfire's dismay. It just wasn't practical right now, and to be honest, a lev-bike was never really practical. As we walked away, Spitfire kept glancing over her shoulder at the big, shiny black bikes.

We went back to the ship. We needed to make a decision concerning the shields, and Spitfire wanted to go out to dinner that evening. That, necessitated a change of clothes. Once on board, we went to the bridge, and I flopped in my seat. Spitfire snuggled onto my lap, and we looked through the station services manifest again. After talking about it, we decided to have the the Shield Booster installed. I contacted the station engineers, and after the usual haggling, they began their work. We showered together, and Spitfire picked out my outfit. My black jeans, boots, and one of the new black silk shirts. I expected her to wear her new nano-suit (that's what the sales girl had called them.), but instead, she appeared in her white moon goddess outfit.

Little Nipper got left in the common room, with food, water, toys, and papers. He didn't like the idea, but I knew Aria would keep an eye on him. Once we arrived dirt-side, we took a hover taxi to a nice restaurant. This time, we even avoided ordering hamburgers. Spitfire limited herself to two glasses of wine, which was enough to make her feel tipsy, without being completely drunk. After dinner, we walked down to the park for the concert. The parks main lights had all been turned off. Only lights from the stage, and one of Ceesxe's small moons, lit the night. Tiny, sparkling pixie lights had been hung in the trees and bushes, but were too small to illuminate anything. Walking through the park, was like walking through a field of stars. The stage was in a natural amphitheater. There were no chairs or benches here. Singles, couples and even small groups, sat in the grass, or on blankets, that you could borrow near the stage. Spitfire and I found a secluded spot in the back, near a bunch of sweet smelling flowers. The closest people to us, were no more than dim shapes in the dark. We stood there, her back against me, as she hugged my arms around her, listening to the music. She turned and wrapped her arms around my middle, her head on my chest. We swayed and danced together there in the dark, among the twinkling pixie lights and flowers.

After a while, Spitfire urged me down on the grass, and then she danced for me. There was no audience this time. No crowds or cameras. No overly intoxicated Spitfire either. This time, lit only by the tiny moon in the sky, she danced just for me. When the song and her dance had finished. She reached for the clasp that secured her collar and dress, and let them fall to the ground. Four little gold rings, twinkled in the moonlight, like her own personal constellation. Naked under the stars and moon, she came to my outstretched arms.

Back on board the ship the next morning, engineers were working to install the shield boosters. Spitfire and Little Nipper had gotten up early, and were supervising. Spitfire, with lots of yelling and swearing, and Nipper, with lots of barking. I had just entered the deserted bridge, and noticed the vidscreen was still activated. There was a calendar displayed. I was shocked to see the month. “Aria, is that the current date?”

“Affirmative Captain.” She replied.

“Well what do you know... My birthday is next week!” I said, to know one in particular. I was so surprised, I forgot to ask why the calendar was on the screen in the first place.

It would take a day and a half to install the booster. I went to find Spitfire. She was bullying and engineer, with Nipper barking as backup. “Should I go ahead and order the heat shielding?" I yelled to her over the noise.

“I was going to ask you the same thing!” She shouted back. "Oh! I need make a run down to the planet in a little while, will you watch Nipper and keep an eye on things here?”

I didn't think it was necessary to supervise the engineers, but I knew it would make her feel better if I did, so I agreed. She pressed herself against me, and gave a me a long, passionate kiss. Prompting cat calls and whistles, from the engineers and mechanics. She grinned at them, then flipped them all off, good-naturedly. With an exaggerated swing of her cut-off clad bottom, she went up the stairs to get ready. After some ribbing and back slapping at my expense, they went back to work on the booster. I ordered the heat shielding, as it could be done at the same time as the boosters. Spitfire was gone for several hours. She hadn't told me what exactly, she had to go dirt-side to get.

“Just parts for upgrades and stuff.” She replied dismissively. I didn't give it another thought. After the workers had left for the evening, we lounged on the bridge. Well, I lounged, as I watched Spitfire dance and play with the puppy. She had taken a shower, when she got back from her errands, and hadn't bothered to dress again. I wasn't complaining. She asked Aria to tune into the hyper-radio transmission, and was dancing wildly around the bridge to the music. Nipper was barking and jumping and running in circles around her. I just watched and enjoyed.

By noon the next day, all the modifications were done, and our cred-chip total severely depleted. Before buying cargo and taking off however, I wanted to test out our new systems. Spitfire was showering after working on the booster. I stuck my head in the shower, and told her to put on her “Captain pants” when she came out. She grabbed my arm and tried to drag me into the shower with her, but I just slapped her little, wet bottom, and told her to hurry and finish up.”

Her Captain outfit for the day, was her new nano-suit. She had it set to a semi-transparent black, with strategically placed skulls and crossbones. She also wore her low heeled, black leather, thigh high boots. “Where are we going?” She asked.


She looked me in the eyes for a long moment, then nodded and took the Captains seat. Once we were back in the black, I told her to head for the witchspace buoy. We were looking for a fight. We found it on the way back from the witchpoint to the planet. A lone D.T.T. Manta: DeForest's Prosperous Enemy III. He locked on to us and demanded 3 tones of cargo. I watched Spitfire. Her face was set in a grim little frown. She turned Aria directly toward the Manta. As soon as the Manta was in range, he opened fire. Our shields flashed as they absorbed the energy from a couple of hits. Then Spitfire lit the front mil. Seconds later, the Manta was no more. She sat still for a couple of seconds, and then looked at me.

“I did it.” She said in a quiet voice. I gave her a small smile and nodded. I saw her little chin quiver for just a second, and her eyes sparkled, as unshed tears blurred her vision. “He would have killed us, or maybe someone else, if I hadn't killed him first.” She said it more for herself, than to me. It was something I had explained to her, time and again, but it was just now sinking in. She had just killed a man or maybe two, and she was trying to deal with it. “He shot at us first.” She said.

“Yes he did Bee. He was trying to kill us. You, me, and Little Nipper too. You did what you had to do, and you did a damn fine job. You didn't panic, like I did my first time. I couldn't be more proud of you.” She blinked the tears away, and then gave me a small smile. She had made her second kill before we finally landed on the planet itself.

After receiving permission from planetary control, we landed in a remote area, away from cities, people, robots, and drones. We found a large stream, winding through a little valley, and settled Aria down beside it. Tree covered hills surrounded us on all sides. It was perfect.
Except for the deluxe living accommodations, it was just like camping. Nipper ran his little legs off, chasing bugs and playing in the water. Spitfire and I stripped and went skinny dipping in the stream. As evening approached, we built a small campfire, and made love under the stars. Little Nipper guarded us and kept watch. As we lay naked, next to the fire, I held Spitfire while she cried. I awoke the next morning to watch my little pixie, running naked through the grass, with Little Nipper barking at her heels. They played fetch, and she danced and skipped, like a little girl again. I knew this was her way of celebrating life, after being forced to take it from someone else. It was just her way of coming to terms with it. It sure as hell, beat sitting in some dingy space bar, trying to get drunk enough to pass out.

I decided to join her!

We left, and went back to the station later that day. It was time we got back to work.
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by spud42 »

still producing gold paradox......
Arthur: OK. Leave this to me. I'm British. I know how to queue.
OR i could go with
Arthur Dent: I always said there was something fundamentally wrong with the universe.
or simply
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by ClymAngus »

a nice coming of age piece. Commendable. Well done!
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Paradox »

spud42 wrote:
still producing gold paradox......
Thank you! };]
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Paradox »

ClymAngus wrote:
a nice coming of age piece. Commendable. Well done!
Thank you sir! Thank you!
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Chapter 38 – Happy Birthday Captain Morgan!

Post by Paradox »

Chapter 38 – Happy Birthday Captain Morgan!

We filled our hold with computer parts and decided to head for Ususor, two days away. Spitfire was Captain. Her first mass-lock, was five pirates, two were marked as fugitives. She glanced at me, I smiled and said, “You've got this babe. Make sure they never hurt anyone else, ever again.” She gave me a small smile and a quick nod. No sooner had the comms channel announced their demand for our cargo, than Spitfire opened the front mil. Two pirate ships were gone, before she red lined it.

“Incoming missile, Captain.” Aria informed her. Spitfire looped Aria over on her back.

“Lock it Aria!” Ordered Spitfire.

“That's my girl!” I thought.

A quick flash of the rear mil.. Poof, went the missile.

Lasers were splashing against our shields now. “Target the next one Aria!” Two more pirates were turned to dust before the rear laser overheated. The last pirate decided to make a run for it. Spitfire never hesitated. She pulled Aria around once again, and vaporized him.

Her count was now seven, and by the time we made the station, she added four more. Our new shield booster had made a big difference, I noted. We sold the computer parts, but had no luck with contracts. I picked up a partial load of furs, and Spitfire filled the rest with wines and liquor. While we waited, we had Aria refueled, and looked at the star-charts for our next destination. Gerete was the closest, rich tech, system, and it was only four hours away. So, we had Aria aim for that next.

As we entered the system, we were greeted by a couple of Galcop Vipers. Always nice to see when you exit witchspace. Spitfire headed us towards the station. We were mass-locked, by yet another group of Galcop Vipers. We sent them a howdy over the comm channel. A short time later, we entered an asteroid field. Spitfire threaded us through, yelling “Ride 'em cowboy!” as she threw Aria first to one side, then the other.

“I'm going to ride you, if you scratch the paint job on this ship!” I said, trying hard not to smile at her antics.

“Oooh! Promise baby? Because that sure sounds like fun to me!” She gave me her most wicked, sensuous grin.

“Not if you smear us all over one of these rocks I won't!” I exclaimed, as she purposely skimmed within meters of one.

We were almost within the stations patrol zone, and were starting to relaxing, when five more blips hit the scanner. We had never been attacked this close to the station aegis before, and it took us both by surprise. Laser fire was already splashing on our shields before Spitfire was able to lock onto her first target. She rolled Aria around, and hit the fuel injectors, to try and get out of their range. At the same time, she opened up the rear laser and cooked him.

“Incoming missile, Captain” Announced Aria.

“Lock it Aria!” Shouted Spitfire, and the missile went poof.

Another burst of the rear laser heated up another ship, but didn't destroy it. Spitfire turned to face them again. The front laser finished the job as once again, we began to be hammered with laser fire. These boys had been target practicing. Spitfire turned again to try for distance, but before she got turned around, Aria announced two more missiles.

“ECM!” I yelled. Spitfire slapped the button. One of the missiles went poof, the other didn't. She wrenched Aria into a spin, with the injectors wide open. We watched the missile fall behind amid the flashing laser beams. She kept on the injectors, until she could finally lock the missile and blast it. She quickly targeted the next ship and red-lined the laser into him, destroying him as well. Two left. Both of our front and rear lasers were still pretty hot. The last two pirates had caught up to us, and were slapping Arias ass. Spitfire hit the injectors again to buy us time and distance. Then she looped around, locked onto one of the baddies and fired off a missile. As soon as it was away, she locked onto the second ship, and took him out with the front laser. The last ship had broken off, and was intent on outrunning Spitfire's missile. Spitfire followed, waiting for the front laser to cool off enough to finish him off if the missile didn't do it first. We saw the flash, but the ship was still going. Spitfire lined up, and finished the job.

We both looked at each other at the exact same moment, and let out the breaths we had been holding. Spitfire leaned over the arm of the couch, clenched her fingers in my hair, and pulled my head down to her. She kissed me hard, almost desperately, leaving us both breathless. With a lust filled look, she returned to her controls, and took us the rest of the way to the station. The adrenalin rush, combined with her need to confirm herself. To verify, that she was still alive and safe, made for one very “affectionate” Spitfire! Aria had barely settled onto her landing pads, before her boots were flying, and she was peeling off her nano-suit. Even Nipper, was smart enough to jump off the couch and get out of the way, as she threw herself on top of me. It was one thing, to pick off pirates when they are far away, and you have all the time in the world. But the blood flows, and the adrenalin pumps, when the pirates are in your face. A loud and sweaty hour later, found her once again, in convulsive bliss. I carried her, on my own wobbly legs, to our shower. I sat on the floor, and cradled her in my lap, as I gently bathed her. It was a much more calm and relaxed Spitfire that emerged from the shower a while later. We sold our cargo and refueled. I found a passenger contract. It didn't pay particularly well, but we needed to work on our reputation. I also didn't like this area of the galaxy. Too many hostiles around here.

Mr. Reangeit Orbitston was a quiet and somewhat shy avian type. He needed to be on Riredi within fourteen days and two hours. We didn't ask why. Spitfire had put her “Captain” outfit back on, and was showing him to his quarters. Aria plotted a course that should get us there in about twelve days.

My birthday was in two.

Thinking about that, made me feel a bit homesick, So before we left, Spitfire and I made a quick vid, and sent it off to Pa and Terra. Then Spitfire took us out, and squirted us into witchspace. Once we were underway, we met with Mr. “Orbit”, as Spitfire called him. Spitfire made sure he was familiar with all our rules and had synchronized his datapad's clock to Aria's. She showed him the 'fresher for his clothes, where the medkits were located and such. I just sat and watched. Currently, her nano-suit looked as if it were made of the deepest black velvet. Completely opaque to the point of almost absorbing light. Stars, galaxies, nebula, planets and gas clouds, all floated across the curves of her body. Even Mr. Orbit seemed entranced. She was pointing out the coffee machine, and as he leaned forward to examine the device, she gave me a sly, over the shoulder wink. In the blink of an eye, her suit became completely transparent! Only a faint, iridescent sheen on her skin, hinted that she was wearing anything at all. In the next blink, just as Mr. Orbit began to turn around, she was once again clothed in her own personal universe. I'm sure he must have wondered, what I was always smiling about. We shared our evening meal with him, but I got the impression he was uncomfortable around other people. So after we finished, we retreated to the bridge and left him to his own devices.

I sat on the command couch with Spitfire sitting across my lap. To my delight, she had found a software upgrade that made her nano-suit interactive! She was currently covered with small, semi-opaque, iridescent bubbles. Each one I poked with my finger, would “pop” allowing me to see what was underneath! The bubbles would reappear after a second or two, forcing me to pop them over and over again. Of course, poking her with my finger tickled, causing her to laugh and giggle. Which made the game even more fun. Another one I enjoyed, was “finger painting” mode. It allowed me to write and draw pictures all over her body. We also had fun, just sitting there, thinking up new modes to program in later on.

She took Nipper for his walk to the cargo bay. She had found a large square of syntheti-grass, about six feet on a side. She also acquired a scooper-bot, like the one from the park. This one however, was programmed to wait until Nipper had left the grass before darting out to tidy up. She explained, that an internal furnace would then incinerate the waste, and turn it into ash. She only had to empty the ash about once a week. When she returned, she took my hands, and pulled me up off the couch. Then she led me to our bed.

I heard her get out of bed the next morning, and assumed she was taking Nipper for his morning “walk”. I went back to sleep. Some time later, I was awakened as she entered the room singing the birthday song. I opened my eyes to see her standing beside the bed, holding a lap-table full of dishes. She was wearing a teeny tiny white apron, tied around her waist, and not a thread more. “What's going on?” I asked, still not quite awake.

“It's your birthday baby! I made you breakfast in bed!” I was starting to come around now. And sat up to lean against the top of the bed. She set the lap-table on the bed in front of me. Waffles, eggs, toast, bacon, coffee, and juice. All my favorites. She made enough for both of us, and we sat side by side, and shared the table. Once we finished, she set the little table on the desk, and returned to stand at the foot of the bed.

“But how did you know it was my birthday Spitfire?” I asked. “

“It's on your license silly! Pus Aria has it on file too you know!” She paused. “By the way, if Mr. Orbit should say anything, just explain that I was making you a special breakfast.” She said.

“Why would Mr. Orbit say anything?” I asked

“Um... I kinda forgot about him, while I was cooking breakfast in the common room. He's so quiet, that I didn't see him sitting in the corner of the room until I was finished..?” She said, and blushed all the way down to her breasts.

I was bein' a little slow this morning. She directed my attention to her hips, and the teeny tiny apron, struggling to conceal her little love triangle. Then she turned around, and wiggled her completely exposed bottom. “ That's all you were wearing, the whole time you were cooking.” I said, as comprehension finally took hold. She put the tip of her forefinger between her teeth and nodded. I began to laugh, long and hard. Spitfire laughed too, relieved that I wasn't upset. “He should feel lucky we don't charge him extra for the entertainment!”

Spitfire tossed the covers off of me. She climbed onto the foot of the bed, and began to crawl her way up my body. She kissed me deeply, then lay on my chest. Looking me deep in the eyes, she said, “Morgan Black. In the months I have known you, you have rescued me time and time again, on so many levels. I can never begin to thank you, let alone repay you.”

“Oh Bee honey, You don't nee...”I started.

“Shut up Morgan, and listen to me please?” She sat up, straddling my stomach. She was dead serious now. I shut up and nodded for her to continue. “You rescued me from a lonely, miserable life, on that space station. You rescued me from those three men, who were going to rape me, and then probably would have killed me to keep me quiet.” I had never really thought of that. “You have given me a home, a life, and a family. You literally gave me half, of everything you own.” She indicated the ship around us. Tears were starting to roll down her cheeks. And her little voice quavered, but she continued on. “You've given me more, than I could have ever dreamed of having. And I, haven't given you anything!” I opened my mouth to protest, but she gave me a warning look that clamped my jaws shut hard.

“I could give you every credit I have, but even if I had a million credits, it wouldn't begin to ever be enough. I just don't have anything to give you that could ever compare, to everything you have given me.” She was sobbing now. Tears were falling on my chest and stomach, like warm rain. But she wasn't done yet. “The only thing that I can give you, Morgan Black, is me. I don't know how to say this. And I know, I am going to screw this up. But as far as I am concerned Morgan Bartholomew Black. I belong to you. Heart, body and soul. I'm not asking you to marry me. As far as I am concerned, you can just slap a brand on my ass, if you want to. Either way, it doesn't make any difference. I am giving myself to you."

"I will stay with you forever, just like we are right now, bouncing around the galaxy. And I could never be happier. Or if someday, you decided that you wanted me to marry you, the answer is already yes." She gave a little sob-laugh. "Or, if you just want to chain me, naked in the cargo hold, and keep me as your little sex slave, the answer would still be yes. I just want to give myself to you forever. However you want me."

She sat on my stomach, shaking, and crying, waiting to see if I would understand. I didn't say anything right away. I'd like to think, at that moment, I grew up just a little little. She was trying to tell me something very important to her. It was also just as important to her, that I understood exactly what, that something was. So I lay there, thinking, looking into her eyes. Neither one of us spoke. She didn't rush me, by saying “Well?” or anything. She knew I was trying to understand, and that I was working through what she had said, in my head.

I thought about everything that had happened to us, and between us, since I had met this little pixie. And in my memories, I saw a thousand moments in time. I saw her with a wrench in her hand, after whacking a bad man in the shin. I saw her sleeping in my arms. I saw her dancing in the moonlight. I saw her, as she made love to me. And I saw her running naked through a field with a little puppy. I saw her eyes, as she looked at me, after killing a man. I saw all this, and a thousand more. Then, I tried to imagine what my life would have been like without her. That thought alone, nearly broke my heart. And then I thought about what the rest of my life would be like, if she wasn't there. And that thought, and pain, I could not bear.

I grabbed her arms, and pulled her down beside me. I propped my head up on my left arm, so I could look down into her little tear streaked face. She lay there, trembling, watching my eyes. “When we reach Riredi, in ten day, I'm going to ask you to marry me...” She started to shake her head and protest, but I put my finger against her lips and said, “Beatrice Ann Noughty. You've had you're say. Now shut up and let me have mine.” I had never used her real name before, let alone, revealed that I knew her middle name. Aria had found that, when she found out her birthday for me. It shocked her so bad, she just nodded and continued to watch me. “Now, you already said yes, but I'm going to give you the next ten days to change your mind. If you don't, then you and I are going to find the first courthouse we can, and we are getting married. If you want some formal type thing, we can do that later when Pa and Terra can be there.” She started to shake her head, but I gave her the same look, she had given me earlier. She stopped moving. “Now, before you start thinking that you pressured me into this, or start feeling guilty and all. You're gonna hear WHY I am saying this. You said you haven't given me anything, and that you didn't have anything TO give me. Well, Miss Bee Ann Noughty. You are plumb wrong on both accounts! And I can prove it.

I proceeded to describe to her, all those memories and images, I had recalled just minutes ago. And I told her, in explicit detail, the thoughts and feelings that I experienced during each one. Some of them made her laugh. And some memories made her blush. Many of them made her cry. I held nothing back, no matter how personal or embarrassing it had been for me. I laid my soul at her feet. I talked for hours. At one point, we had to throw on clothes, and let poor Nipper out to his grass. We didn't talk. We simply walked, hand in hand, to the cargo bay and back. And when we returned to our bed, and resumed our exact same positions. And I continued on, as if I had never been interrupted.

When I finally finished, I said, “Do you see now Spitfire, just how much you HAVE given me? After I remembered all those things, and more, I thought about what my life would be like, if I didn't have you in it. And that thought scares the hell out of me. That's a future, I would rather die than face. And that, is the moment I knew, that I wanted you to be mine forever, and I wanted to be yours forever too. Now, even though I kinda like the idea of having my brand on your cute little ass. I think it would be a mite more legal and all, if we got us that official little piece of paper.

It always confounds me, how a girl can laugh and cry, all at the same time. My little sobbing Spitfire, reached her arms out to me, and pulled me down to her. We lay there, just holding each other, for a long time.

“Change your mind yet?” I asked, with a grin.

“Never.” She answered immediately. Then, “I'm sorry I spoiled your birthday.”

I gave her a mock glare. “How do you figure you spoiled it? You done promised to marry me, and that's a better gift, than I could ever dare ask for. And now it's time to unwrap the rest of my present.”

“The rest! How did yo...” She stopped. “What are you talking about?” She asked suspiciously.

“You said you were mine heart, body, and soul, right?” She nodded. “If you marry me, then that there, is the heart and soul part. But for right now, I want to unwrap the body part!” I grabbed her, and stripped off my old t-shirt she had thrown on earlier. She squealed and giggled and pretended to fight me. But then just as quick, she grabbed a hold of my jeans and helped me kick them off. I hoped the walls of our quarters were well insulated. Otherwise, Mr. Orbit was getting more than his share of entertainment today!
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