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Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 6:04 am
by JazHaz
Thargoid wrote:

Let me know what you think. After feedback and fine-tuning I'll release it as a full OXP (possibly adding in some of the weaponry from my other OXPs as a quasi-meta one).
OK. Haven't tried out all of the four bombs yet, but the buzz bomb works fine.

I think the stun bomb might work, but not 100% because I think it made the python I was attacking stop dead in space, and as I was right behind it, I then crashed into it!! (Press space, commander!) LOL.

Then did a GalNavy mission, to also test ADCK's new Behemoth OXP (which has just been released today also). Figured I should test the T-bomb at the same time on live Thargoids.

Didn't seem to do anything to them. What exactly should happen? They didn't blow up, even those at point blank range.

Not yet tried the Uni-bomb.

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 7:26 am
by Thargoid
Buzz bomb and bug bomb are the same, except one has the *0.5 damage for .isThargoid and the other for !.isThargoid. But both have a random chance depending on proximity to do any damage to a given ship, so in your test either the ship got lucky or it was strong and the blast wasn't enough to nuke it.

For the stun bomb, I'm still in two minds about the effect there. I can either performTumble (as now, spins in space but stops) or performIdle (carries on flying straight and unresponsive but not so obvious anything has happened). There aren't so many choices in the AI to make it look realistic. Maybe switch back to performIdle for the NPCs, but then what to do to the player ship if an NPC ship fires off one?


Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 10:27 am
by Lestradae
Perform Tumble, plus throw sparks, as in Ramirez' two stun missiles (I think law and ... else)?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 6:07 pm
by Frame
be aware that performTumble also uses


if these are set to 0, it will not tumble... or rather as it is actually doing: rotate.

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:52 pm
by Thargoid
The problem with performTumble is it sets speed to zero, hence the difficulties JazHaz reported with his friend the Python.

I think I'll switch it back to performIdle for the full release, with maybe an added throwSparks for decoration.

And as for pitch and roll, the bombs do not affect CLASS_ROCK or CLASS_CARGO, so it shouldn't be an issue (unless there are ships out there with zero pitch or roll)

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 5:04 pm
by Chrisfs
If there are going to be a bunch more options for pylons, then someone should consider making an extra Pylon available for sale. There's a bunch of stuff and unless you're a big ship, no place to put it.

Missle Racks is one potential solution but I like full strength missiles,

.... and I want a pony too.

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 5:09 pm
by Diziet Sma
My Cobby sports 7 pylons.. I decided that Cr50,000 and the loss of 2 tonnes of cargo space was a fair price... :mrgreen:

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 7:08 pm
by Ramirez
This has got me thinking about a nifty idea I had a while ago about a different way to handle missiles. One question though - there's an event handler for when the player (or another ship) loses a target, but is there a handler for when a target is acquired? From the wiki it appears not, but this could offer lots of possibilities.

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 6:01 am
by Dr Beeb
Kaks wrote:
Hello Wiggy!

It's not so much that the EB is hated as such, only that the quirium mine seems to do more or less the same job & be a lot less 'magical'...

In any case,

- it will always be available in strict mode.
- we're keeping it as standard in unrestricted mode, at least until MNSR
- even after removing it from unrestricted mode, it will still be possible to re-enable it: either manually, or by using a very easy to write three-line oxp to overwrite one equipment setting.
apologies for wading into this one, but my vote is the same as all the old timers but have the following suggestion.

The e-bomb was something to make the game more playable for newbies, and reduce their frustration. A newbie looking for information on how to hack it back into a future stable release without the e-bomb doesn't seem the way forward to me. However, once players reach competent/dangerous they are highly unlikely to need it or use it.

So, one way forward is to leave it available in strict mode OR if you are acquiring equipment in a 'classic manner'. So the moment you buy Q-bombs, witch-fuel injectors, similar equipment beyond Classic, then to avoid 'bad field interactions in the hold of your ship', you have to sell your e-bomb (if you had one) and enter a more mature phase of your gaming experience.

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 2:56 pm
by Commander McLane
Ramirez wrote:
This has got me thinking about a nifty idea I had a while ago about a different way to handle missiles. One question though - there's an event handler for when the player (or another ship) loses a target, but is there a handler for when a target is acquired? From the wiki it appears not, but this could offer lots of possibilities.
Sounds like a reasonable scripting request to me. :wink:

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:03 pm
by another_commander
Commander McLane wrote:
Ramirez wrote:
This has got me thinking about a nifty idea I had a while ago about a different way to handle missiles. One question though - there's an event handler for when the player (or another ship) loses a target, but is there a handler for when a target is acquired? From the wiki it appears not, but this could offer lots of possibilities.
Sounds like a reasonable scripting request to me. :wink:
Agreed and it has been inserted in the code in revision 3016. The handler is called shipAcquiredTarget, takes as parameter the entity that has been targeted and works both for player and NPCs. Example of usage:

Code: Select all

this.shipAcquiredTarget = function (target)
	if (!target.isMissile)  log("shipAcquiredTarget", "Player has acquired target " + target);
	else  log("shipAcquiredTarget", "Player has targeted incoming missile " + target);

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:07 pm
by Kaks
We could have a targetChanged ship event to be called whenever a new target is acquired... Sounds good?

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:12 pm
by Commander McLane
Kaks wrote:
We could have a targetChanged ship event to be called whenever a new target is acquired... Sounds good?
Sounds very good, especially concerning the last section of the event handler page:
Not Yet Implemented

Handlers do not yet exist for the following events:
* Target changed.
* Cloaking device events.

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 4:53 pm
by JazHaz
Thargoid wrote:
The problem with performTumble is it sets speed to zero, hence the difficulties JazHaz reported with his friend the Python.

I think I'll switch it back to performIdle for the full release, with maybe an added throwSparks for decoration.
Yeah I agree that performIdle probably is the better way to go. And it makes more sense. How else could a bomb going off affect the target ship? I mean it couldn't trigger the braking jets on the ship?

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 5:58 pm
by Kaks
Courtesy of a_c, we now have the slightly more accurately named shipTargetAcquired event, fired whenever a new target is acquired.

The wiki should soon show only one TODO event! :D