had no idea so i googled just to start things off... wont do it again unless it gets bogged down.
ok here is my question.
the story is about human civilisation driven underground so far in the past that the protagonists dont know when or why. the main characters have a brush with the authorities and escape to the surface which is covered with robotic run farms and where they meet an alien.
Arthur: OK. Leave this to me. I'm British. I know how to queue.
OR i could go with
Arthur Dent: I always said there was something fundamentally wrong with the universe.
or simply
the story is about human civilisation driven underground so far in the past that the protagonists dont know when or why. the main characters have a brush with the authorities and escape to the surface which is covered with robotic run farms and where they meet an alien.
the story is about human civilisation driven underground so far in the past that the protagonists dont know when or why. the main characters have a brush with the authorities and escape to the surface
This reminded me of an polluted earth cleaned by robots and the robots kept the earthlings down below until they surfaced and some kind of coexisting society grew out of it.
I'd guess it's Tumithak of the Corridors by Charles R. Tanner - published in 1932 but I think Asimov's adventure magazine reprinted it in the eighties.
this is less mainstream . first clue is a quote from a review...
Earth, 2000 years after the final holocaust which drove man deep underground; a ghostly, deserted planet peopled only by the diligent robots who, century after century, silently harvest grain which no man will eat.
Up into this eerie world comes Mel, a questioning young Roamer who has disobeyed the Law which says he must never venture into or beyond the Lost Levels. Together with three companions, and a companion not of this Earth, Mel takes on the awesome task of freeing human beings from the tyranny imposed on them by their remote ancestors; of justifying the agonized cry of Barney as he died in a Forbidden Level: "I am a man! Everything is for man!"
Arthur: OK. Leave this to me. I'm British. I know how to queue.
OR i could go with
Arthur Dent: I always said there was something fundamentally wrong with the universe.
or simply
well this one is from left field as the yanks tend to say so to keep this thread rolling post your answer...
all i ask is have you heard of the author and some of his other very fine books?
p.s. it was the barney line wasnt it?
Arthur: OK. Leave this to me. I'm British. I know how to queue.
OR i could go with
Arthur Dent: I always said there was something fundamentally wrong with the universe.
or simply
You didn't miss out on anything. Too long, too predictable. Everyone dies except the two main protagonists.
Just like Nightmare on Elm Street... and every slasher horror... Oh! I just realized that Avatar is a western in space with blue indians that ends like a slasher.
I've no idea what story you're referring to, and I also immediately thought of Logan's Run for the previous one.
So, a pointless digression...
Tichy wrote:
Just like Nightmare on Elm Street..
I suppose most people nowadays recognize that phrase only as a movie title. It was only recently that I realized it's an allusion to the assassination of John Kennedy. If I were asked where that happened, I would have answered Dealy Plaza. I only learned from a TV documentary a few years ago the street is in fact Elm Street.