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Re: The Oolite chatroom

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:22 pm
by Smivs
Smivs arrives early to grab a comfy chair. Less than forty minutes till the show :)

Re: The Oolite chatroom

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:33 pm
by Okti
Takes his usual place under a bar stool :D

Re: The Oolite chatroom

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 8:58 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Due to family health issues I turned up just after the lights had been turned out for the evening. :roll:

Re: The Oolite chatroom

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 9:37 pm
by Smivs
You weren't missed :P

On a serious note, I hope everything is OK now.

Re: The Oolite chatroom

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 10:39 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Smivs wrote:
You weren't missed :P

On a serious note, I hope everything is OK now.
:shock: :lol:

We're getting there - my wife's Fybromyalgia has flared up - coinciding in a change of medication - new drugs seem to be turning things around.

Re: The Oolite chatroom

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 10:47 pm
by Smivs
DaddyHoggy wrote:
- new drugs seem to be turning things around.
Fingers crossed.

Re: The Oolite chatroom

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 10:51 pm
by SandJ
Since this was impromptu, many may have missed it:

[18:41] <Fatleaf> Time for a bit of music
[19:12] <Fatleaf>
[19:19] <Fatleaf>
[19:25] <Fatleaf> ... C329A08699
[19:30] <Fatleaf>
[19:50] * Fatleaf is nearly ready for a show! If you don't agree speak now or you will be ignored later:P
[19:52] =-= Fatleaf is now known as DJ_Carniflora
[19:53] <DJ_Carniflora> Welcome to the impromptu show dedicated to the temporarily dead BB
[19:53] <DJ_Carniflora> And welcome to DJ Carniflora’s crises show. This set was inspired by this thread on the BB ( ) and all tracks will have a money theme or some disaster or end of the world theme and some just a crises in general. Not everyone will like all the tracks but should at least like some.
[19:53] <DJ_Carniflora> To start us off tonight. Things have to start off somewhere and we call that a.. Linkin park – the catalyst
[19:59] * Smivs chuckles...he's just realised Leafy has linked to a thread on the dead BB we're celebrating :P
[20:00] <DJ_Carniflora> I thought that would be a nice touch!
[20:00] <DJ_Carniflora> An obvious one from a troubled mind who never found peace in his own head Earth song Michael Jackson
[20:08] <DJ_Carniflora> Just another end of the world movie. But with Liv Tyler you can’t go much wrong I don't wanna miss a thing -Armageddon soundtrack
[20:08] * PhantorGorth has finalised the playlist for the next GW show
[20:11] <m4r35n357> hey all, something up with the BB?
[20:12] <DJ_Carniflora> Only your account!
[20:13] <m4r35n357> only mine?
[20:13] * DJ_Carniflora sniggers
[20:13] <Smivs> What you been up to?
[20:13] <m4r35n357> dunno, but it must be mildly interesting to get me banned ;)
[20:14] <DJ_Carniflora> Gilles has yet to pay the electric bill.
[20:14] <m4r35n357> oopsy!
[20:15] <DJ_Carniflora> I doubt many here will go for this one much but I wanted to add a little variety from all genres’ Britney Spears – Till the world ends
[20:20] <DJ_Carniflora> And carrying on with the end of the world we have U2 - Until The End Of The World
[20:26] <DJ_Carniflora> And taking us back to the problem with the world economy, it’s Money – Pink Floyed
[20:27] <DJ_Carniflora> Try this link!
[20:33] <DJ_Carniflora> Keeping with the money theme another well known song, Mark Knopfler Clapton Collins & Stings Money for Nothing
[20:41] <DJ_Carniflora> What must a man do to survive the next track shows what life can be like The Mission Grapes Of Wrath ... re=related
[20:42] -->| Solonar ( has joined #oolite
[20:42] <DJ_Carniflora> Hi Solonar and welcome to the show
[20:42] <Solonar> Hello there and thank you very much.
[20:43] <DJ_Carniflora> This track has just started,
[20:43] <DJ_Carniflora> What must a man do to survive the next track shows what life can be like The Mission Grapes Of Wrath ... re=related
[20:46] <DJ_Carniflora> Departing from money to another crises people face it’s Frankie goes to Hollywood – War
[20:47] <SandJ> It's such a shame Fatleaf is missing this. :~(
[20:50] <Thargoid> So no-one has 50p for the meter then (or to call Giles)
[20:50] <DJ_Carniflora> Keeping to the war theme one of the saddest songs I have ever heard, Mothers pride –George Michael
[20:56] <DJ_Carniflora> Now to have a positive note from the last track it’s Stan Ridgway Camouflage
[21:01] <DJ_Carniflora> Now to get away from war and to everyday life in the next section.
[21:02] <DJ_Carniflora> Every time I get on a plane I always listen to this track before we take off. A - Going Down
[21:06] <DJ_Carniflora> This next track is something we wouldn’t want to do on the motor way going at 100mph Aerosmith – Crash
[21:11] <DJ_Carniflora> It is something which comes to us all... Midlife Crisis – Faith No More
[21:16] <DJ_Carniflora> I am sure we would all agree that this world is a crazy place and a few would say it is a Mad world – Gary Jules
[21:20] <DJ_Carniflora> Political unrest can cause so much grief even in a so called civilised land with that in mind Simple Minds – Belfast Child
[21:22] <DJ_Carniflora> Try this link
[21:29] <DJ_Carniflora> Another thing that brings trouble is the drug trade. Glen Frey explains with Smuggler’s Blues
[21:34] <DJ_Carniflora> Carrying on with the addiction theme we have a just wrong video which highlights a different kind Rammstein: Sonne
[21:38] <DJ_Carniflora> Homelessness is something which has been called a crises If That Were Me – Melanie C
[21:42] <Switeck> I noticed. In your swarm OXP, I could "escape" from that sometimes using my player ship repositioning OXP
[21:43] <DJ_Carniflora> Back to the apocalyptic with the theme music to The Day of the Triffids
[21:44] <DJ_Carniflora> Another film based apocalyptic into with Terminator 2 Judgment Day Intro (Theme Song)
[21:46] <DJ_Carniflora> I love them Triffids ;)
[21:46] <DJ_Carniflora> I thought I would add a completely off the wall track and here it is taken from a popular game. Halo Music (Orchestral Halo Theme)
[21:47] <Corny> :O wow!
[21:47] <Corny> didn't hear that for some time
[21:47] <Corny> nice pick
[21:48] <DJ_Carniflora> Your welcome:)
[21:48] <SandJ> Triffid Gun: ... 2_200h.jpg
[21:48] <DJ_Carniflora> Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[21:50] <DJ_Carniflora> Now for a bit of something else: Eels, "End Times"
[21:54] <DJ_Carniflora> Packing this anti-war anthem with references to other social ills that had his blood "coagulatin” Barry McGuire, "Eve of Destruction"
[21:58] <DJ_Carniflora> Getting back to the apocalyptic we have Muse, "Apocalypse Please"
[22:03] <DJ_Carniflora> Listen to the lyrics of this track and you will understand; Foo Fighters DOA.
[22:05] <DJ_Carniflora> Let Fatleaf know when he gets in after the show;)
[22:05] <Storm_UK> can't you pass him the message as you cross in the doorway?
[22:06] <DJ_Carniflora> If I remember!!!!:s
[22:08] <DJ_Carniflora> And for something different. Portishead - Theme to kill a dead man
[22:13] <DJ_Carniflora> And to finish this impromptu show off with one of my favourite tracks..............................
[22:13] <DJ_Carniflora> And who wouldn’t be glad to an end to a black day. So let’s celebrate someone who did. Black celebration depeche mode
[22:15] <DJ_Carniflora>
[22:17] <DJ_Carniflora> With that DJ_Carniflora bows out! Goodnight!
[22:17] =-= DJ_Carniflora is now known as Fatleaf
[22:18] * Fatleaf walks back in. I here there is a show on:)
[22:19] <Storm_UK> it just ended
[22:19] <Fatleaf> WHAT! I missed it? :(
[22:19] <Storm_UK> and incase the DJ missed you on way out, can you check the new upload of the TCA to see if it improves the lighting effects please?
[22:20] <Fatleaf> AH! He never said the swine.
[22:20] <Storm_UK> hmm, thought a DJ would be good at remembering lighting effects
[22:20] <Fatleaf> DJ's are a bit selfish.
[22:21] <Storm_UK> yeh he never once asked if anyone had any requests
[22:21] <Fatleaf> The git!

Re: The Oolite chatroom

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 10:56 pm
by Fatleaf
Or you can go Here! :D

Re: The Oolite chatroom

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 6:53 pm
by PhantorGorth
Apologies: As I forgot that the 1st of March was a Thursday I am going to have this month show next week instead of tonight.

DS's Seedy Space Bar, in association with Radio Sombrero, is pleased to present:

If you are unsure when Gravity Waves will start in your time zone please use this link.

This may help too:
Click for Coundown Timer

Hold on to your hats!

Re: The Oolite chatroom

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 9:08 pm
by SandJ
Did you mean "Descent"? :p

Re: The Oolite chatroom

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 6:15 am
by PhantorGorth
SandJ wrote:
Did you mean "Descent"? :p
fixed :oops:

Re: The Oolite chatroom

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:18 am
by Eric Walch
SandJ wrote:
Did you mean "Descent"? :p
We once had a big 'nightmare' with the word Descent on a holiday in France:
We were wandering with a description of the route towards a cave entrance. After crossing a bridge we should take the 'descending' road on the right. So we took the road on the right that went down. Further on there were hills on the right, so there only could be up-going roads. We searched for hours, but never could find the right follow up of the route or the cave entrance that must have been within hundreds of meters from us. So finally we gave up.

Back at our cottage one of our fellows who was not with us that day, but knew his French better than us, said: Descending road means it is descending towards you, meaning an up-going road. So we had to take the next road. :twisted: (The actual french description was "rue descentante" when I remember right)

That was all written in France of course, but I now just looked up that word in an British dictionary:
dictionary wrote:
descent: coming or going down;
So even in english it seems that it could have mend both. :P : a road coming down (=upward road) or a road going down (=downward road)

Re: The Oolite chatroom

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:58 pm
by PhantorGorth
@Eric, your issue wasn't mine. I had "Decent" instead of "Descent". :oops:

Re: The Oolite chatroom

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:41 pm
by Thargoid
Eric Walch wrote:
So even in english it seems that it could have mend both. :P : a road coming down (=upward road) or a road going down (=downward road)
It depends which way you're facing ;)

Re: The Oolite chatroom

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:50 pm
by Svengali
Thargoid wrote:
It depends which way you're facing ;)
You mean... QUATERNIONS? Giles help!