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Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 11:54 pm
by phkb
Yes, this looks like an incompatibility between Ship Configuration and Planetfall. I'll investigate and get back to you. Thanks for the report.

Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 12:36 am
by phkb
tsoj wrote:
planetfall-oxp has an equipment ( "Planetary Landing Capability" / "EQ_PLANETFALL" ) that requires "EQ_HEAT_SHIELD"
Ship Config is trying to remain compatible with other OXP's by keeping the origional EQ_HEAT_SHIELD and adding it as a hidden equipment item whenever the player buys one of the custom heat shields available. It should also remove EQ_HEAT_SHIELD when heat shielding is sold and removed. However, I'm wondering if there is a possibility that somewhere along the way this hidden item has been dropped from your equipment. Can you try the following:

1. Go to the Ship Config item on the F3 screen
2. Sell your current heat shielding.
3. Re-purchase your desired heat shielding.

Then check that (a) you have a docking computer and (b) if the "Planetary Landing Capability" is now available. Note that you need to be in a TL9 system or higher for this item to be available.

Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 1:16 am
by tsoj
If i do what you said then i still cant purchase the planetary landing capability.

i added these lines after line 3537 in the shipconfig_core.js and then it works; if i buy the heat shield i also can buy the planetary landing capability and if i remove it i cant buy it.

Code: Select all

					if(item == "EQ_HEAT_SHIELD_TYPE1" || item == "EQ_HEAT_SHIELD_TYPE1" || item == "EQ_HEAT_SHIELD_TYPE2" || item == "EQ_HEAT_SHIELD_TYPE3" || item == "EQ_HEAT_SHIELD_TYPE4" || item == "EQ_HEAT_SHIELD_TYPE5" || item == "EQ_HEAT_SHIELD_TYPE6"){

Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 2:03 am
by phkb
phkb wrote:
If i do what you said then i still cant purchase the planetary landing capability.
Yes, this is a bug with Ship Config. :oops:
phkb wrote:
i added these lines after line 3537 in the shipconfig_core.js and then it works;
It would work, but it doesn't cater for all situations. Simpler, and more effective, would be to add this line after line 2110

Code: Select all

That's what has gone into the fix, anyway.

Version 0.6.4 now available, which addresses the incompatibility with Planetfall. Thanks for investigating this yourself, tsoj. It made my job a whole lot simpler.

Edit to add: Version 0.6.5 is now available which fixes a couple of bugs with heat sinks.

Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 3:56 am
by phkb
Version 0.6.6 has now been released. In this version:
  • Updated method for determining player's next target system, to use new property "nextSystem" (when available in 1.85/6).
  • Bus overload chance will slowly decrease during flight the longer the player goes without being hit.
  • Tweaked what happens when a bus overload occurs, making it less likely that 3-5 items are damaged almost all at once.
  • Added ship roles from Keeper's YAH Haulers to NPC configuration.
  • Added ship roles from YAH to NPC configuration.
  • Added equipment from In-System Taxi OXP.
  • Fixed issue with equipment items that take up cargo space causing mis-calculations of the available cargo space.
  • Checking for an overloaded state now happens more frequently when docked, to cater for scenarios where equipment is added outside the equip ship screen (F3).
  • Code refactoring and bug fixes.

Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 12:09 pm
by pleiadian
phkb wrote: Wed Apr 05, 2017 3:56 am
Version 0.6.6 has now been released. In this version:
  • Updated method for determining player's next target system, to use new property "nextSystem" (when available in 1.85/6).
  • Bus overload chance will slowly decrease during flight the longer the player goes without being hit.
  • Tweaked what happens when a bus overload occurs, making it less likely that 3-5 items are damaged almost all at once.
  • Added ship roles from Keeper's YAH Haulers to NPC configuration.
  • Added ship roles from YAH to NPC configuration.
  • Added equipment from In-System Taxi OXP.
  • Fixed issue with equipment items that take up cargo space causing mis-calculations of the available cargo space.
  • Checking for an overloaded state now happens more frequently when docked, to cater for scenarios where equipment is added outside the equip ship screen (F3).
  • Code refactoring and bug fixes.
I've already found this to be quite the impressive OXP with which I can't play without, so I'm looking forward to install this update :)

Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 5:46 am
by phkb
Version 0.7.0 has just been released. In this version:
  • Added ability to sell laser weapons from the "Sell Equipment" page.
  • Added ability to put laser weapons into storage.
  • Fixed script error that could occur when player ejects.
  • Tweaked the amount of heat dumped with a heat sink.
  • Fixed an issue with large player ships where heat could be added, rather than dumped, when a heat sink is deployed.

EdiT: And version 0.7.1 is now up, which fixes some integration issues with LMSS.

Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 12:57 am
by phkb
Version 0.8.0 is now available. In this update, fuel scoops get the Ship Config treatment! Scoop fuel faster with new equipment classes!
  • Added fuel scoop classes 1-4 to configuration menu.
  • Armour repairs now won't generate an "Equipment removed" email.
  • Code refactoring.
  • Bug fixes.

Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 7:26 am
by phkb
I just noticed that cargo scooping seems to have been messed up with this update. I'll try to get a fix out later tonight.

Edit: ok version 0.8.1 is now available which fixes the scooping issue.

Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2017 2:17 am
by phkb
New version 0.9.0 released. In this version:
  • Forward and aft armour can now be different classes.
  • Fixed issue with the armour equipment item not being removed when 100% damaged.
  • Purchasing other ship armour (eg IronHide) will now refund the cost of any existing Ship Config armour before removing it.
  • Improved code for processing expended heat sinks.
  • Added some additional OXP equipment items.
  • Bug fixes.

Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 2:11 am
by phkb
Version 0.9.1 has just been released. In this version:
  • Adjustment to Ore Processor equipment space requirements.
  • Added missing equipment items from Ore Processor OXP.
  • Added additional equipment items to the ignore list.
  • Code refactoring.

Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 6:00 am
by phkb
Version 0.9.2 has just been released. In this version:
  • New equipment items (ie. equipment purchased but not yet exposed to space travel) that are sold/exchanged will now be refunded at 100% of their cost, rather than the default 90%. This means you can swap items in and out to see the impact on ship stats, without having to take a loss on every exchange.
  • When setting a course to a target system, F7 screen will now display the new destination.
  • Equipment specification interface screen now includes TL required for purchasing equipment, and all equipment items are now being shown (not just the ones available in the current system). Also removed some unnecessary items from the list.

Re: (Release) Ship Configuration

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 2:17 am
by phkb
I'm calling it. Ship Configuration is coming out of Beta. Version 1.0.0 is now available, which fixes a couple of bugs:
- Scripted equipment damage was being agressively repaired by the armour.
- Bus overload timer was being reset while running.
Download via the manager.

Re: (Release) Ship Configuration

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 11:07 pm
by phkb
Version 1.1.0 has been released. In this version:
  • Fixed bugs with incorrect amounts being refunded to the player when equipment is sold.
  • Fixed issue with incorrect refund amounts being displayed to the player on the "Sell Equipment" page.
  • Fixed issue where the ship size price factor was being incorrectly applied to fuel scoops, injectors and heat shields, and all other standard or OXP equipment items on the "Sell Equipment" page.
  • Equipment items can only be sold at stations where the can actually be bought as well.
  • Non-removeable Ship Config equipment (eg Engines, Thrusters), when swapped for another unit, will only refund the price of that unit at the main station, to prevent exploitation.
  • Station equipment price factor was not being correctly applied to equipment buy/sell prices.
  • Better handling of player ship destruction.
  • Tweaks to weight values of engines, thrusters and electrical bus.
  • Corrected equipment space values for Adder and Krait in readme and on Wiki page.
  • Changed default equipment refund percentage back to 85%.
And thanks to Astrobe for picking up on the refunding issues.

[Edit] And version 1.1.1 has been released. Fixes a bug that was preventing lasers in the starboard mount from being sold (but it was giving you a refund anyway). Thanks to rustem for the notification.

Re: (Release) Ship Configuration

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 8:00 pm
by Astrobe
Downgrading the Hyperdrive is kind of "free money" for broke Jamesons because the longer countdown isn't a big deal, but combined with Manual Witchspace Alignment it is a slightly different story.
It got me killed in interstellar space because I overlooked the overheating.

I love it when pieces fit together.