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Post by TGHC »

I like them too, and according To CH's Wiki link, which is presumably a quote from the manual, then all ships are likely to or should have solar capacitor panels!
The Grey Haired Commander has spoken!
OK so I'm a PC user - "you know whats scary? Out of billions of sperm I was the fastest"
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Post by Killer Wolf »

awesome as ever.

where does all the rust come from in spaceships?! is there water in space? tell you what, i'd be buggered if i'd go out into vacuum in something rust! explosive decompression doesn't appeal! :-D
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Post by Selezen »

The 'rust' is actually carbon scoring from solar flybys and atmospheric burn. It takes on a reddish hue due to some sort of scientific explanation that I haven't thought of yet. Or maybe the rust starts on the inside and works through the metal...

Solar panels. Ahhh. Everyone thinks that Elite ships have big windows for the pilot to see out of. I don't think so. The image of the outside world is captured by a camera and projected onto the main viewscreen in the cockpit. That's how the view can be changed to rear and side views too.

What everyone takes to be the windows are actually solar panels. So there.

So why have I modelled windows onto my two models? Cos they look cool. ;-)

Anyway. Some like the blue panels. Some don't. Therefore I'll come to a compromise. Wait and see... ;-)
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Post by ramon »

Killer Wolf wrote:
is there water in space?
Nope, the water is in the spacestations :)
Ahruman wrote:
It’s the old rolled-out-tin-cans criticism again, although this one’s reasonably subtle about it.

What’d really be nice would be the rolled-out-tin-cans thing in a specularity map rather than the diffuse map (Star Trek did this, only with physical models). I think I’ll have another go at revamping the graphics code when I’ve done some more technical changes.
I agree with you (in fact I tried to make the tin cans in this texture look like is was just a specular map - but that's incredibly difficult - obviously), however that said, because of the Anaconda's size I thought I'd be able to get away with it more because I'm assuming they'd need to use lots of hull panels to build it.....maybe, I don't know, but I do know I won't be using the rolled out can look on the Asp.
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Post by Killer Wolf »

"Nope, the water is in the spacestations"
aye, those mooks who rush up w/ a bucket and squeegee as soon s you land "wash your windscreen sir?" :-D

actually, mebbes ice cold of space to warm station = condensation.
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Post by JensAyton »

ramon wrote:
I agree with you (in fact I tried to make the tin cans in this texture look like is was just a specular map - but that's incredibly difficult - obviously)
Clearly it worked. :-) Yes, panels do make more sense on larger ships, although strictly I’d expect them to be more regular.
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Post by Star Gazer »

Killer Wolf wrote:
...actually, mebbes ice cold of space to warm station = condensation.
My goodness, I think you've got it!! The more I think about the implications of the changes that must occur when transiting such a huge temperature gradient, the scarier it becomes - puts the fuel leakage problems of the old Blackbirds into very stark perspective...! :shock:
Very funny, Scotty, now beam down my clothes...
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Post by Selezen »

OK, the texturing is finished now (I think).


Is that better?
Last edited by Selezen on Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:11 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Cmdr. Maegil »

GREAT!!! The side pannels now look much better, and I loved the scorch marks, it does give it a battled-out-of-hell look.

Did you thought about my proposal to make it a military ship?
You know those who, having been mugged and stabbed, fired, dog run over, house burned down, wife eloped with best friend, daughters becoming prostitutes and their countries invaded - still say that "all is well"?
I'm obviously not one of them.
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Post by Wolfwood »


Or Drool!

Whichever you prefer! :)

Did you touch the size of the ship while you worked on it?

(I'm always pushing to have the bigger ships actually be bigger as well - we can always increase the size of the docking ports on the stations, or the stations themselves if we need to)
Author of Tales from the Frontier - official Elite 4 anthology.
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Post by Killer Wolf »

damn, that's mish that Python! Did you built it purely from scratch or are you adapting the Wings pack that's on Oosat?

The more I think about the implications of the changes that must occur when transiting such a huge temperature gradient, the scarier it becomes - puts the fuel leakage problems of the old Blackbirds into very stark perspective...!
i saw that on a program, fricking scary the way it drips fuel in the hangars!

hmm, would the shields have any insulating effect? if not, maybe Selezen neets to paint on some windscreen wipers to his textures :-D
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Post by Selezen »

Thanks guys. I haven't touched the sizes - I'm just remodelling and texturing - I don't want to create too much additional work.

I thought about the military Python idea, but it's too much work at the moment. I'm enjoying just churning out relatively simple models with as little coding required as possible. I have programming burnout due to my workload at work, so I just want to draw. I'm just using the base models that Giles made available then cutting and chopping. It's like Pimp My Cobra but with everything else. Pimp My Oolite if you will.

I can't even really test things properly because I don't have a working version of Oolite. I need to be able to place some exhaust plumes now, and that's a pain in the butt. I have them all OXPd up and ready to go, but not with the exhaust plumes I want.

Next: Adder.
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Post by reills »

Absolutely Stellar!!! Lightyears ahead of ANYTHING I could cob together. Keep up the fantastic play (since I don't think it should be considered work). :wink:
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Post by JensAyton »

I’d expect space stations to have pretty dry air, and good filtering systems.

Long-haul flights can play merry hell on sensitive skins, but it’s nothing next to a couple of days spent in the space dock district.
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

Selezen wrote:

Is that better?
whimper wibble spungle fludge.

Selezen, I've always loved you. :wink:
Better doesn't begin to describe, it's simply a refinement of perfect (if that's possible).

Captain Hesperus
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