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Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 3:31 pm
by Thargoid
NPCs can and do already use the ECD (the pylon-mounted one, it's set up with an 0.1 chance of being any NPC missile as well as player equipment).

It will of course depend on their AI. If their action on low energy is to fire off missiles and the chance comes up that the missile they use is actually an ECD, then they will get the suitable energy boost.

The EEU is a player-only piece of equipment though.

As for Aquatics, go with them as they are for the moment. The haulers are giving me fun and games in getting them to display properly, I think the models need some revision.


Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 11:31 pm
by Lestradae
Hi again,

thanks for the energy equipment explanation.

Concerning Aquatics, I will do as you say. But this is some ways (months) off anyways ... first comes removing case sensitivity bugs, a few other things that don`t work properly, find out what does not work now that 1.72 is out, renaming and reworking the already labyrinthine documentations and and and ...

So perhaps your aquatics expansion will be out anyways before I arrive at merging and the new features :wink:

Cheers & thanks for the friendly reception


Realistic Shipyards V3.02b & Oolite 1.72

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:22 pm
by Lestradae
Hi to all Realistic Shipyards players,

Realistic Shipyards V3.02b seems to work as intended on my system under Oolite 1.72, in all respects. If someone makes another observation please tell me so that I can update the problem for 1.72.

Those RS players who have not updated to version 3.02b yet, please be reminded again to do so, as version 3.02 (without the b) turned out to have a potentially game-breaking bug.

Download from the page my signature leads to.

Cheers 8)