BGS - The BackgroundSet

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Re: BGS - The BackgroundSet

Post by Svengali »

Kaks wrote:
About the new feature... is it a new, improved galactic jump effect? Or maybe even a realistic docking tunnell?
Nope .-) It is related to jumps though... We are only playing again with some of the features you guys have implemented. Oolite is still full of unexplored possibilities...
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Re: BGS - The BackgroundSet

Post by CommonSenseOTB »

Svengali, I just saw cornys video with your hyperspace jump effect and it's very nice. Good job! :D

Wish there was a shaderless version to use on my netbook though... :(
Take an idea from one person and twist or modify it in a different way as a return suggestion so another person can see a part of it that can apply to the oxp they are working on.

CommonSense 'Outside-the-Box' Design Studios Ltd.
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Re: BGS - The BackgroundSet

Post by Corny »

Svengali wrote:
Corny wrote:
Of course I will! Actually, I test possible new candidates for screen recording software specifically with that effect so that it will be as lag-free as possible :)
Cool :D

But better wait for the next BGS version... then you can show another new feature too... .-)
Waiting even longer? I took long enough already :D
Of course I'll be happy to record your next stroke of genius for my series.
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Re: BGS - The BackgroundSet

Post by Svengali »

Corny wrote:
Waiting even longer? I took long enough already :D
Of course I'll be happy to record your next stroke of genius for my series.
He .-)

The current status is ~40%, because collecting the necessary data is a pretty timeintensive thing and we're working hard to get it done - at least if we're not piloting drunken (and have to pick up litter in the main hangar deck then).
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Re: BGS - The BackgroundSet

Post by pagroove »

Hey Svengali, Was the new Q-Bomb sound usable?
BTW seen the new oxp you're working on. Very good!
For P.A. Groove's music check
Famous Planets v 2.7. (for Povray)
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Re: BGS - The BackgroundSet

Post by Svengali »

pagroove wrote:
Hey Svengali, Was the new Q-Bomb sound usable?
BTW seen the new oxp you're working on. Very good!
The sound you've sent to me is pretty nice. Smooth with only a very light modulation .-)
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Re: BGS - The BackgroundSet

Post by pagroove »

Can you implement the sound in the next version?
For P.A. Groove's music check
Famous Planets v 2.7. (for Povray)
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Re: BGS - The BackgroundSet

Post by Svengali »

pagroove wrote:
Can you implement the sound in the next version?
Yep .-)
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Re: BGS - The BackgroundSet

Post by Svengali »

BGS1.4 is online.

- Added Disclaimer
- Added missing sound bgs-c_mine_armed.ogg
- BGS-XMapping support on LongRangeChart
- Changed bgsCountMode to bgsCountOffset
- Changed sound for "[weapon-overheat]"
- Docs updated
- Fixed customsounds.plist
- Hyperjump shader fadeout
- New image for LongRangeChart
- New property this.bgsHyperMove
- New property this.bgsQPatch
- QMine sound
- Requires: Cabal_Common_Library1.5
- StartUp behaviour in v1.76 adapted
- Timer behaviour changed

New team member:
- PhantorGorth. It's a pleasure to work with you PG.
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Re: BGS - The BackgroundSet

Post by Cody »

Many thanks for this (and the other updates), Svengali.
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: BGS - The BackgroundSet

Post by Captain Beatnik »

Many thanks form me too for this great OXP, Svengali :D
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. (Douglas Adams, 1952 - 2001)
You have to try the impossible to achieve the possible. (Emil Sinclair, 1877 - 1962)
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Re: BGS - The BackgroundSet

Post by Svengali »

Thanks El Viejo and Captain Beatnik. :D

It's a team thingummie - without Pagroove nothing would have happened. And now Phantor Gorth has joined for a addition to BGS. Maybe we can finish this baby before christmas, but we'll see.
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Re: BGS - The BackgroundSet

Post by CommonSenseOTB »

Great work Svengali. :)
Take an idea from one person and twist or modify it in a different way as a return suggestion so another person can see a part of it that can apply to the oxp they are working on.

CommonSense 'Outside-the-Box' Design Studios Ltd.
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Re: BGS - The BackgroundSet

Post by Yodeebe »

Have I done (or not done) something stupid?
I just pulled out BGS A1.3.5, and put the new A1.4oxp in, but there's no sounds.

I've just loaded Oolite 1.76 and the new Cabal common library.
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Re: BGS - The BackgroundSet

Post by DGill »

Yodeebe wrote:
Have I done (or not done) something stupid?
I just pulled out BGS A1.3.5, and put the new A1.4oxp in, but there's no sounds.
I get some sounds (e.g. hyperspeed mass lock) but no chatter on leaving a station, no countdown on jumping, etc.
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