[log.header]: Opening log for Oolite version 1.72.1 (x86-32 test release) under Windows at 2008-12-20 09:21:00 +0100.
2 processors detected.
Note that the contents of the log file can be adjusted by editing logcontrol.plist.
[joystickHandler.init]: Number of joysticks detected: 0
[display.mode.list.native]: Windows native resolution detected: 1280 x 800
[rendering.opengl.version]: OpenGL renderer version: 2.1.1 ("2.1.1")
Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer: GeForce 8600M GT/PCI/SSE2
[rendering.opengl.extensions]: OpenGL extensions (144):
GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_S3_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_Cg_shader GL_EXT_bindable_uniform GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_EXT_draw_instanced GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXTX_framebuffer_mixed_formats GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_array GL_EXT_texture_buffer_object GL_EXT_texture_compression_latc GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_EXT_texture_lod GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_EXT_timer_query GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_KTX_buffer_region GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color GL_NV_depth_buffer_float GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_NV_fence GL_NV_float_buffer GL_NV_fog_distance GL_NV_fragment_program GL_NV_fragment_program_option GL_NV_fragment_program2 GL_NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage GL_NV_geometry_shader4 GL_NV_gpu_program4 GL_NV_half_float GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint GL_NV_occlusion_query GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object GL_NV_pixel_data_range GL_NV_point_sprite GL_NV_primitive_restart GL_NV_register_combiners GL_NV_register_combiners2 GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_texture_compression_vtc GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 GL_NV_texture_expand_normal GL_NV_texture_rectangle GL_NV_texture_shader GL_NV_texture_shader2 GL_NV_texture_shader3 GL_NV_transform_feedback GL_NV_vertex_array_range GL_NV_vertex_array_range2 GL_NV_vertex_program GL_NV_vertex_program1_1 GL_NV_vertex_program2 GL_NV_vertex_program2_option GL_NV_vertex_program3 GL_NVX_conditional_render GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SGIX_depth_texture GL_SGIX_shadow GL_SUN_slice_accum GL_WIN_swap_hint WGL_EXT_swap_control
[searchPaths.dumpAll]: ---> OXP search paths:
(oolite.app/Resources, AddOns, AddOns/AAACrooks.oxp, AddOns/Amen_Bricks_Megaships.oxp, "AddOns/AMS 1.00.oxp", AddOns/Anarchies1.1.oxp, "AddOns/Aquatics 1.03.oxp", AddOns/arachnid.oxp, AddOns/Assassins.oxp, AddOns/AsteroidStorm.oxp, "AddOns/behemoth 2.5.oxp", "AddOns/BehemothSpacewar 1.2.1.oxp", AddOns/black_baron.oxp, AddOns/blade.oxp, AddOns/BountyScanner.oxp, AddOns/buoyRepair1.02.1.oxp, AddOns/Cargo_wrecks_teaser.oxp, AddOns/Commies.oxp, "AddOns/DeepSpacePirates 1.0.oxp", AddOns/deposed1.3.3.oxp, "AddOns/Dictators v1.3.oxp", AddOns/Diso.oxp, AddOns/dodo_stations.oxp, "AddOns/Drones 1.01.oxp", "AddOns/Energy Equipment 1.04.oxp", AddOns/ettBeaconLauncher.oxp, AddOns/farsun.oxp, AddOns/flying_Dutchman.oxp, "AddOns/Freaky Thargoids 3.oxp", "AddOns/FTZ v0.13.oxp", AddOns/FuelCollector.oxp, AddOns/Galactica.oxp, AddOns/Galactic_Navy.oxp, AddOns/galcops.oxp, AddOns/genship.oxp, AddOns/globestations.oxp, AddOns/griff_planetexpress.oxp, AddOns/griff_shady_station.oxp, AddOns/griff_ships_remixed.oxp, AddOns/griff_turret_ship_pirates.oxp, AddOns/GrittyCoriolis.oxp, AddOns/gwxstations.oxp, AddOns/hOopyCasino.oxp, AddOns/Hotrods.oxp, AddOns/hyperradio1.14.oxp, AddOns/interstellar_help.oxp, "AddOns/ionics-1.2.1.oxp", AddOns/Lave.oxp, AddOns/longway.oxp, "AddOns/lovecats 1.1.oxp", AddOns/MaegilsMissiles.oxp, "AddOns/MilHUD-new.oxp", "AddOns/military Fiasco 2.4.1.oxp", AddOns/milmissile.oxp, "AddOns/Missile Analyser 1.1.1.oxp", "AddOns/Missile Rack 1.02.oxp", "AddOns/Missiles and Bombs v1.1.oxp", AddOns/nuke.oxp, AddOns/Ore_processor.oxp, AddOns/PAGroove_Stations_v1.2.1.oxp, AddOns/piratetraps.oxp, AddOns/Pirate_coves.oxp, "AddOns/Planetfall 1.09 Beta.oxp", "AddOns/Pods 1.02.oxp", "AddOns/Pods-UPS 1.01.oxp", AddOns/Probe_1.02.oxp, AddOns/RandomHits274.oxp, AddOns/renegades.oxp, "AddOns/RepairBots 1.00.oxp", AddOns/ringpod.oxp, AddOns/Rock_Hermit_Locator1.3.oxp, AddOns/SaveAnywhere.oxp, "AddOns/Second Wave 1.00.oxp", AddOns/sell_equipment.oxp, AddOns/seosu.oxp, AddOns/Shady_blackmonks.oxp, AddOns/spyhunter.oxp, "AddOns/Status_Quo_Q-bomb.oxp", AddOns/sunskimmers.oxp, AddOns/System_Redux.oxp, AddOns/taranis.oxp, AddOns/tardis.oxp, "AddOns/Target Reticle 1.0.1.oxp", AddOns/Taxi_Galactica_Teaser.oxp, AddOns/tgy_dev.oxp, AddOns/thargmissile.oxp, AddOns/thargoidcarrier.oxp, "AddOns/thargoid_wars 4.2.oxp", "AddOns/Thorgorn_Threat 1.2.oxp", AddOns/tianve.oxp, AddOns/tori.oxp, "AddOns/Traffic Control 1.01.oxp", AddOns/transhab.oxp, "AddOns/transports 2.47.oxp", AddOns/TrekHud.oxp, "AddOns/Trident Down v1.1.oxp", AddOns/tugs.oxp, AddOns/typhoon.oxp, "AddOns/UPS-courier v1.4.4.oxp", AddOns/Vector1.1.oxp, AddOns/wakapiko1208.oxp, AddOns/wakatoro1208.oxp, "AddOns/weeviloid2-PC.oxp", "AddOns/Welcome Mat 1.05.oxp", AddOns/YOUR_AD_HERE.oxp, AddOns/YOUR_AD_HERE_set_A.oxp, AddOns/YOUR_AD_HERE_set_B.oxp, AddOns/YOUR_AD_HERE_set_C.oxp, AddOns/YOUR_AD_HERE_set_D.oxp, AddOns/YOUR_AD_HERE_set_E.oxp, AddOns/YOUR_AD_HERE_set_F.oxp, "AddOns/Zz-My Sounds.oxp", "AddOns/Zz-Oo-Haul.oxp", "AddOns/ZZZ Hawksound.oxp", "AddOns/ZZZZ Oolite Shipyards Extension VBeta-19-12-08.oxp", "AddOns/Zzzzz dragon.oxp", "AddOns/ZZZZZ_Dredgers 2.2.oxp", AddOns/Zz_Famous_Planets_v1.1.oxp)
[dataCache.rebuild.explicitFlush]: Cache explicitly flushed with shift key. Rebuilding from scratch.
[shipData.load.begin]: Loading ship data...
[plist.parse.foundation.failed]: Failed to parse AddOns/blade.oxp/Config/shipdata.plist as a property list using Foundation. Retrying using homebrew parser. WARNING: the homebrew parser is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Oolite.
failed to parse as valid XML matching DTD
[plist.homebrew.success]: Successfully interpreted property list... for now.
[plist.parse.foundation.failed]: Failed to parse AddOns/Dictators v1.3.oxp/Config/shipdata.plist as a property list using Foundation. Retrying using homebrew parser. WARNING: the homebrew parser is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Oolite.
failed to parse as valid XML matching DTD
[plist.homebrew.parseError]: ***** Property list error: closing tag </dict> with no opening tag (expected </key>).
[plist.homebrew.parseError]: ***** Property list parser error: expected root element tokenization to be NSArray, but got (nil).
[plist.parse.foundation.failed]: Failed to parse AddOns/typhoon.oxp/Config/shipdata.plist as a property list using Foundation. Retrying using homebrew parser. WARNING: the homebrew parser is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Oolite.
failed to parse as valid XML matching DTD
[plist.homebrew.success]: Successfully interpreted property list... for now.
[shipData.merge.failed]: ***** ERROR: one or more shipdata.plist entries have like_ship references that cannot be resolved:
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "comlimesc" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 0.04.42 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 5).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "comlimesc" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "comlimesc" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* -3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 0.04.42 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 5).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* -3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "pirate-upscapsule" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 0.04.42 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 5).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "pirate-upscapsule" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "pirate-upscapsule" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* -3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod10" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 0.04.42 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 5).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod10" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod10" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* -3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod11" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 0.04.42 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 5).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod11" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod11" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* -3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod12" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 0.04.42 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 5).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod12" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod12" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* -3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod13" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 0.04.42 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 5).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod13" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod13" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* -3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod14" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 0.04.42 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 5).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod14" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod14" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* -3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod15" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 0.04.42 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 5).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod15" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod15" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* -3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod16" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 0.04.42 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 5).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod16" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod16" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* -3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod17" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 0.04.42 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 5).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod17" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod17" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* -3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod18" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 0.04.42 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 5).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod18" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod18" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* -3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "sunbase-upscapsule" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 0.04.42 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 5).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "sunbase-upscapsule" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "sunbase-upscapsule" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* -3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "ambassador-pod" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 0.04.42 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 5).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "ambassador-pod" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "ambassador-pod" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* -3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "beacon_torpedo" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* -1.0 0.0 -3.8 2.0 2.0 4.0" (should have 8 tokens, has 7).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "beacon_torpedo" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 1.0 0.0 -4.5 2.0 2.0 4.0" (should have 8 tokens, has 7).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "beacon_torpedo" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 0.0 -1.0 -4.0 2.0 2.0 4.0" (should have 8 tokens, has 7).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "beacon_torpedo" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 0.0 1.0 -4.0 2.0 2.0 4.0" (should have 8 tokens, has 7).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "velocity96-sub" has a broken subentity definition "velocity96-sub" (should have 8 tokens, has 1).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "kurtz-pod" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 0.04.42 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 5).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "kurtz-pod" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "kurtz-pod" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* -3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod1" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 0.04.42 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 5).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod1" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod1" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* -3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod2" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 0.04.42 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 5).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod2" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod2" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* -3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod3" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 0.04.42 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 5).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod3" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod3" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* -3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod4" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 0.04.42 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 5).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod4" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod4" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* -3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod5" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 0.04.42 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 5).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod5" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod5" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* -3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod6" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 0.04.42 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 5).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod6" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod6" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* -3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod7" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 0.04.42 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 5).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod7" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod7" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* -3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod8" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 0.04.42 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 5).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod8" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod8" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* -3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod9" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 0.04.42 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 5).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod9" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* 3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "navy-officer-pod9" has a broken subentity definition "*FLASHER* -3.83 -2.21 -1.54 0.0 2" (should have 8 tokens, has 6).
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "type-n-ad-buoy" specifies non-existent model "type-n-ad-buoy.dat".
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "mango-mako-kb-player" specifies non-existent model "cm4.dat".
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "mango-ururoa-pirate-player" specifies non-existent model "cm3.dat".
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "mango-mako" specifies non-existent model "cm4.dat".
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "dock-factory" specifies non-existent model "comfactory_dock.dat".
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "mango-mako-re-player" specifies non-existent model "cm4.dat".
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "yah-wpbuoy-type-a" specifies non-existent model "yahlg01.dat".
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "PAGroove-dodecahedron-reference" specifies no roles.
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "mango-ururoa-pirate" specifies non-existent model "cm3.dat".
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "mango-mako-player" specifies non-existent model "cm4.dat".
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "PAGroove-coriolis-reference" specifies no roles.
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "abBattleship" specifies no roles.
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "mango-mako-dk" specifies non-existent model "cm4.dat".
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "mango-ripi-renegade" specifies non-existent model "cm1.dat".
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "mango-mako-dk-player" specifies non-existent model "cm4.dat".
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "mango-mako-kb" specifies non-existent model "cm4.dat".
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "PAGroove-icosahedron-reference" specifies no roles.
[shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "mango-mako-re" specifies non-existent model "cm4.dat".
[plist.parse.foundation.failed]: Failed to parse AddOns/blade.oxp/Config/shipyard.plist as a property list using Foundation. Retrying using homebrew parser. WARNING: the homebrew parser is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Oolite.
failed to parse as valid XML matching DTD
[plist.homebrew.success]: Successfully interpreted property list... for now.
[script.load.world.listAll]: Loaded 141 world scripts: "ams_system" 1.00, "Anarchies" 1.1, "assassins", "AsteroidStorm" 3.43, "behemoth" 2.5, "behemoth-spacewar" 1.2.1, "black_monks", "blackbaron" 1.70, "Bounty Scanner" 1.04, "buoyRepair" 1.02.1, "Cargo_test", "casinoship_appearance", "casinoship_revisit", "chaff_exhausted", "chaff_refill", "chaff_set", "chaff_set_variation", "clipperschedule", "communist_population", "deep_space_dredger" 2.2, "deep_space_pirates" 1.0, "deposed", "dictatorship_population", "dredger_appearance", "Emergency Energy Unit" 1.2, "ExecutiveFlightSchedule", "Famous Planets Launch Script" 1.2, "farsun" 1.03, "Flying Dutchman" 1.4, "free-trade-zone", "frog_show", "Fuel Collector" 0.03, "generation-ship-script01", "griffturretshippirates1", "griffturretshippirates10", "griffturretshippirates11", "griffturretshippirates12", "griffturretshippirates13", "griffturretshippirates14", "griffturretshippirates15", "griffturretshippirates16", "griffturretshippirates17", "griffturretshippirates18", "griffturretshippirates19", "griffturretshippirates2", "griffturretshippirates20", "griffturretshippirates21", "griffturretshippirates22", "griffturretshippirates23", "griffturretshippirates24", "griffturretshippirates3", "griffturretshippirates4", "griffturretshippirates5", "griffturretshippirates6", "griffturretshippirates7", "griffturretshippirates8", "griffturretshippirates9", "hardpirates1", "hardpirates10", "hardpirates11", "hardpirates12", "hardpirates13", "hardpirates14", "hardpirates15", "hardpirates16", "hardpirates17", "hardpirates18", "hardpirates19", "hardpirates2", "hardpirates20", "hardpirates21", "hardpirates22", "hardpirates23", "hardpirates24", "hardpirates3", "hardpirates4", "hardpirates5", "hardpirates6", "hardpirates7", "hardpirates8", "hardpirates9", "hofd", "hoopy_casino", "hyperradio" 1.14, "Interstellar_Action", "interstellar_help" 1.0, "ionics_v_rlf", "JSversion" 0.9, "long_way_round", "lord-of-the-rings", "military_fiasco" 2.4.1, "missile_analyser" 1.1.1, "mission_taxi", "missionaries", "Navy_Patrol", "NavyPatrols1", "NavyPatrols2", "newskim", "OO-Haul Escort", "oolite-cloaking-device" 1.72.1, "oolite-constrictor-hunt" 1.72.1, "oolite-nova" 1.72.1, "oolite-thargoid-plans" 1.72.1, "oolite-trumbles" 1.72.1, "OreProcessorGems" 1.51, "Pi-Forty-Two Con stores", "PlanetFall" 1.1, "PoliceTrap", "Put_Pirate_Coves_where_the_pirates_are", "Random_Hits", "reticle_target_sensitive" 0.0, "rockHermit_Locator" 1.3, "SalezaPatrol", "Save Anywhere OXP" 0.2, "seccom_station", "sell_equipment" 1.2, "SIRFYardStations1", "SIRFYardStations2", "spy_hunter", "supercobra_placement", "System Redux 1.1 beta" 1.1, "taranis_one", "tardis_appearance", "taxi_station_placement", "Test", "thargoid_wars", "Thargorn_Witchspace_Battle" 1.2, "Tianve_messaging" 1.0, "TigersTurf" 0.52b, "TrafficControl" 0.1, "transportSchedule" 2.46, "trident_down", "tuggerschedule", "ups_container" 1.4.4, "ups_docs" 1.4.4, "ups_parcel" 1.4.4, "ups_slaves" 1.4.4, "ups_sun" 1.4.4, "vector" 1.1, "wedding", "Welcome Information Script" 0.6
[plist.parse.foundation.failed]: Failed to parse AddOns/Missiles and Bombs v1.1.oxp/AIs/missileAI.plist as a property list using Foundation. Retrying using homebrew parser. WARNING: the homebrew parser is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Oolite.
Parse failed at line 2 (char 25) - extra data after parsed string
[plist.homebrew.parseError]: Property list isn't in XML format, homebrew parser can't help you.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.target is deprecated, use player.ship.target instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.hasEquipment() is deprecated, use player.ship.hasEquipment() instead.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.docked is deprecated, use player.ship.docked instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.hasEquipment() is deprecated, use player.ship.hasEquipment() instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.speed is deprecated, use player.ship.speed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.maxSpeed is deprecated, use player.ship.maxSpeed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.fuel is deprecated, use player.ship.fuel instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.position is deprecated, use player.ship.position instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.maxSpeed is deprecated, use player.ship.maxSpeed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.speed is deprecated, use player.ship.speed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.docked is deprecated, use player.ship.docked instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.fuel is deprecated, use player.ship.fuel instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.speed is deprecated, use player.ship.speed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.maxSpeed is deprecated, use player.ship.maxSpeed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.target is deprecated, use player.ship.target instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.hasEquipment() is deprecated, use player.ship.hasEquipment() instead.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.docked is deprecated, use player.ship.docked instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.fuel is deprecated, use player.ship.fuel instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.speed is deprecated, use player.ship.speed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.maxSpeed is deprecated, use player.ship.maxSpeed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.target is deprecated, use player.ship.target instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.hasEquipment() is deprecated, use player.ship.hasEquipment() instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.docked is deprecated, use player.ship.docked instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.hasEquipment() is deprecated, use player.ship.hasEquipment() instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.speed is deprecated, use player.ship.speed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.maxSpeed is deprecated, use player.ship.maxSpeed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.fuel is deprecated, use player.ship.fuel instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.position is deprecated, use player.ship.position instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.maxSpeed is deprecated, use player.ship.maxSpeed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.speed is deprecated, use player.ship.speed instead.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.docked is deprecated, use player.ship.docked instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.hasEquipment() is deprecated, use player.ship.hasEquipment() instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.speed is deprecated, use player.ship.speed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.maxSpeed is deprecated, use player.ship.maxSpeed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.fuel is deprecated, use player.ship.fuel instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.position is deprecated, use player.ship.position instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.maxSpeed is deprecated, use player.ship.maxSpeed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.speed is deprecated, use player.ship.speed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.docked is deprecated, use player.ship.docked instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.fuel is deprecated, use player.ship.fuel instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.speed is deprecated, use player.ship.speed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.maxSpeed is deprecated, use player.ship.maxSpeed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.target is deprecated, use player.ship.target instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.hasEquipment() is deprecated, use player.ship.hasEquipment() instead.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.docked is deprecated, use player.ship.docked instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.hasEquipment() is deprecated, use player.ship.hasEquipment() instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.speed is deprecated, use player.ship.speed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.maxSpeed is deprecated, use player.ship.maxSpeed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.fuel is deprecated, use player.ship.fuel instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.position is deprecated, use player.ship.position instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.maxSpeed is deprecated, use player.ship.maxSpeed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.speed is deprecated, use player.ship.speed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.docked is deprecated, use player.ship.docked instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.fuel is deprecated, use player.ship.fuel instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.speed is deprecated, use player.ship.speed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.maxSpeed is deprecated, use player.ship.maxSpeed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.target is deprecated, use player.ship.target instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.hasEquipment() is deprecated, use player.ship.hasEquipment() instead.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.docked is deprecated, use player.ship.docked instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.fuel is deprecated, use player.ship.fuel instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.speed is deprecated, use player.ship.speed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.maxSpeed is deprecated, use player.ship.maxSpeed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.target is deprecated, use player.ship.target instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.hasEquipment() is deprecated, use player.ship.hasEquipment() instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.docked is deprecated, use player.ship.docked instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.hasEquipment() is deprecated, use player.ship.hasEquipment() instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.speed is deprecated, use player.ship.speed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.maxSpeed is deprecated, use player.ship.maxSpeed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.fuel is deprecated, use player.ship.fuel instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.position is deprecated, use player.ship.position instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.maxSpeed is deprecated, use player.ship.maxSpeed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.speed is deprecated, use player.ship.speed instead.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.docked is deprecated, use player.ship.docked instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.hasEquipment() is deprecated, use player.ship.hasEquipment() instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.speed is deprecated, use player.ship.speed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.maxSpeed is deprecated, use player.ship.maxSpeed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.fuel is deprecated, use player.ship.fuel instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.position is deprecated, use player.ship.position instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.maxSpeed is deprecated, use player.ship.maxSpeed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.speed is deprecated, use player.ship.speed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.docked is deprecated, use player.ship.docked instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.fuel is deprecated, use player.ship.fuel instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.speed is deprecated, use player.ship.speed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.maxSpeed is deprecated, use player.ship.maxSpeed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.target is deprecated, use player.ship.target instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.hasEquipment() is deprecated, use player.ship.hasEquipment() instead.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.docked is deprecated, use player.ship.docked instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.fuel is deprecated, use player.ship.fuel instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.speed is deprecated, use player.ship.speed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.maxSpeed is deprecated, use player.ship.maxSpeed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.target is deprecated, use player.ship.target instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.hasEquipment() is deprecated, use player.ship.hasEquipment() instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.docked is deprecated, use player.ship.docked instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.hasEquipment() is deprecated, use player.ship.hasEquipment() instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.speed is deprecated, use player.ship.speed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.maxSpeed is deprecated, use player.ship.maxSpeed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.fuel is deprecated, use player.ship.fuel instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.position is deprecated, use player.ship.position instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.maxSpeed is deprecated, use player.ship.maxSpeed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.speed is deprecated, use player.ship.speed instead.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.docked is deprecated, use player.ship.docked instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.hasEquipment() is deprecated, use player.ship.hasEquipment() instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.speed is deprecated, use player.ship.speed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.maxSpeed is deprecated, use player.ship.maxSpeed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.fuel is deprecated, use player.ship.fuel instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.position is deprecated, use player.ship.position instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.maxSpeed is deprecated, use player.ship.maxSpeed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.speed is deprecated, use player.ship.speed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.docked is deprecated, use player.ship.docked instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.fuel is deprecated, use player.ship.fuel instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.speed is deprecated, use player.ship.speed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.maxSpeed is deprecated, use player.ship.maxSpeed instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.target is deprecated, use player.ship.target instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.hasEquipment() is deprecated, use player.ship.hasEquipment() instead.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.docked is deprecated, use player.ship.docked instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.docked is deprecated, use player.ship.docked instead.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[dataCache.willWrite]: About to write data cache.
[dataCache.write.success]: Wrote data cache.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.docked is deprecated, use player.ship.docked instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.docked is deprecated, use player.ship.docked instead.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.docked is deprecated, use player.ship.docked instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.docked is deprecated, use player.ship.docked instead.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.docked is deprecated, use player.ship.docked instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.docked is deprecated, use player.ship.docked instead.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.docked is deprecated, use player.ship.docked instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.docked is deprecated, use player.ship.docked instead.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.docked is deprecated, use player.ship.docked instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.docked is deprecated, use player.ship.docked instead.
[script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: player.dockedStation is deprecated, use player.ship.dockedStation instead.
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitspatrolAI.plist in state LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: Scanning Target... 215 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitspatrolAI.plist in state LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: Scanning Target... 215 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitspatrolAI.plist in state LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: Scanning Target... 215 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitspatrolAI.plist in state LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: Scanning Target... 215 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitsbarAI.plist in state STAND_BY_LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: The Red Pincers 672 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitspatrolAI.plist in state LOOK_FOR_ALL_TARGETS: Scanning Target... 215 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole:
[ai.takeAction.badSelector]: ***** ERROR in AI randomhitspatrolAI.plist in state GO_TO_JUMP_DISTANCE: Scanning Target... 881 does not respond to scanForNearestShipWithAnyRole: