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Re: (NEW RELEASE) NumericHUDv3.oxp

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 3:21 pm
by Zireael
An aside: NumHUD v3 is one of my must-have OXPs.

Re: (NEW RELEASE) NumericHUDv3.oxp

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 2:09 pm
by Ganelon
Splendid work, V3 is quite impressive! I am just collecting up OXPs to outfit my new copy of Oolite after a rather long hiatus, and this was one of the very first I came looking for. I hoped it was updated, but didn't expect this degree of evolution. Trim, sleek and very functional.

Re: (NEW RELEASE) NumericHUDv3.oxp

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 2:27 pm
by Cody
Hey Ganelon... good to see you back again. Tip: get Randon Ship Names and Escort Formations.

Re: (NEW RELEASE) NumericHUDv3.oxp

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 6:16 pm
by Ganelon
Thanks El Viejo. I already grabbed Random Ship Names and it is a cool addition. Escort Formations, you say? I'll check it out.

Re: (NEW RELEASE) NumericHUDv3.oxp

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 4:00 pm
by CommonSenseOTB
Ganelon wrote:
Splendid work, V3 is quite impressive! I am just collecting up OXPs to outfit my new copy of Oolite after a rather long hiatus, and this was one of the very first I came looking for. I hoped it was updated, but didn't expect this degree of evolution. Trim, sleek and very functional.
Thanx Ganelon. :D

Expect more improvements. V3.1 will have some code improvements. Version 4 will be for use with 1.77(currently trunk only) and use text for the numbers. This could get interesting. :)

Re: (NEW RELEASE) NumericHUDv3.oxp

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 5:07 pm
by Tichy
I like to view the fuel level when buying equipment, so I modified numerichudv3computerequip.plist to show it.


If someone are interested, this is how I changed the code:

Code: Select all

//Author: CommonSenseOTB(thinking outside-the-box for your playing enjoyment and the improvement of oolite)
//Completed: June 13, 2011 original release v1
//Completed: April 21, 2012 v3
//NumericHUDv3.oxp is the current version
//Licensed under Creative Commons: attribution, non-commercial, sharealike with clauses - see readme.txt


        dials                   = //these are drawn, in order, after the legends
                {       // missile display, x and y give the location, the x-spacing is given by spacing, the size defines the icon size
                        height          = 12; 
                        selector        = "drawMissileDisplay:";
                        spacing         = 16; 
                        width           = 12; 
                        x               = -90;
                        y               = 65; 
                        y_origin        = -1; 
                {       // ship's clock, x and y give the location, the size defines the character size
                        height          = 20; 
                        selector        = "drawClock:";
                        width           = 20; 
                        x               = -240;
                        y               = 70; 
                        y_origin        = -1; 
                {       // just draws a surround 2 units around the selected size, you could also use drawGreenSurround:
                        height          = 14; 
                        selector        = "drawYellowSurround:";
                        width           = 80; 
                        x               = -62;
                        y               = 33; 
                        y_origin        = -1; 
                {       // fuel bar 
                        height          = 14; 
                        selector        = "drawFuelBar:";
                        width           = 80; 
                        x               = -62;
                        y               = 33; 
                        y_origin        = -1; 
                {       // fps counter, x and y give the location, the size defines the character size
                        height          = 18; 
                        selector        = "drawFPSInfoCounter:";
                        width           = 18; 
                        x               = -300;
                        y               = -20;
                        y_origin        = 1;
        legends         = // these are drawn, in order, before the dials, add any other images you want here
                        text            = "MISSILE RACK";
                        x               = -240;
                        y               = 45; 
                        height          = 20; 
                        width           = 20; 
                        y_origin        = -1; 
                        text            = "FUEL";
                        x               = -240;
                        y               = 20; 
                        height          = 20; 
                        width           = 20; 
                        y_origin        = -1; 
        overall_alpha   = 0.75;
        message_gui = { 
                  width          = 620;
                  height         = 72; 
                  x                  = 0;
                  y              = -75;
                  row_height = 18; 

Re: (NEW RELEASE) NumericHUDv3.oxp

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:17 am
by Rese249er
Was wondering: could the distanceTo features of Aad-HUD be implemented with NumericHUD?

Re: (NEW RELEASE) NumericHUDv3.oxp

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 9:47 am
by Diziet Sma
Rese249er wrote:
Was wondering: could the distanceTo features of Aad-HUD be implemented with NumericHUD?
Should be fairly easy. I went with adding the basic original version to my Talkative Compass script.js file, days ago.

Code: Select all

//distance to object
if (mode != "COMPASS_MODE_BASIC") {
           dist = (player.ship.position.distanceTo(whom) - whom.collisionRadius)/1000;
           player.consoleMessage(dist.toFixed(3)+" Klicks");

Re: (NEW RELEASE) NumericHUDv3.oxp

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 11:14 am
by Rese249er
I was thinking more in line with integrating it into the HUD like the rest instead of just like Talkative SC...

Re: (NEW RELEASE) NumericHUDv3.oxp

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 5:14 pm
by CommonSenseOTB
Rese249er wrote:
Was wondering: could the distanceTo features of Aad-HUD be implemented with NumericHUD?
Perhaps, I'll put it on the list of things to look at.

Re: (NEW RELEASE) NumericHUDv3.oxp

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 7:02 pm
by Captain Beatnik
CommonSenseOTB wrote:
The big improvement in number design came about as I was experimenting with the selector drawStatusLight and experimenting with its' dimensions led me to discover that if one dimension was under 4 that you would actually get a grey line drawn instead of the status light. So any hud could use this technique to draw equipment icons, animated crosshairs, custom bar gauges both straight and curved, custom number or letter animations, etc, etc.
Somehow I must have read over this information previously . This will indeed come in handy when designing a new hud. Thanks, CSOTB! :D

Re: (NEW RELEASE) NumericHUDv3.oxp

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:18 pm
by CommonSenseOTB
Captain Beatnik wrote:
CommonSenseOTB wrote:
The big improvement in number design came about as I was experimenting with the selector drawStatusLight and experimenting with its' dimensions led me to discover that if one dimension was under 4 that you would actually get a grey line drawn instead of the status light. So any hud could use this technique to draw equipment icons, animated crosshairs, custom bar gauges both straight and curved, custom number or letter animations, etc, etc.
Somehow I must have read over this information previously . This will indeed come in handy when designing a new hud. Thanks, CSOTB! :D
This was mentioned with you in mind, actually. I was hoping to eventually see one of your huds with this method for your equipment icons, guage markings, etc. And your welcome. :)

Re: (NEW RELEASE) NumericHUDv3.oxp

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 7:25 am
by Diziet Sma
CommonSenseOTB wrote:
the PPR guage in them not only gives the Proportion of Planetary Radius for your altitude but comes on ahead of the planetary mass lock so you can steer around it while remaining on torus-drive.
And that's a feature I both love and make extensive use of! Many thanks for adding it! 8)

Re: (NEW RELEASE) NumericHUDv3.oxp

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:08 pm
by toltesi
NumericHUDv3.oxp seems to block MarketObserver2.2.oxp . I am running 1.77. Any help would be appreciated.

Re: (NEW RELEASE) NumericHUDv3.oxp

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 7:18 pm
by toltesi
toltesi wrote:
NumericHUDv3.oxp seems to block MarketObserver2.2.oxp . I am running 1.77. Any help would be appreciated.
This has been fixed by the new version of MarketObserver: 2.2.1.

Thanks so much!