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Re: Hoopy Casino

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 8:29 pm
by Eric Walch
Spara, you mean it was still not working. I was sure I pasted a working link into the field as I double-checked the link was working before I pasted it. I should have tested again after pasting. Now I deleted the last two characters and retyped them. This time I verified it downloads.

Re: Hoopy Casino

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 8:51 pm
by Rorschachhamster
Oh, good to know, too. :wink: I hang in a waiting queue in front of Vearin main, but I will try it again after docking. :lol:

Re: Hoopy Casino

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 6:02 am
by spara
Eric Walch wrote:
Spara, you mean it was still not working. I was sure I pasted a working link into the field as I double-checked the link was working before I pasted it. I should have tested again after pasting. Now I deleted the last two characters and retyped them. This time I verified it downloads.
Yes. No more extra characters :D .

Re: Hoopy Casino

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 8:21 pm
by Switeck
I was really wanting to see the new games/features of Hoopy Casino, having not ran it in over a year.

But I get this in Latest.log:

Code: Select all

  14:57:51.546 []: ***** ERROR: GLSL shader program linking failed for casinoship.vertex/casinoship.fragment:
>>>>> GLSL log:
Fragment info
(0) : fatal error C9999: *** exception during compilation ***

14:57:51.546 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader casinoship.vertex/casinoship.fragment.
I am running a very recent dev build:
Opening log for Oolite development version (x86-32 test release) under Windows 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 32-bit at 2015-03-14 14:56:57 -0500.
14:56:58.078 [display.mode.list.native]: Windows native resolution detected: 1920 x 1080
14:56:58.265 [joystick.init]: Number of joysticks detected: 0
14:56:58.265 [rendering.opengl.version]: OpenGL renderer version: 4.4.0 ("4.4.0"). Vendor: "NVIDIA Corporation". Renderer: "GeForce GTX 780/PCIe/SSE2".
14:56:58.265 [rendering.opengl.extensions]: OpenGL extensions (296):
14:56:58.406 []: Shaders are supported.
Any ideas?

Re: Hoopy Casino

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 10:53 am
by spara
Switeck wrote:
Any ideas?
Sorry, this needs someone with shader-fu to work out. All I can say is, it works fine for me. IIRC, Casino uses Griff's shader borrowed from ConStore.

Does the error prevent Casinos from spawning at all? The new games don't need shaders to work.

Re: Hoopy Casino

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 5:32 pm
by Switeck
I got it to work but I'm seeing graphical issues changing viewscreens, especially to the rear.
May be a problem with my video card or with Oolite's shaders in general?

Re: Hoopy Casino

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 5:05 pm
by Mazur
It's not a problem, but, having evicted all ERROR messages from my Oolite Latest logs, I'm now starting in on the WARNINGs.
Fix them. don't fix them, I'll live either way, but please do let us know here.

Code: Select all

01:59:19.247 [files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "casinoship_neonsign_no_shader.png".
01:59:19.519 [files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "casinoship_neonsign_no_shader.png".
I can not help with this one without clear and precise instructions, as I've no idea what to do with/to casino_neonsign_shader.png to produce casinoship_neonsign_no_shader.png.


Re: Hoopy Casino

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 9:00 am
by spara
Thanks for reporting, Mazur :D . I'll fix it.

Re: Hoopy Casino

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 11:26 pm
by Keeper
Here's a crazy idea... Since most people don't like the constores, but their model is so cool, why not use the constore model as the casino?

Could even have different casinos in different systems, parodies of real casinos: Hoorah's, Monte Carloo, Nooget, Poopermill (OK maybe not that one... Peppermool?), Boodine's, Boomtoon, Casino Fandangoo, Dooty's, Boolagio ...

Perhaps even have the casino be placed where the constores are put by YAH, as they'd want to get people to come gamble right out of witchspace. (Sort of like how there are casinos right at the California/Nevada border.)

A little bit of coding change and new textures, hey presto, nicer looking casinos and security.

Re: Hoopy Casino

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 5:13 pm
by spara
Excellent idea. When I dusted the Constores, the thought about them being Casinos crossed my mind repeatedly. If you want to texture a Casino (or Casinos :D ) using the Constore model, I'm happy to wrap the other stuff in from the YAH and Hoopy casinos and make it work. Something like this:

* New casinos are located at the proximity of the witchpoint beacon like Constores but on the opposite side in case someone wants to use constores too. Systems from Hoopy Casinos.
* No billboards as buoys, leave that to Constores.
* Basically no commodities market, just buys jewelry at low prices to finance gaming.
* Does not sell fuel to prevent exploiting.
* Games galore. Blackjack, Video poker, Hold'em, Dice game and Hoops.
* Might need an aggressive security force and an anti-Q-bomb system.

This should be named as Hoopy Casinos (Witchpoint edition) or something and it should work with the original Hoopy Casinos and Constores, if someone fancies them all.

Re: Hoopy Casino

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 5:34 pm
by Disembodied
spara wrote:
* Basically no commodities market, just buys jewelry at low prices to finance gaming.
Would it be possible to use gems as the gambling chips, rather than Credits? So stakes are made, and winnings are paid, in grams of gemstones? It might give the gambling a bit more of an edge, since the player's ready supply of gems will almost invariably be far lower than their ready supply of cash.

Re: Hoopy Casino

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 5:40 pm
by spara
Disembodied wrote:
spara wrote:
* Basically no commodities market, just buys jewelry at low prices to finance gaming.
Would it be possible to use gems as the gambling chips, rather than Credits? So stakes are made, and winnings are paid, in grams of gemstones? It might give the gambling a bit more of an edge, since the player's ready supply of gems will almost invariably be far lower than their ready supply of cash.
What an interesting idea. And quite achievable too.

Re: Hoopy Casino

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 5:41 pm
by Cody
<nods sagely>

Re: Hoopy Casino

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 5:57 pm
by Disembodied
spara wrote:
What an interesting idea. And quite achievable too.
Cool! Of course, you could have gems on sale in the casino at a high price, for people who really, really want to gamble … but there would have to be a way of preventing the player just using the casino to sell gems. I suppose they could always be at maximum stock levels?

Re: Hoopy Casino

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 1:56 am
by Keeper
Another possibility perhaps is simply to have the casino inside the constore. From the looks of the constore, obviously there are bars and other businesses intended to be in them, so why not a casino as well? Even without a market that should do fine. After all, a convenience store is not a place where you'd be going to buy tons of cargo; it's a place to buy your own food and personal supplies -- ship fuel sometimes may be OK in my opinion but could be made much more expensive as a deterrent, as well as not available at every store. Maybe pick up some in-system escort-me-to-some-planet-or-station missions, and taxi service missions. But buying 30t of Machinery cargo, from essentially a 7-Eleven? It does seem odd, doesn't it?

BTW, I hadn't touched Oolite in a couple years. Just spent two days getting as many of the add-ons that I used to have downloaded via the manager's dreadfully slow connection (and then re-updating them with my personal changes, like some varied textures to the new Commies ship textures (the new textures had a couple ships using the same exact texture, and the three variations of people transports were all exactly the same in the new set, so I modified the new set to re-introduce variety that the original mod had)). Still wondering about those which aren't in the manager, whether they'll work or not or have been superseded. I also re-worked my Constore Haulers OXP to be compatible with the new version (as well as Griff's new shaders), so yay for that. I'll still need to test it. I'm thinking of doing more work on the Staer9 shipset, to introduce some blinking lights, as Griff's current ships all have some nice blinking lights in addition to the static ones, so these should too... But I digress.