Hello, "nooby" player here.
First off, I played the original Elite game as a kid on my father's old commodore computer and had a blast. When I recently saw this game (time difference of about 17 years) was available, I downloaded it immediately.
Because of my past experience with Elite, I had a basic grasp of certain things all new commanders need to know: how to make a profit from trading, how to fly the ship, how to dock, which upgrades I needed to get first (or so I thought

) etc. Imagine my surprise when I found out there were space lanes! You couldn't use the torus drive to jump straight to the mainstation! Heresy! (joking, joking). I was also impressed with how the jump drive didn't launch you forward a certain distance but instead sped up your ship. So I very, very quickly adopted the tactic of going outside the space lanes. I knew that I could probably not take on pirates with the original equipment that I had, but avoiding the space lanes had a lot more to do with just making a profit as fast as I could, thus, jump driving instead of piddlying around by following the space lanes.
That being said, I did decide to fight at least one battle with pulse lasers before upgrading to beam. It was interesting. Not too difficult, but I found that I did have to use a missile to take him down.
So, as to difficulty with new players I don't feel like I'm qualified to speak about some things (like the lack of a tutorial; my dad taught me the basics of the game from elite and I never forgot; plus I was...am a reading adict and I loved going through the manual my dad had of Elite). However, concerning the safety of a system, I think you all are barking up the wrong tree concerning pirates. If a new player wants to be safe, he'll avoid combat and avoid the space lanes as the
existence of combat,
by definition, is not safe. However, that being said, I do feel like there's no difference between a corporate state and an anarchy as it stands now. After iron assing my Cobra Mk III, I decided to do some passenger ferrying. Some of those routes required me to go through an anarchy system or two. At first I was terrified because I remembered how dangerous those systems were within Elite. So I made sure to avoid the space lanes and hoped that I wouldn't land myself into a pirates nest along the way. Guess what? Never once entered combat at all. In fact, I didn't even see any pirates except near the witchpoint beacon and all I had to do was fuel inject away from them before jump driving to the mainstaition
So here's my thoughts about the safety of a system: the corporate states, democracies, and confederacies are supposed to generally be safer because of galcop activity, right? However, there's always, mind you,
always a battle going on within the space lanes as I'm trading, and on top of that it doesn't matter what government type of planet I'm at, the mainstation has the exact same range of safety (nearly nonexistent for all practical purposes). Why not change the range of the safety "net" that galcop mainstation provides at all systems above anarchy, doubling the range for each level up you go? This would simulate the idea of the safer planet's providing more protection while at the same time leaving the difficulty of engaging pirates where it is at now. If someone did this, I'd also recommend increasing the activity of pirates
outside the space lanes the more dangerous the system gets. This would provide a double layer of emphasis to the safety (or lack thereof) of a system without taking away the possibility of danger within even the most safest of systems.