"The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoot"

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Chapter 33 - Up Up and Away!

Post by Paradox »

This full chapter with "Added Content" is available HERE, password is spitfire ADULTS ONLY PLEASE!


"You bone headed ape! I told you not to put it in like that!"

"But that's how I put it in the last time!"

"No, you big moron! I want you to put it in from the back, like this!"

"I thought you said you didn't like it like this?"

"No, I said I didn't like it when you put it in upside down!"

Aria was grounded for maintenance again. Spitfire and a station engineer, were once more arguing about how to install new filters into the hyper-plasma filtration unit. I was torn between trying to referee the fight, and hiding under the bed in my cabin.

"Spitfire! Put the monkey wrench down!" I sighed. That earned me a narrowed eyed glare, but she lowered the wrench.

"According to the manual..." Began the mechanic. Some people just don't learn. I caught Spitfire by the back of her cutoffs as she made a lunge. After disarming her of the wrench, I tossed her over my shoulder, keeping my hand on her bottom to hold her in place. I was becoming mighty fond of that bottom, now that she had suddenly "grown up"!

"Please install the filter according to Miss Spitfire's specifications Mr. Pratt. This ship as been heavily modified, so things will not always function correctly if done by the manual." I explained.

"Oh, well why didn't the she say that in the first place? Roger that Captain!" Said the engineer.

There was an inarticulate scream from behind my back and Spitfire's legs began thrashing in front of me. I gave her inadequately covered bottom a smack with my hand, and proceeded to carry her to my quarters. Except they weren't MY quarters now, they were OUR quarters. Since her "birthdays" a few days ago, things had changed.

"Put me down you big lug!" Said the voice from behind my back. I smacked her bottom again, causing her to squeal. "Morgan! When I get down from here, you're gonna be in trouble!"

Another smack. Her little bottom was starting to turn red. Hmmm. "I remember the last time you told me I was in trouble... It was rather enjoyable!"

She laughed at that. Then she smacked my butt in return. "What do you mean "rather enjoyable"? Put me down, and I'll show you "rather enjoyable"! She squirmed and wiggled on my shoulder.

I smacked her bottom again to more squealing and laughing. I took her into our cabin and closed the door. "Now put me down Morgan Black!" SMACK! No, some people simply do not learn. I set her on her feet, and she stepped back, and put her hands on her wonderful little hips. "Morgan, let me out of here!" I took a step toward her, and she took another step back. "Morgan, I have to go supervise those idiots, or they will screw everything up!" Her voice had a slight pleading tone to it now. I stepped toward her again, and grabbed a hold of her tiny mesh top. "Morgan!" Was all she managed to say, before I pulled it over her head and dropped it to the floor. I hooked my finger into the front of her tiny little cutoffs. They, as well as her tool-belt, quickly joined her top. "But Morgan, I have work to do?" She weakly pleaded. I picked her up and tossed her the remaining 6 feet to the bed.

"Yes, yes you do!" I said, as she squealed, and landed with a bounce, among the pillows and sheets.

An hour and a half later, we went back to where we had left Mr. Pratt. "All finished Captain Black! Would you like to look over the work before we go Miss Spitfire?"

"No, that's okay..." Came Spitfire's dreamy, distracted reply. The engineers eyes widened, but he was smart enough not to question his good luck. With an informal salute, he made his way down the cargo ramp with his toolbot close behind.

Now, it was time for ME to get back to work. We had been on Teinvi for far too long and I was starting to feel antsy again. We decided to make one last run to Teanrebi with a load of computers. From there, maybe we could pick up a contract. I sat in my seat on the bridge as usual, but Spitfire suddenly jumped in my lap.

"Let me fly her out Morgan, please?" Those big grey eyes... Like I could say no.

"Okay, but only till we hit witchspace. And when we come out of witchspace again, I take over!" She was more than happy to agree to that. I tried to stand so she could have my seat, but she wouldn't let me up. Instead, she wiggled her little bottom, until I spread my legs, and she could sit on the seat between them. Then she wiggled it against me again, just to be ornery. I fastened the belt around me and then put my arms around her. She leaned her back against me with her hands on the keyboard. I could get used to this!

She got a window from docking control, and then lifted Aria off the ground. Once we were out of the station, Aria set the course for Teanrebi, and Spitfire hit the button to make the jump. Spitfire bounced and clapped at her first official launch. Which was fine with me. I especially liked the bouncing part. It made the front of her top do interesting things. I slid my hands up under her little crop top. Things got more interesting from there, and eventually led to both of us naked and sweaty on the command couch.

I goosed her bottom as she was picking up her clothes and said, "You go ahead and get cleaned up, then go check on Mr. Pratts repairs."

"And what if I don't?" She asked as she reached the door. "Are you going to spank me?" She asked with that mischievous grin. She stuck her bare bottom out and wiggled it at me! I leaped over the couch. She screamed and bolted down the hall laughing as she ran.

I went to our quarters to do some work, I stepped through the door and... POW! Something struck me in the side of the head. It was Spitfire's model of Aria. She had attached tiny micro-grav plates on the bottom, and it would fly around the room in random patterns. All of Spitfire's things were in here now, and while there was more than enough room for the two of us, the kamikaze spaceships were another story. I growled at it, and it turned, and flew off in another direction. I rubbed at the growing bump. A few hours later, in the common room, Spitfire stomped in grumbling to herself. "I told you those morons would mess things up! He had that filter installed upside down again!" She walked up to me and put her arms around my waist, and her head on my chest, wanting to be comforted. I folded my arms around her and stroked her hair for a minute.

"Hey Bee..."

"What?" She asked and looked up with her big grey eyes.

I held my hair up and showed her the goose egg on my temple. "About those models of yours in our bedroom..."

She snorted and quickly covered her face with her hands to keep from laughing. After a few seconds, she pushed me back to a chair and made me sit down. She went over and put some ice cubes in a bowl, and brought them over to me. She straddled my legs, and sat on my lap facing me. She carefully held an ice cube on my bump. "My poor baby..." She coo'd. But all the while, there was that mischievous glint in her eye. "Did my itty bitty toy make a dent in your poor bony skull?" I looked at her and said nothing, while my hand pulled another ice cube from the bowl. "I hope you didn't hurt my mode... EEEEEEEEEK! AAAAAAH!" I dropped the ice cube down the back of her shorts. "MORGAN! That's coooold!" She was trying to reach back and get it out, but I had her pinned on my lap. My left hand was gripping her bottom, to keep the ice cube from falling out, as well as preventing her from reaching in to get it. She was squealing and laughing and squirming on my lap.

Life was good!

I dropped the other cube down the front of her shorts.

A short time later, found us on the floor... again. But this time I was on top, and was straddling her hips. One hand held both of hers above her head, and the other was working her shirt up around her neck. "Promise me, that there will be no more flying models, in our bedroom."

"You're just a big bully Morgan Black!" She squirmed and bucked her hips, all to no effect. My free hand reached for another ice cube. I dropped it on her chest and began to draw lazy circled with a trail of ice cold water.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH! OKAY OKAY! I PROMISE! Morgan stop, I promise! AAAAAAAHHHHH!" She managed between screaming and gasping for air. When the ice cube had melted, I let her go. Her little shorts had two big wet spots from the melted ice cubes. She scrambled to her feet, pulling down her shirt. "You are such a bully!"

I grabbed her and picked her up and kissed her long and hard. She struggled at first, but soon gave up, melting into my arms and wrapping her legs around my waist. She kissed me back, just as energetically as I kissed her. We broke for air. "Your still a bully! But I love you!"

"I love you too my little honey Bee!"

Yep, life was good!

Early the next cycle, we came out of witchspace at Teanrebi. I was in my usual seat, with Spitfire beside me in hers. There was to be no fooling around when we arrived at a planet. "All clear, Captain." Announced Aria. We hit the fuel station and collected about a half a tank. I didn't like being low on fuel here. And once again, I was glad I did. No sooner had I hit the torus drive, than we were mass-locked.

"Five ships, Captain. All marked as offenders."

Then, just as quickly, and without preamble, "Attention D.T.T. Aria to the Stars. Drop your cargo..." I didn't bother to listen to the whole speech. I had heard it all before. They were still at the fringe of the scanner. I nudged Arias nose in their direction, locked onto the first target I could, and turned it into space dust. I quickly found the next target and drained the front mil. He joined his former associate. I turned and rolled Aria back in the opposite direction as laser began piercing the black all around us. Someone was spanking Aria on the ass, so I switched cameras as I hit the turbo and skunked him. The rear mil. turned him into a ball of flame and then vacuum.

According to the comms chatter, the two that were left, had changed their minds about their original plan. They decided to run. By the time I got turned around, they were once again at the limits of the scanner, and Aria was having a hard time getting a lock. Finally however, there was only one left. But he had disappeared. We flew around for a bit, trying to find him, but finally had to give up. I turned back toward the station. I hated to let one get away. If he ever tried to steal from anyone else, I felt it would be my fault.

Spitfire laid her and on my arm. "Maybe he learned his lesson Morgan. You just dusted four of his friends, maybe he learned."

I looked at the marks on the back of the holo-pic. "Maybe, but I doubt it."

We were hit once more, and four more ships were disintegrated before making the patrol zone around the station. With a promise to behave, I let Spitfire take us in. I held her in front of me, as she hit the injectors and aimed for the buoy, then at the last instant, decelerated to a stop. She pointed Aria at the center of the station, and waited for docking clearance. Once cleared, she hit the injectors again, tapping it occasionally to adjust her timing. When the timing looked right, she punched it into the docking bay. I couldn't be more proud!

We sold the computers and filled the hold with a load of furs. While they were being loaded, and the ship refueled, we decided to go walk around the station. Spitfire was wearing a red, open mesh top, cut off just under her breasts. She also wore a tiny, red pleated skirt, not ten inches long. The cheeks of her bottom peeking out from below. And, she was being a brat. She would run ahead to "look at something" in the shop windows, and then bend over to get a closer look. Ya, right! She was wearing panties today, which was unusual. Of course, her "panties" were a couple of threads, connected to a piece of fabric. Which, could have been woven from a single cotton ball... with some left over. She would glance back at me and grin her evil pixie grin. I of course, had to make the obligatory swipe at spanking said bottom, whenever she let it drift within range! Which, she seemed to do fairly often. We turned a corner, and her eyes fastened on a shop across the street. I couldn't tell for sure what she was looking at. There was a pawn shop, a dermal art boutique, and a shoe store, all right next to each other. When I asked, she just shook her head and we wandered on.

Back on board the ship, Aria informed us there was a parcel contract available. License forms to be delivered to Riveis. It didn't pay that much, but it would get us out of this system. We accepted, and the package was delivered to us. We took our positions, Spitfire in her spot nestled between my thighs, and she got us underway. It would take is about 10 cycles to get to Riveis. Aria plotted the course, and Spitfire took us into witchspace. I left Spitfire on the bridge and headed for our cabin.

POW! In the exact same place as last time! "SPITFIRE!" I heard an "OH SHI..." come from the direction of the bridge. I stormed through the door, just in time to see her little bare butt disappear into an access panel. She squealed as I made a grab for her ankle, but I missed. "I'm sorry Morgan! I forgot to turn them off!"

"Your little bottom is going to be sorry when I find you Spitfire!" I yelled back. The tunnel was too small for me to be crawling around in, so we played hide and seek for almost an hour. Finally, I cornered her in one of the guest quarters. She tried to make a dash past me out the door, but I swept her up with one arm and carried her kicking and squealing to the bed. I turned her over my knee and flipped her little skirt up to her waist.

"I'm sorry Morgan, really I am. I just forgot to turn them off..." SMACK! "OW! MORGAN! I promise it won't happen again. Morgan please!" SMACK! "OW OW OW Morgan!" SMACK! "EEEEEK! No Mogan I promise, I pro..."SMACK! OOOH! OHH!" SMACK! Her legs were kicking and she was squirming on my lap. The cheeks of her little bottom were cherry red now. I stood her on her feet, and she stepped back away from me, her hands rubbing her butt. She stuck her bottom lip out and tried to look hurt. But the effect was ruined by the smile she was trying to hide. She also had that mischievous glint in her eyes. She backed to the door watching me. When she thought she had put enough distance between us, she turned, flicked up the back of her skirt, and wiggled her bare bottom at me. She gave it smack with her own hand, stuck out her tongue and said "Bully!" I made a fake lunge at her, and she screamed as she bolted down the hallway laughing again. It seems spanking my little Spitfire, wasn't that much of a punishment after all.

And so it went for the next ten days. I worked on the ships logs, paperwork, and helping Spitfire with her repairs and maintenance duties. It was hard to actually work together however. We kept finding more interesting things to do! But somehow the chores would get done, and then we would talk and play and simply enjoy our new relationship. After 10 days however, we were ready for a little shore-leave. We came out of witchspace with an all clear from Aria. And I headed her toward the station. A group of six pirates decided to try their luck with us as we made our way inward. They made the same mistake that all pirates seem to make. Trying to scare us into giving up cargo, before we were even in range of their lasers. This too was becoming routine. Two of these, Aria identified as fugitives. I didn't feel bad about cleaning these guys out of the system. I felt worse to see one of them flying a War Lance. He could have been trouble, if he'd had all four weapon mounts fitted with mil. spec lasers. But with beams, he didn't stand a chance. I just had to stay out of his range. I let Spitfire take over near the patrol zone, and dock us at the station. There was no market here for our cargo, but we still needed to deliver the parcel. I arranged for Aria to be refueled, and then Spitfire and I walked hand and hand down the ramp into the station.
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Paradox »

Apologies! I goofed. I wrote the entire "normal chapter", then went back to add in the special bits. Unfortunately, I typed a whole bunch, before I realized I put it in the wrong place. That screwed up both copies royally! So I had to go back and forth trying to fix things so that the two would mesh again. This literally took hours. }:[ Lesson learned, be more careful next time, and read ahead to see what I am affecting! };]

This also resulted in me rushing to get this out tonight. I am sure I have missed more than the usual amount of grammatical boo boos.

Hopefully, I will do better on the next chapter.

But about that... }:[ I have a job interview tomorrow, and if I get it, I will be working full time. }:[ This will put a serious hurt in my writing time. But... we will see.
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by ClymAngus »

Ah another chapter of Mills and Boon in space. Fantastic :D
Just remember to keep Morgan doing those nice sweet things.
Slap and tickle doesn't make the world go round you know.

(I still think any feminist getting hold of this would verbally garrote every last one of us. You know what? It's like doughnuts, a guilty pleasure. Very moreish.)
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Paradox »

ClymAngus wrote:
Ah another chapter of Mills and Boon in space. Fantastic :D
Just remember to keep Morgan doing those nice sweet things.
Slap and tickle doesn't make the world go round you know.

(I still think any feminist getting hold of this would verbally garrote every last one of us. You know what? It's like doughnuts, a guilty pleasure. Very moreish.)
I think I understand, This chapter got away from me, I wasn't really happy with it in the end. But I literally would have had to spend another entire day on it to fix it. If this were a paying gig...? };]

I would say that perhaps my next story should be from a female point of view, but that would just get me into more trouble as I know where that would soon end up. };]
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Re: Chapter 33 - Up Up and Away!

Post by Diziet Sma »

Paradox wrote:
It seems spanking my little Spitfire, wasn't that much of a punishment after all.
ClymAngus wrote:
(I still think any feminist getting hold of this would verbally garrote every last one of us.
Not necessarily.. I personally know more than one feminist who would have no problem at all with it.

And here's another one..
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Diziet Sma »

Paradox wrote:
I have a job interview tomorrow, and if I get it, I will be working full time. }:[ This will put a serious hurt in my writing time. But... we will see.
Hey! Good luck.. I know how much your current job sucks..
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Malacandra »

Paradox wrote:
I would say that perhaps my next story should be from a female point of view, but that would just get me into more trouble as I know where that would soon end up. };]
Oi! Gerroff my patch! :P
"Sidewinder Precision Pro" and other Oolite fiction is now available for Amazon Kindle at a bargain price.

Sidewinder Precision Pro ||Claymore Mine ||The Russian Creed ||One Jump Ahead

All titles also available in paperback.
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by ClymAngus »

Paradox wrote:
ClymAngus wrote:
Ah another chapter of Mills and Boon in space. Fantastic :D
Just remember to keep Morgan doing those nice sweet things.
Slap and tickle doesn't make the world go round you know.

(I still think any feminist getting hold of this would verbally garrote every last one of us. You know what? It's like doughnuts, a guilty pleasure. Very moreish.)
I think I understand, This chapter got away from me, I wasn't really happy with it in the end. But I literally would have had to spend another entire day on it to fix it. If this were a paying gig...? };]

I would say that perhaps my next story should be from a female point of view, but that would just get me into more trouble as I know where that would soon end up. };]
She is in light danger of becoming a piece of 2 dimensional flotsam. Which would be a bit of a pity given her substantial back story. Conflict sir! Conflict shows character! A nice external thing that shows the crews unique skills. How they are different, how they both still have things to teach each other. About life, about pain, about engineering, reverse the roles of control the hierarchy or perceived hierarchy. Test the mettle and see where it takes you. Your characters will lead the way. Hell, their practically writing this for themselves any way, they flow out of you. All your doing is putting pen to paper. It's like what would Jesus do? But much less biblical.

Because as we all know it's never just sex. Even if it starts as such......


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Re: Chapter 33 - Up Up and Away!

Post by Paradox »

Diziet Sma wrote:
Not necessarily.. I personally know more than one feminist who would have no problem at all with it.

And here's another one..
Ditto Dizzy! Try to tell Spitfire she is a victim.. Go ahead, I dare you! };]

Also a most excellent and fitting song! Thank you for reminding me of it!
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Paradox »

ClymAngus wrote:
Slap and tickle doesn't make the world go round you know.
Hold thy tongue knave, lest ye be burned at the stake! };]
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Paradox »

Diziet Sma wrote:
Paradox wrote:
I have a job interview tomorrow, and if I get it, I will be working full time. }:[ This will put a serious hurt in my writing time. But... we will see.
Hey! Good luck.. I know how much your current job sucks..
Current = ex. And no, no you don't know how much it sucked. I don't know if you have Goodwill stores down there or not. Here, they are where people donate their old clothes and household junk, and then Goodwill sells it. The clientele of these stores is wide ranged, to say the least. But a large portion are low-income or even homeless.

Among other duties, I cleaned the public bathrooms.

Need I go on?

I will anyways.

My second week on the job, I arrived to work to find, that someone had missed the toilet, and taken a dump, on the floor of the women's bathroom. Four days later, some else had left their "deposit" in the men's standing urinal... When I said it was a crap job... I meant it.
To such depths am I lowered.
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Paradox »

Malacandra wrote:
Paradox wrote:
I would say that perhaps my next story should be from a female point of view, but that would just get me into more trouble as I know where that would soon end up. };]
Oi! Gerroff my patch! :P
LOL! Don't worry, I read enough of your story to know you had beaten me to it. That and I wouldn't be able to post mine on this forum anyways! };]

I had to google "Oi! Gerroff my patch!" :lol: Why can't 'mericans say cool things like that! };] Although I do think I heard it used on Last of the Summer Wine.
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Paradox »

ClymAngus wrote:
Paradox wrote:
ClymAngus wrote:
Ah another chapter of Mills and Boon in space. Fantastic :D
Just remember to keep Morgan doing those nice sweet things.
Slap and tickle doesn't make the world go round you know.

(I still think any feminist getting hold of this would verbally garrote every last one of us. You know what? It's like doughnuts, a guilty pleasure. Very moreish.)
I think I understand, This chapter got away from me, I wasn't really happy with it in the end. But I literally would have had to spend another entire day on it to fix it. If this were a paying gig...? };]

I would say that perhaps my next story should be from a female point of view, but that would just get me into more trouble as I know where that would soon end up. };]
She is in light danger of becoming a piece of 2 dimensional flotsam. Which would be a bit of a pity given her substantial back story. Conflict sir! Conflict shows character! A nice external thing that shows the crews unique skills. How they are different, how they both still have things to teach each other. About life, about pain, about engineering, reverse the roles of control the hierarchy or perceived hierarchy. Test the mettle and see where it takes you. Your characters will lead the way. Hell, their practically writing this for themselves any way, they flow out of you. All your doing is putting pen to paper. It's like what would Jesus do? But much less biblical.

Because as we all know it's never just sex. Even if it starts as such......


Understood Clym. As I said I was a bit disappointed with how that one turned out. I let myself be rushed, and that's something I need to avoid. I did like how it started however. I thought that bit was quite clever, but I screwed the pooch when I tried to rewrite the second version. Hopefully the next will be back on track. It just might not be posted for a bit.
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Malacandra »

Paradox wrote:
Malacandra wrote:
Paradox wrote:
I would say that perhaps my next story should be from a female point of view, but that would just get me into more trouble as I know where that would soon end up. };]
Oi! Gerroff my patch! :P
LOL! Don't worry, I read enough of your story to know you had beaten me to it. That and I wouldn't be able to post mine on this forum anyways! };]

I had to google "Oi! Gerroff my patch!" :lol: Why can't 'mericans say cool things like that! };] Although I do think I heard it used on Last of the Summer Wine.
You may see some more cool things said in my story soon, and that's all the spoilers I'll offer - except that I may too need to host a small attachment off-site. :wink:

It's amazing what can happen to a story just because you have been listening to the Tannhäuser Overture and want an excuse to drag it in...
"Sidewinder Precision Pro" and other Oolite fiction is now available for Amazon Kindle at a bargain price.

Sidewinder Precision Pro ||Claymore Mine ||The Russian Creed ||One Jump Ahead

All titles also available in paperback.
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Paradox »

Malacandra wrote:
It's amazing what can happen to a story just because you have been listening to the Tannhäuser Overture and want an excuse to drag it in...
LOL! Wasn't that the music they used for Elmer Fudd to "Kill the wabbit"

"...I'll use me speaw and magic helmet!"
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