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Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 1:00 am
by ramon
I do. It's great.

I've had a ton of real life work to do which is why I've not been on these boards for a while, but I've got a couple of old ships I designed (which were going to be part of a bigger pack) which'll I'll upload and I've started work on re-imagining the original crafts, including different cockpits for each, so expect them..................ohhhh, at least before the end of the year :)

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 11:11 am
by Dr. Nil
ramon wrote:
I've started work on re-imagining the original crafts, including different cockpits for each, so expect them..................ohhhh, at least before the end of the year :)
Sounds soon enough to me :D

Hope that you'll release them as they done.

(If I had a private jet and a Caribbean resort I'd kidnap all you dream team members and send you 3 months away to work on a new basic set together :D)

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 2:35 pm
by LittleBear
Hi Ramon, nice to see you back!

I'm a bit burnt out on Oolite ATM. So I'm gonna take a break from it and the boards for a while. Griff has sent me the first draft of a ship to replace the Deathburgher Standin, so I will finish off Asssassins.oxp and see if my interest picks up in a few months. Except it will, seeing how Oolite has gone on after a break.

I've played the game to death (Elite and done all the missions). I had a lot of fun building missions, as I have no knowllege of computer programming (except for messing around as a kid on the BBC 20 years ago!), its different from my real world job and puzzeling stuff out was an interesting challeging. And nice to add somthing to the project.

But I don't have much feetime, it uses up a lot and its been monopolising other interests, not to mention wife and daughter, so gonna have a break for a while.

Everybody feel free to use absoultley anything you like from the OXPs I've submitted in your own Oolite projects. I'd be flattered if you think its worth c&p ing!.

I left a few plot threads open in the OXPs I've contributed, mainly Assassins, but also Black Monks and Asteroid Storm (so me or sombodey else could do a follow up.) Please feel free to do so if you like, taking anything from any of the OXPs I've submitted you need or helps. I'd very much look forward to playing a follow on, when I return! Only thing I'd ask is you send me a PM to let me know you've done it, just so I don't duplicate your work if I do another OXP. I don't regard anything I've contributed as "mine", it belongs to the project and the comminuty.

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 3:43 pm
by HueijRevisited
Sorry to hear that LB, you will be missed. Not only did your OXP's take the game further than anyone could imagine but you were also kind enough to help out others who tried the same.

Good luck in RL and don't stay away too long.

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 6:35 pm
Thanks for all your hard work and contributions, LB your ability to think outside the box has elevated Oolite to levels that I did not think were possible. Your input is and always will be very welcome, RL always has to come first, and for me it is too at the moment, but it won't stop me visiting this BB, just don't have much time to play at the moment.

BW matey.

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 6:36 pm
by DaddyHoggy
:shock: :cry: See you around LB - thanks for all your help - I guess I wont be far behind you once Hoglet_Sproglet_Mk2 turns up... :)

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 9:27 pm
by Dr. Nil
So long and thanks for all the OXPs.

Have a nice stay Outworlds. Hope to see you back with a lot of new ideas when you return. And hopefully there will be a lot of exciting new missions for you to play then.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 9:59 am
by Commander McLane
Sorry to hear of your dropping out! Sad for me, because I'm sure in the course of developing Equilibrium.oxp I'm going to have a lot of questions to which you may know the answer. Now scrutinizing the code of Assassins will have to do instead. :(

But anyway, all the best to you!

And as everybody here I hope you'll be back!!!

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 3:00 pm
by Captain Hesperus
LB, Sorry to hear you're going silent running for the interim. :cry: But never fear, you can't keep a good Ursa Minor down for long! Have a rest, smell the Megaweed and come back to us soon, before we're all carted off to the 'hotel' with the padded 'apartments' and the large 'bellboys' in the while uniforms and the lovely 'dinner jackets' with the buckles down the back and on the ends of the sleeves..... Oh hello, is that syringe for me? HoW lOvElY

ThAnK YoU fOr AlL tHe InSpIrAtIoN AnD WoRk YoU'vE pUt In......

Captain Hesperus
"Wsetv hrdxa bkedac gf shrnd clbgr."

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 11:18 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Captain Hesperus wrote:
"Wsetv hrdxa bkedac gf shrnd clbgr."
Nuts - it's not rot13 and I'm too frazzled to try and work it out otherwise

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 11:17 am
by Captain Hesperus
DaddyHoggy wrote:
Captain Hesperus wrote:
"Wsetv hrdxa bkedac gf shrnd clbgr."
Nuts - it's not rot13 and I'm too frazzled to try and work it out otherwise
It's Medazolam-induced dysphasia. :wink:

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 5:48 pm
by Gareth3377
So long LB - can't wait to play assassins (heard a lot about it) but first have to actually get some credits and upgrades to my ship. The missions are something to look forward to. Black Monks adds even more depth to this fantastic universe.

All the best


Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 3:40 am
by Danman
BEEN PLAYING A BIT TOO MUCH ELDER SCROLLS FOUR HAVENT WE? The "Brotherhood" "Assasins Guild"? Is the guy that invites you gonna be named Lucien Lachance too? :evil: . Lol im kidding. Thats a good game, i would actually like something like it in all games. But c'mon man! Be original! :D

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:41 am
by LittleBear
:D Actually I stole the names of "The Brotherhood" and "The Assassins Guild" from Wise & Hickmans series of fantasy novels "The Death Gate Cycle" (which was based on their D&D Modules I played in the 80s!) Only the name is pinched though, the missions are orgininal, but a lot of things from Elite Fan Fiction and Sci-Fi get subtle references in the mission text or ship hails.

I haven't played Elder Scrolls, but its strange how names and ideas come up in games a quater of a century apart! Mabey the coders of that game were D&D anoraks in the 80s!

"The Assassins Guild" also (sort of) featured in one of the orginal Elite Games (Frontier) and is mentioned in "The H.P.A Saga" (Fan fiction based on the Elite / Oolite / FFE Universe) - Well worth a read. Hey no reason why (eg a Guild Sister) shouldn't insult you in a stylised way. Fighting her over a forest covered moon:- "As last views go, Commander, you could do worse!" <Switch State to Attack Ship>!

EDIT : Just relised all of these games were written before you were born! :shock: Liked you new ship very much BTW. Really good to see new (and young!) people contributing stuff. Most of us are 30 somthings (or more) re-living the Childhoods we wasted playing Elite in the 80s, so expect nerdy 1970s / 1980s era games references in OXPs!

<wanders off scratching white beard, I remeber when all this was fields...>

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 3:47 pm
LittleBear wrote:
Most of us are 30 somthings (or more)
Gaaah...... young whippersnapper, some of us are due a free buspass very soon!

And as for greyhair.... some of us make Gandalf look young!

<wanders off to watch recordings of "Grumpy Old Men >