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Geteve thargoid invasion

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 10:55 am
by ArkanoiD
New thargoids are being generated each time i dock/relaunch, is it really a good idea?

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 7:04 pm
by LittleBear
The script is set to re-populate space with fallen Bots and Bugs. This is necessary as otherwise the player entering the system from the witchspace beacon is likley to find nothing left by the time he arrives.

The best way to do this is with a death_actions = addsystemships thargoid 1 1.0. However, because Thargoid is a standard Oolite role, if I used this trick here then everytime you killed a Thargoid anywhere, it would hydra-like call another into existance! :shock:

So I had to do it with a Status LAUNCHING and a ships less than. There are normally 30 Bugs, 10 traders, 10 Special Branch Asps, plus any suviving Vipers the Station launched (and at certain stages 6 Botts and a Control Drone) by the Station. If you play with Heretics Thargon Threat installed then the Bugs have the advanage. If not the poor things are Asp-fodder!

If you kill one Bug, dock and re-launch then you are suddenly facing 59 Bugs. You can therefore get Thargoided-Out! However, everything is reset if you leave and re-enter the System and this was the only way to do the re-populating here. (STATUS_IN_FLIGHT can be used, with a bugs found less than 30, add Bug 1 - but this causes massive slow-down).

Re: Geteve thargoid invasion

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 8:15 am
ArkanoiD wrote:
New thargoids are being generated each time i dock/relaunch, is it really a good idea?
In my book anything LB does is a good idea!

Nemean military base

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 11:10 pm
by ArkanoiD
A few observations:

a) The base is said to be closed for civilian traffic, but i was able to dock to get a fresh missile for the mark. Is it a bug?

b) If i destroy battlebots control drone, it does not affect bots at all. After i dock/relaunch, there is always a new one.

c) If the military base itself gets destroyed it reappears after i dock/relaunch on the main station

(answering to an obvious question: yes, i still fly a dragster ;-)

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 11:23 pm
by LittleBear
The Bots (once deployed by the control drone) operate independantly, so if a Control Drone is destroyed, they manage quite well on their own.

The fact that the base is closed means that if you go near it, you will be fired apon. It is still a station (as far as Oolite is concerned) so if you dock with it then it offers you normal station services. (This is hard-wired in)

Grrr! I guess you've managed to destroy this Base too! The Military have vast reasorces and they rebuild any destoyed bases! (Same codeing problem as the Repiar Base, but I havent updated this one yet!)

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 11:35 pm
by ramon
Changing the subject slightly, can you give me any clue as to where the Hockey Team ship is. I'm at the planet, I've even found 4 of their escort ships but I haven't a clue where the actual team bus is hiding.

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 11:43 pm
by LittleBear
The Bus and the escorts are added together. The Nemesis fighters are realy there to annoy you and cause you to miss the Bus if you spend your time engaging them. Flying from the w.s point to the planet should cause you to encounter the Bus and the Nemesis fighters at the same time. The trick is to lock the Bus with your ID computer and concentarte on him!

There was a bug in the AI in Assassin 1-5 that could occasionally cause the Team to bugger off! If you have B6 or B7 installed then they should be there! (Double click the link on my sig. for the lastest version)!

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 11:54 pm
by ramon
Ah. I probably don't have the latest version then. I shall download it now. Cheers!!

Naming conflict

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 9:06 pm
by ArkanoiD
stationD2.dat is already used by Tianve Pulsar monitoring station.

And seems that Diso.oxp has it too!

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 9:12 pm
by LittleBear
Yep, they're all the same!

As a Dev, when you know Giles has already done somthing that works you grab it! We're all calling Giles's stuff to add to our own OXPs!

If it aint't broke don't fix it! :wink:

(You know if you tell Oolite to call somthing of the from the Master & Comanders code, then it'll work fine! :D )

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 9:23 pm
by ArkanoiD
LittleBear wrote:
Yep, they're all the same!

As a Dev, when you know Giles has already done somthing that works you grab it! We're all calling Giles's stuff to add to our own OXPs!

If it aint't broke don't fix it! :wink:

(You know if you tell Oolite to call somthing of the Master & Comanders, then it'll work fine! :D )
Hmm so it is the deathburger itself? What about 80m wide entrance etc? Or is it just unfinished?

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 9:32 pm
by LittleBear
Thats really Heretic's project.

Assassins was so massive that I called on other Oolters to do a lot of the ships. The code is mine, but Griff and Ramon spent a lot of time doing the ships and textures. Heretic voluntiered to do the final deathburger, making the entry way 80m. But he got stuck!

I hope that Assassins gave a lot of fun! But the Deathburger mission is WIP as it needs H to finishs the Deathburger to be complete. All the other missions in assassins are finished.

So the OXP could be played (as the readme warns you :wink: ), a destroyable Militrary station is currently standing in for the DeathBurger.

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 9:34 pm
by ArkanoiD
LittleBear wrote:
Thats really Heretic's project.

Assassins was so massive that I called on other Oolters to do a lot of the ships. The code is mine, but Griff and Ramon spent a lot of time doing the ships and textures. Heretic voluntiered to do the final deathburger, making the entry way 80m. But he got stuck!

I hope that Assassins gave a lot of fun! But the Deathburger mission is WIP as it needs H to finishs the Deathburger to be complete. All the other missions in assassins are finished.
Ok, i'll wait until this will be finished - don't want to miss a lot of fun ;-)

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 9:40 pm
by LittleBear
Well its only mission 14 that is WIP.

As the readme warns you:- either stop at Mission 14 or play though and keep a commander saved before M14 to re-play the final version!

Heretic has contributed a massive amount to the Ooniverse, but I really don't know if he'll ever finish the Burger!

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 1:27 pm
by ArkanoiD
LittleBear wrote:

Planets that have Gas Giants have the Gas Giant added at a "realistic" distance from the sun. The Giant is about 50 times the size of the Main Planet, but it is also about 50 times further out. The Jump drive is meant to increase your speed 3 times, so you move at light speed. Even so a Giant is about 20 light minutes away.
I've noticed that gas giants are several times bigger than the star, is it ok?