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Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 12:38 pm
by davcefai
And do I lose the mission if I jump systems, then jump back?
Do try it, your Galcop liason man has a nice line in sarcasm :D

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 11:17 pm
by Svengali
Commander Mysenses wrote:
I get a few Harkovians, scoop 'em (<5, obviously not enough to trigger success). then I blat around the system, from nav bouy to witchpoint and back (fuelling at the black monk/constore/sun), looking for more.
Yes, this can happen. All Harkov-ships will attack traders, police vessels and the player, so they are possibly involved in a fight far away from the space lanes. But after this fight they will return to their normal route, it only needs time.
Commander Mysenses wrote:
I thought I read somewhere in this thread, that if I save during a mission I lose my Harkov kills and have to start again. If so, I might as well you reload a previous save.
You can save and you record is stored. After loading a saved game new enemies will be created, based on your stored values. But you should use v1.03.11. In the previous versions there was a bug with the docking counter. But don't dock more than two times while a mission is running.

A better way is to dock (1 time) and some 'extra' enemies will be created. It's a nice way to get a higher bonus :-)
Commander Mysenses wrote:
And do I lose the mission if I jump systems, then jump back?
I think Major Hurst wouldn't be amused.
davcefai wrote:
Do try it, your Galcop liason man has a nice line in sarcasm
** slight cough ** ME? NEVER! Can these eyes lies to you?

v1.03.11 is online.

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 10:28 am
by Svengali
v1.04 is online.

I've added some models, squashed some bugs, implemented some features and prepared some more features to be implemented.

And with Eric's help it's now a lot faster while the docking-routines are executed.

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 3:49 pm
by Commander Mysenses
Svengali wrote:
A better way is to dock (1 time) and some 'extra' enemies will be created. It's a nice way to get a higher bonus :-)
Hmm... I guess I should have done that just now. I spent a couple of hours blatting back and forth from whichpoint to Hoopy Casino (for refuels), I must have took out about 15 Harkovians. By the end the space lane was deserted, except for me and one GalCop Viper. So I docked to get the Harkov jumped system/polishing fingernails speech. None my kills ejected, so no prisoners,

I assume this mission is working with v.1.71??

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 4:30 pm
Commander Mysenses wrote:
I assume this mission is working with v.1.71??

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 5:27 pm
by Svengali
Commander Mysenses wrote:
I assume this mission is working with v.1.71??
Currently not. One reason is that the used system.legacy_spawn isn't working anymore - so no escape pods will be launched. And that means you can't fulfill a mission. There are some other things that should be changed too. I have to fiddle out what I could do, but I hope that it can be done within a few days.

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 5:17 pm
by Svengali
Ok. v1.05 is online.

It works only with Oolite v1.71.x. Nothing new, just a compatiblility version. Older versions still on the WIKI.

And don't wonder about changed displayed mission numbers. Before it was zero-based, now it starts with 1.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 9:53 pm
by dalek501
I think I may have a problem with the Local Hero oxp. Or I maybe being a dunce I don't know?! :lol:

I have 1.71 installed and the latest version of LH. I get the first message about the mission, it then says "step to the system information screen and wait a few seconds if you are interested". (F7 I presume?) Which I do. But nothing happens.

EDIT*** Its OK, I launched went back in and tried again and it worked. Dunno what happened first time?!

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 10:39 pm
by Svengali
Hello dalek501. Glad to hear that it's working. :-)

I don't know what happened - just tried it a few times and the missionscreen was always shown properly.
If it happens again, please enable the oxp logging-function (localhero.js line 17) and send (email or pm) me the logfile.

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 8:32 am
by dalek501
Do you have to press space then immediately press F7 perhaps? The first time I may not have gone straight to the system data screen after pressing space. I have a habit of checking cargo prices as the first thing I do when I dock and maybe I did that before pressing F7?

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 9:08 am
by Svengali
dalek501 wrote:
Do you have to press space then immediately press F7 perhaps? The first time I may not have gone straight to the system data screen after pressing space. I have a habit of checking cargo prices as the first thing I do when I dock and maybe I did that before pressing F7?
No. It doesn't matter if you go straight to the F7-screen or not. The mission screen is controlled by a timer (interval = 3, delay = 0.5) and excluded the LONG_RANGE_CHART to avoid clashes with other mission oxps. But I'll go and check some more things - I want to know what could go wrong. Thanks dalek501 for thinking about it.

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 10:13 am
by dalek501
Thats OK! :D

I couldn't recreate the problem again. I didn't save it after I managed to get the mission to appear correctly, and I tried again a couple of times after, and each time it worked fine.

Maybe it was just some glitch with my computer? I have been mentioning in another thread I seem to get random slow downs, whereby my frame rate will drop for 10-15 seconds or so (32 ish down to around 4 or 5). Maybe its connected?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 4:04 am
by CmdrLUke
Commander Mysenses wrote:
I'm a bit confuzzled and frustrated by this OXP.
I get a few Harkovians, scoop 'em (<5, obviously not enough to trigger success). then I blat around the system, from nav bouy to witchpoint and back (fuelling at the black monk/constore/sun), looking for more.
Usually after an hour or so, my game sessions are somewhat time limited by real life, I have to either abandon the session, or dock n'save (and be harangued for my tardiness).

I thought I read somewhere in this thread, that if I save during a mission I lose my Harkov kills and have to start again. If so, I might as well you reload a previous save.

And do I lose the mission if I jump systems, then jump back?

Sorry if this is all documented somewhere, scanning this thread and the supplied docs didn't help me (but that may be because I was a little hard of thinking).
Well at least you saw *some* action. On mission 8 I never saw any signs of any Harkovs in the lanes or around the planet. Since Major What's-His-Face wasted my time, I just continued on with my cargo contract so he didn't have the pleasure of giving me the "fingernails" speech.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 10:36 am
by Svengali
CmdrLUke wrote:
I just spent about 1 RL hour on a local hero mission where the bad guys never showed up. I flew back and forth between the N and the W buoys again and again and nobody ever showed up. The mission dude got pissed that I kept docking for fuel (lots of injector usage) and said the mission failed. I even flew all the way around the planet looking for them but could never find them. Does anybody know what's going on?

Well at least you saw *some* action. On mission 8 I never saw any signs of any Harkovs in the lanes or around the planet. Since Major What's-His-Face wasted my time, I just continued on with my cargo contract so he didn't have the pleasure of giving me the "fingernails" speech.
Major What's-His-Face is from GalCop Intelligence. So what do you expect - fairness? rationality? They are all totally paranoid. :-) Maybe Harkov is the good boy????

So he has some questions, suggestions:

Did you made a system dump?
Can you repeat it?
If you can - please enable the oxp internal logging (localhero.js line 17 to true) and post you logfile here or send it per pm to me and add also your saved game (or at least the mission_variables from localhero.

This oxp is not so player-centric, so it can happen that the Harkovs do their business with other captains :-)

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 11:11 am
by CmdrLUke
If it happens agan I'll put aside the save file and enable logging as you suggested.
