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Replacement of the basic ship set - building a dream team.

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Post by gabbakeisen »

Nice one!
WooHoo! My fav game now redone for childhood nostalgia of 20 years ago. Now if only I didn't have to go to work so I could live as a virtual space trader.
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Post by Arexack_Heretic »

very nicework gentlemen!

I'd say, when texturing, keep the 'decals' layers seperate so you can play around with them and create some great variety.
Then again, when you do an alternative texture, why not move around the rustpatches too. :roll:

love the way the ana turned out, looks nicely balanced now.
(and so big!)
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Post by TGHC »

Captain Hesperus wrote:
Selezen, I've always loved you. :wink:
I saw him first!
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Post by Selezen »

I don't know whether to be grateful or really really scared.

Never had men fighting over me before.

I've kept the layers for everything separate. I actually have two marking variants for the Python...

Work on the Adder is going well.
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Post by Arexack_Heretic »

I was wondering about the layout of Adders yesterday...

front part contains bridge and electronics suite.
the sloped side parts probably contain some extendable wings/ air-flight controll surfaces etc and fuel tanks.
the rear (probably :roll: ) the engines.
so the two tonnes of cargo will be stowed somewhere in the middle.

I guess, because the bottom is cluttered by landinggear and needs to be heatshielded for atmospheric reentry, acces to this cargobay will most likely be from the top.

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Post by Selezen »

Hee hee. Right on the money, Arnoud!

Here it is - my Opus Magnus Magnusson...

The Adder:


And!!! For the first time in recorded Elite history:


The Wingfolding system! Extended!!!

Sorry, but I'm quite excited about this one. I missed out the fuel scoop just so I could put the fancy wings on.
Last edited by Selezen on Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:18 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by JensAyton »

Nice… although the Adder is the one ship for which a streamlined cockpit is actually motivated. How about a Concorde-like visor? :-)
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Post by Wolfwood »

Darn, that looks good! :)

How do those extensions work, btw? Or is it just a separate model that you sometimes see? :?
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Post by Griff »

Wow, all these new ships look amazing! great work guys!
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

ramon wrote:
Ramon, is there any chance of having 'randomly generated' shipping company logos, like the names on the sides of Behemoths and Generation ships?

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Post by Griff »

great idea Captain H! what would be cool also would be stuff like fuel injectors, scoops, enery units etc appearing as subentities on the model, maybe different laser weapon models etc depending on if their pules or beam lasers etc, although this would be a great deal of work to do and i suppose at the end of the day it would only result in greater poly counts for the ships
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Post by ramon »

Yeah, I thought I'd try and do about 10 different variations. In fact we could do a "your company logo oxp" like the 'Your Ad Here' one couldn't we.
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Post by JensAyton »

Y’know, several completely different paint jobs per model would be kinda nice, especially for cargo haulers. :-)
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Post by Selezen »

Wolfwood wrote:
How do those extensions work, btw? Or is it just a separate model that you sometimes see? :?
It's jsut a separate model. Same texture, but different DAT file.

I'm looking at doing about three textures for each model eventually. The Python has two textures in the bag. The problem is the time involved getting things like the scratch and dent layer to look different enough.

I've based all the colours so far on the actual colours of the snakes that the ships are named after. The Krait has the yellow and black markings of a banded krait, the Python is in the colours of a carpet python and the Adder is the same hue as a European adder. That's kinda the theme I'm going to go for with each ship.

I've already packaged up the ships in OXPs as I'm doing them, but can't do things like test them or do fancy exhausts for them.
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Post by Rxke »

Selezen wrote:
I've based all the colours so far on the actual colours of the snakes that the ships are named after. ...
Hey now that's a neat idea! :D
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