Looking through the code in the oxp I can't see where the code tells Oolite to place these along Route One in Galaxy One.
Can anybody please show me?
Code: Select all
"fuelStation_station" =
ai_type = "fuelStation_stationAI.plist";
beacon = "fuelStation_station";
cargo_type = "CARGO_NOT_CARGO";
energy_recharge_rate = 2;
forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_NONE";
frangible = no;
has_ecm = yes;
has_escape_pod = no;
has_scoop = no;
has_npc_traffic = no;
hasShipyard = no;
isCarrier = no;
likely_cargo = 0;
max_cargo = 0;
max_defense_ships = 0;
max_energy = 1000;
max_flight_pitch = 0.0;
max_flight_roll = 0.0;
max_flight_speed = 0.0;
missiles = 0;
materials =
"fuelStation_station.png" =
diffuse_map = "fuelStation_station.png";
normal_map = "fuelStation_station_normal.png";
specular_color = ( 0.3, 0.3, 0.3 );
shininess = 15;
model = "fuelStation_station.dat";
name = "Fuel Station";
roles = "fuelStation_station fuelStation_location";
rotating = no;
scanClass = "CLASS_STATION";
smooth = yes;
thrust = 500;
script = "fuelStation_station.js";
subentities = (
"*FLASHER* 0 0 0 50 0 0 300", // central yellow glow
"*FLASHER* -268.11432 89.37144 0 0 1 0 50", // red lights on central ring ridge
"*FLASHER* -268.11432 -89.37144 0 0 1 0 50",
"*FLASHER* 268.11432 89.37144 0 0 1 0 50",
"*FLASHER* 268.11432 -89.37144 0 0 1 0 50",
"*FLASHER* -89.37144 268.11432 0 0 1 1 50",
"*FLASHER* -89.37144 -268.11432 0 0 1 1 50",
"*FLASHER* 89.37144 268.11432 0 0 1 1 50",
"*FLASHER* 89.37144 -268.11432 0 0 1 1 50",
"*FLASHER* -168.75 -56.25 375 120 1 1 50", // green lights one end
"*FLASHER* -168.75 56.25 375 120 1 1 50",
"*FLASHER* -56.25 168.75 375 120 1 1 50",
"*FLASHER* 56.25 168.75 375 120 1 1 50",
"*FLASHER* 168.75 56.25 375 120 1 1 50",
"*FLASHER* 168.75 -56.25 375 120 1 1 50",
"*FLASHER* 56.25 -168.75 375 120 1 1 50",
"*FLASHER* -56.25 -168.75 375 120 1 1 50",
"*FLASHER* 56.25 -168.75 -375 120 1 1 50", // green lights at the other end
"*FLASHER* 168.75 -56.25 -375 120 1 1 50",
"*FLASHER* 168.75 56.25 -375 120 1 1 50",
"*FLASHER* 56.25 168.75 -375 120 1 1 50",
"*FLASHER* -56.25 168.75 -375 120 1 1 50",
"*FLASHER* -168.75 56.25 -375 120 1 1 50",
"*FLASHER* -168.75 -56.25 -375 120 1 1 50",
"*FLASHER* -56.25 -168.75 -375 120 1 1 50"
track_contacts = yes;
"fuelStation_satellite" =
ai_type = "fuelStation_satelliteAI.plist";
beacon = "fuelStation_satellite";
cargo_type = "CARGO_NOT_CARGO";
energy_recharge_rate = 2;
forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_NONE";
frangible = no;
has_ecm = yes;
has_escape_pod = no;
has_scoop = no;
has_npc_traffic = no;
hasShipyard = no;
isCarrier = no;
likely_cargo = 0;
max_cargo = 0;
max_defense_ships = 0;
max_energy = 1000;
max_flight_pitch = 0.2;
max_flight_roll = 0.2;
max_flight_speed = 0.0;
missiles = 0;
model = "fuelStation_satellite.dat";
materials =
"fuelStation_satellite.png" =
diffuse_map = "fuelStation_satellite.png";
normal_map = "fuelStation_satellite_normal.png";
specular_color = ( 0.3, 0.3, 0.3 );
shininess = 15;
name = "Fuel Satellite";
roles = "fuelStation_satellite fuelStation_location";
rotating = no;
scanClass = "CLASS_STATION";
smooth = yes;
thrust = 500;
script = "fuelStation_satellite.js";
subentities = (
"*FLASHER* 0 0 0 50 0.25 0 30", // central yellow
"*FLASHER* 0 20 20 120 1 0 3", // top row greens
"*FLASHER* -20 20 0 120 1 0 3",
"*FLASHER* 0 20 -20 120 1 0 3",
"*FLASHER* 20 20 0 120 1 0 3",
"*FLASHER* -20 0 20 120 1 1.5 3", // centre band greens
"*FLASHER* -20 0 -20 120 1 1.5 3",
"*FLASHER* 20 0 -20 120 1 1.5 3",
"*FLASHER* 20 0 20 120 1 1.5 3",
"*FLASHER* 20 -20 0 120 1 0 3", // lower row greens
"*FLASHER* 0 -20 20 120 1 0 3",
"*FLASHER* -20 -20 0 120 1 0 3",
"*FLASHER* 0 -20 -20 120 1 0 3"
track_contacts = no;
"fuelStation_burningFuel" =
ai_type = "fuelStation_burningFuelAI.plist";
cargo_type = "CARGO_NOT_CARGO";
energy_recharge_rate = 0;
forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_NONE";
max_energy = 1;
max_flight_pitch = 0.5;
max_flight_roll = 0.5;
max_flight_speed = 150;
missiles = 0;
likely_cargo = 0;
max_cargo = 0;
model = "alloy.dat";
name = "Burning quirium fuel";
roles = "fuelStation_burningFuel";
scanClass = "CLASS_CARGO";
thrust = 0;
unpiloted = true;
weapon_energy = 40;
Code: Select all
this.name = "FuelStation-Setup";
this.author = "Thargoid";
this.copyright = "Creative Commons: attribution, non-commercial, sharealike with clauses - see readme.txt";
this.description = "Script to add fuel station to certain systems";
this.version = "2.02";
this.extraA = true; // for use with turretted ships - set to false to only get fuel satellites
this.extraB = true; // if set to false, no NPCs will use the stations (if extraA is false, has no effect)
this.oxpcSettings = {
Info: {Name:this.name,Display:this.name,InfoB:"1 - If false only fuel satellites will appear.\n2 - If false NPCs will not use fuel stations (ignored if extraA is false)."},
Bool0: {Name:"extraA",Def:true,Desc:"Suppress fuel stations."},
Bool1: {Name:"extraB",Def:false,Desc:"Allow NPCs to use fuel stations."}
this.startUp = function()
this.positionOverride = false; // set this to true to use alternative station positioning at far side of witchpoint only.
this.shipWillLaunchFromStation = function()
delete this.shipWillLaunchFromStation;
this.shipExitedWitchspace = function()
if(this.positionOverride === false)
{ this.originalStationSetup(); }
{ this.witchpointStationSetup(); }
this.witchpointStationSetup = function() // fixed station position on far side of witchpoint area.
if(system.isInterstellarSpace || system.sun.isGoingNova || system.sun.hasGoneNova || missionVariables.longwayround === "STAGE1" || missionVariables.longwayround === "STAGE2")
// stop the script if interstellar space, or system is going Nova(to allow Nova mission unhindered) or indeed if it has gone nova already.
{ return; }
if(system.government > 1 && system.techLevel > 3 && system.countShipsWithRole("fuelStation_location") === 0)
if(this.extraA && system.scrambledPseudoRandomNumber(19.7) > 0.33)
{ system.legacy_addShipsAt("fuelStation_station", 1, "wpm", [0, 0, -24000]); }
{ system.legacy_addShipsAt("fuelStation_satellite", 1, "wpm", [0, 0, -24000]); }
this.originalStationSetup = function() // original locations, near witchpoint and on route 1.
if(system.isInterstellarSpace || system.sun.isGoingNova || system.sun.hasGoneNova)
{ // stop the script if interstellar space, or system is going Nova(to allow Nova mission unhindered) or indeed if it has gone nova already.
this.halfwayChance = 0.25; // 3 in 4 chance to add a station at the half-way point of route 1.
this.witchpointChance = 0.33; // 2 in 3 chance to add a station near the witchpoint.
if(missionVariables.longwayround === "STAGE1" || missionVariables.longwayround === "STAGE2")
{ // drastically reduce the chances if you're in the middle of Long Way Round mission
this.halfwayChance = 0.9; // 1 in 10 chance to add a station at the half-way point of route 1.
this.witchpointChance = 0.95; // 1 in 20 chance to add a station near the witchpoint.
if(system.government > 1 && system.techLevel > 3 && system.countShipsWithRole("fuelStation_location") === 0)
if(system.scrambledPseudoRandomNumber(13.7) > this.witchpointChance)
if(this.extraA && system.scrambledPseudoRandomNumber(17.4) > 0.33)
system.legacy_addShipsAt("fuelStation_station", 1, "pwu", [0.02, 0, 1]);
system.legacy_addShipsAt("fuelStation_satellite", 1, "pwu", [0.02, 0, 1]);
if(system.scrambledPseudoRandomNumber(25.3) > this.halfwayChance)
if(this.extraA && system.scrambledPseudoRandomNumber(24.1) > 0.33)
system.legacy_addShipsAt("fuelStation_station", 1, "pwu", [0.02, 0, 0.5]);
system.legacy_addShipsAt("fuelStation_satellite", 1, "pwu", [0.02, 0, 0.5]);
The other scripts seem even less relevant...