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Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 10:46 pm
by Captain Hesperus
Thargoid wrote:
Oh, and I am not a number, I'm a free alien!
Right First Time.

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 10:50 pm
by DaddyHoggy
you are #6!!!!

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 11:20 pm
by Captain Hesperus
Gains a cigar.

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 11:32 pm
by DaddyHoggy
:oops: :roll:

sharp-witted felonious feline :)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:49 am
by CptnEcho
Sharp bladed complimenter

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 4:46 pm
by JohnnyBoy
Related to reverb?

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 8:54 pm
by DaddyHoggy
...mighty oaks grow

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 9:26 pm
by Captain Hesperus
going obtuse again.

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 9:48 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Apparently infinite ammunition

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 10:56 pm
by LittleBear
Father of Hoggletts.

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 11:12 pm
by CptnEcho
Mistaken for "Running-Bear"?

(Reference/hint: he swam towards Little-White-Dove)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 11:26 pm
by DaddyHoggy
needs to reference :)

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 5:23 pm
by Screet
DaddyHoggy wrote:
needs to reference :)
crash testing nuts

or how is it called what those birds do when they drop nuts in order to open them once they hit the road? Ohhh...and please, only nuts, no q-bombs! They won't explode, but cause a horrible headache when landing at the wrong place, and I know my luck!


Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 5:35 pm
by Erai
Screet wrote:
DaddyHoggy wrote:
needs to reference :)
crash testing nuts

or how is it called what those birds do when they drop nuts in order to open them once they hit the road? Ohhh...and please, only nuts, no q-bombs! They won't explode, but cause a horrible headache when landing at the wrong place, and I know my luck!

Encountered Stadtmusikante perhaps?

(The birds would have to be roosters, of course, but if they are intelligent enough to use cars for nutcrackers or aim for specific heads they should be able to play instruments, shouldn't they? Especially in Bremen ;) )

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 10:42 pm
by CptnEcho
Nutting technique Professor