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Re: Introduce Yourself.

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 1:17 am
by iperich
DaddyHoggy wrote:

Interesting that you're loving the game so much, because that's not the tone that comes across in your other posting about wanting more eye candy...
As I said, I'm an old gamer, and I think that playing a game for its graphics is like watching porn for the story. As I said in that post either, yes, I really love Oolite because of the game itself, and I'm sorry if I bothered you with my criticism, maybe my tone was too rough (english is not my native language), but I think that if something can be better in life, you should say it, right?

Re: Introduce Yourself.

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 10:06 am
by Mathers
Hello everyone!

Really looking forward to rediscovering my youth with Oolite - a good 26 years since I last played Elite on the C64.

Hopefully I won't annoy the wife too much!

Re: Introduce Yourself.

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 10:10 am
by Cody
Welcome aboard, Mathers.

Re: Introduce Yourself.

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 10:28 am
by Smivs
Hi Mathers, and welcome.
I'm sure your wife will appreciate the extra peace and quiet she'll get now :P

Re: Introduce Yourself.

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 10:46 am
by Mathers

I remember being hooked before - when first released on the BBC, we all played during school lunch breaks in the computer lab. Then when released on the C64 (1985?) - locked myself away in the bedroom - hardly spoke to my parents for weeks!

I was determined to hunt down the Constrictor ship! - I think I got it!

Now here in 2013 with all this nice kit - should be fun.

Thanks guys.

Re: Introduce Yourself.

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 7:37 pm
by Diziet Sma
G'day Mathers, and welcome aboard! 8)

Re: Introduce Yourself.

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 2:21 am
by UK_Eliter
@iperich, and Mathers (and, indeed, various new or new-ish people I've failed to say hello to): Welcome!

Re: Introduce Yourself.

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 4:59 pm
by hiasakite
Hi folks, time to say hello,been lurking since June.

Used to love original Elite on the BBC B back in he day, heard about the Elite:dangerous KS fund through a friend, signed up, and through reading about the forum's heard about Oolite..

Now nearing on 4K kills and Deadly :-)

Irony is, had I known about Oolite before signing up to Elite:dangerous KS, I would have probably held back on contributing to the KS fund...

Oh well - I suspect Elite:dangerous will be a different experience..

Oh and just to add, thank you to all of you who have contributed OXP's - truly enriches the game, and testament to you dedication

Re: Introduce Yourself.

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 6:51 pm
by UK_Eliter
Dear hiasakite

Welcome aboard! (From someone who chose his username before realising that most of the people on this board are from the UK!)

Re: Introduce Yourself.

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 6:54 pm
by Smivs
Welcome to the board, hiasakite. As you've been lurking for a while, you'll know a bit about us already - glad it hasn't put you off :)

Re: Introduce Yourself.

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 12:38 pm
by Gouanaco
Well some of you already know who i am but i thought i'd post abit about my'self here.

I live in Australia, and play lots of games.

I (not technically) own Gouanaco Entertainment which is a company which makes games and soon to be making electronic equipment.
I haven't played any Elite games other than Oolite.

But Oolite has really caught my attention, its just so awesome it so many ways :)


I make MIDI music and know (know...) a few programming languages.
- Batch
- C++
- Python

I wanna make some oxps for oolite and would like to eventually make my own games (when i get some good internet).

So yeh, hopefully i can learn some XML/JavaScript and make some of my ideas :D

Re: Introduce Yourself.

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 12:50 pm
by Smivs
Hi again :)
I did give some advice elsewhere, but one thing to do if thinking of starting to make OXPs (or going over the the Dark Side as we say :D ) is to have a look at the code for the game itself - look for the 'Resources' folder in the main install. OXPs take the same form, namely a folder containing various other folders for Textures, shipdata etc. The main difference is that the OXP folder must have a .oxp extension. js is not essential for many OXPs but is worth learning as it will give you a lot more options. The property lists (plists) are all now written in openStep, not XML. The good news is openStep is a much more human-friendly format which makes both writting and de-bugging much more easy.

Re: Introduce Yourself.

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 12:51 pm
by Diziet Sma
G'day, Gouanaco, and welcome aboard!

What part of Oz? I'm down in Melbourne, myself..

Re: Introduce Yourself.

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 12:56 pm
by Gouanaco
Diziet Sma wrote:
G'day, Gouanaco, and welcome aboard!

What part of Oz? I'm down in Melbourne, myself..
Ah, im up in Alice Springs :D Nice weather... abit too hot though lol
Smivs wrote:
Hi again :)
I did give some advice elsewhere, but one thing to do if thinking of starting to make OXPs (or going over the the Dark Side as we say :D ) is to have a look at the code for the game itself - look for the 'Resources' folder in the main install. OXPs take the same form, namely a folder containing various other folders for Textures, shipdata etc. The main difference is that the OXP folder must have a .oxp extension. js is not essential for many OXPs but is worth learning as it will give you a lot more options. The property lists (plists) are all now written in openStep, not XML. The good news is openStep is a much more human-friendly format which makes both writting and de-bugging much more easy.
Ah sorry (face-palm) forgot you said the plists are in openStep, well i guess that makes it abit easier. :)
And good idea, yeh ill look in the main game files first for my oxping :P :D

Re: Introduce Yourself.

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 1:05 pm
by Diziet Sma
Gouanaco wrote:
Diziet Sma wrote:
G'day, Gouanaco, and welcome aboard!

What part of Oz? I'm down in Melbourne, myself..
Ah, im up in Alice Springs :D Nice weather... abit too hot though lol
Ahh damn.. I'm jealous as all hell..

I spent 2 years in The Alice, a long time ago.. and of all the places I've been in Oz (which is nearly all of it, at one time or another) the only place I was ever homesick for was Alice Springs.. THE best place in Australia, bar none. 8)