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The Assassins Guild OXP - Beta

Discussion and information relevant to creating special missions, new ships, skins etc.

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Post by LittleBear »

I think in Oolite the Sun is made smaller than it really would be (should be 1000 times the size of the planet) and much nearer to the planet. I had to put the Gas Giants really far out as Oolite couldn't render the Main Planet properly if the Giant and Planet happened to overlap, so I had to make 'em big so the player could see them.

Its not right astro-phyisics wise, as really from orbit around an Earth-Style world a Giant at the distance of Jupiter would probabley just be a spec of light, but that woudn't be much fun! :)

Giles also made the Ships and Stations 100 times larger than the really would be in proportion to the planet, as you woudn't be able to make them out if they were a realistic size. Things work differently in the Ooniverse to the Universe. :wink:
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Disappearing Mark

Post by davcefai »

I think there there is an unintended event in the Eszausve mission.

I hyperspace into the system and find a battle going on. Start knocking off navy ships. After doing 5 or 6 of them my cloaking device starts to work again. I dock at the station and find that I have successfully completed my mission. (And get paid to boot!)

Throughout all this I have not seen the target.

I assume that my target is a Military Base moving towards the moon.
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Post by LittleBear »

It's probabley just that the Rebels destroyed the Battle Station before you got to it. Once a Mark's Transponder is destroyed (whoever did the deed) your cloaking device comes back on-line. This mission is WIP. In the final version you'll have to destroy a much tougher target (see post on pervious page).

"3) On the Battle Station mission. ATM this mission is WIP and unfinished. Heretic is designing a Station made of Sub-entries. In the final version of Assassins (still offically in Beata at the moment), it will be Heretic's Battle Station that you have to destroy. The Military Station (with reduced shields) is just there as a "stand-in" otherwise the mission could not yet be completed. The Battle Station is massive (twice the size of a Tourous Station) and cannot be destroyed by any amount of fire-power to the outside. It is hollow however and you will have to fly inside the super-structer to find the vunerable reactor core. Lasering the reactor core will blow the station. However, the tunnels inside the station atre only 80m wide, so you'll need some fancy flying not to crash. Also, you will have to be in a small ship (like an Adder or Eagle) to fit in. Untimatley I think this will be the toughest mission in the game, but you'll have to wait for the Final Version of Assassins to play the mission properly. ATM it is dead easy as it is really a test of the battle code and to allow you to play the missions after this one."

The Military Station (with weady shields) is just there as a stand-in, so that you can complete the mission. Its shields are so weedy the NPC rebels can do the job for you! The final two missions (that are comming up) are tough as these ships have been finished.

As the readme warns:- either don't play the "Death Star" mission and wait for the final version of Assassins, or play though and complete the OXP, but keep a Commander saved at the point before you played the mission so you can play the mission as it should be when Assassins comes out of Beta.
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Post by davcefai »

Thanks, I'm enjoying the OXP very much, didn't much like the news that there are only 2 more missions left.
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Post by johnsmith »

I've been moving, and don't have a DSL line yet (famous for it's inhabitants ancient love of sitcoms but cursed by frequent sandstorms, can you guess where?).

Anyway, are you meant to come across renegade cruisers in galaxy 1? I was quite surprised.
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Post by LittleBear »

Yeah. Rengages is a different OXP to Assassins and they can appear anywhere. It is very rare though to see one outside an Anarchy or Dictatorship, so the young Jameson is fairly safe. You might want to make sure you at lease have a beam, ECM and injectors though before installing this OXP, just to be safe!
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Post by johnsmith »

No, these were not Elite style renegades, they we're from the Star Wars mission series in galaxy 7. Now appearing in galaxy 1!
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Post by LittleBear »

Oh yeah sorry! (Forgot I called the unlocked versions of the ships Renegade Mongoose etc!)

It is a hidden feature of Assassins. Once you complete all the missions then there is a small chance of seeing Renegade Mongoose, Scorpion and (v. v. rare) Deamon Class Cruiser Pirates in any Galaxy. This only happens though if all missions are completed. The 2nd to last breifing in Assassins refers to the Captins of the now deposed Dictatorship Navy ships taking up piracy. There is also a small chance of seeing special branch Asps on patrol as well as Navy BattleBots, Control Drones and Areon Class Frigates. All these ships follow native Oolite AIs though, pirate, route1patrol etc as approprate.

If I got the maths right, you should see an unlocked ship once in every 10 to 15 jumps.
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Post by ArkanoiD »

..i am still waiting for completed deathburger, are there any news?
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Post by LittleBear »

I think heretcic has retired so it wouldn't come from him and I don't have the modeling skill to make something that would look right.

However, Griff did a great Station for the Black Monks OXP. I wonder if I can twist his arm into building somthing truley nasty looking for the DeathBurger....
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Post by Griff »

i'll have a go at the deathburger, what's the idea - i remember AH was working on a ship you could fly through and destroy from the inside out, not sure if i'm going to be able to build something like that. I haven't earned this mission in assasins yet so i don't know if you've got a fixed look for the ship, from it's name i imagine something a bit like half the starwars deathstar giving it a hamburger bun shape or am i wildly off the mark?
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Post by LittleBear »

The orginal idea was that it would be made of hundreds of sub-entries and you'd have to fly inside it (star-wars style) to take out the inner core.

This proved impossible to implement though, despite Heretic's best efforts it just wasn't possible to get the collision detection right. But I've come up with another idea that should be almost as much fun!

---- PLOT SPOILER -----

---- PLOT SPOULER -----

As the OXP currently stands the Death burger mission is the first of three civil war missions where the player is working for the rebels who oppose the local Dictator. This is what currently works in Assassins:-

1) The player sees a news broadcast annoncing the a Dictatorship system is developing a Hyperspace Capable Weapon of Mass Destruction capable of destroying an entire planet. The Ship cannot be seen in game at this point of the OXP as the Dictatorship are still building it. But GalCop thows the Dictatorship out of the Union of worlds and provides Military Aid to the Rebels. From now on if the player goes to the system in question, he sees the Rebels and Govement ships fighting it out.

These are the ships the Dictatorship has:-

Deamon Class Cruiser (Ramon) - Larger than a Behomoth, 4 Plasma Turrets, 12 Missiles, 8 laser monts:-


Scorpion Friggate (Ramon) - Python Sized by nippy, Front and Rear Military Lasers, strong shield:-


Mongoose Fighter (Ramon) - Small light fighter, very low energy, but has a Military Laser and they attack in swarms!


At this stage the Rebels only have Selezen's Cobra Njx ships, so allthough these Cobra's are fully blinged out, they are getting a kicking. The player can help either side in the space battles at this stage and ships don't attack him unless he takes sides.

2) Phase 2

The Battle Ship has been built and deployed against the rebels. It is travelling to the Moon to destroy the Rebels main base. Massive battles are taking place, the Rebels are hurling everything they've got at the Battle Ship including your Areon Class Frigates. However as the Ship will have Station Stats, its not enough! Lots of Rebel / Dictorship carft are fighting it out. The Rebels contact the player and ask him to travel to another system and pick up a Super Missile necessary to destroy the Ship. He is chased all the way by the Dictatorship Navy. Docking at the rebel outpost will award the missile. This missile has sufficent weapons-energy to take out a station or the battle ship. If the player wastes it on a station then he wont be able to do the mission. He must then return to the Dictatorship system, fight his way through the Navy and deploy the missile. The missile is very slow, so he will have to escort it in or the Navy will take it out.

There are 3 further missions after this one, but I won't spoil them for you.

In terms of a look, I'd leave that up to you! It should be big! Maybe Station size and very nasty looking!!

BTW, as so many people contributed to the Assassins project, as well as crediting the authors in the readme, the names of the contributors are worked into the plot and missiontext. I don't know how far you've got into the mission pack, but Ramon Security and Griff Reaseach figure a lot!

I added entries to the Powers and Organisations page of the Wikki at the link below, by way of background. ... laxy_Seven
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Post by ramon »

I just read that page on Wiki, looks great. I especially like the section on Ramon Security Ltd :wink:
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

Cower, pathetic mortals, before the immense size and fearsome armaments of the Deamon Class Cruiser, vessel of choice for all good Dictators!!!


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Post by LittleBear »

:lol: Love it!

Except Ramon will too!

Perhaps though "the company that produced the Behemoth" should be Aegidian Corp., to reference Giles! <end nerdy referncing mode>.
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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