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Re: Elite : Reclamation (Novel)

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 4:01 pm
by Cody
Selezen wrote:
If not then obviously I'm addled and require sectioning...
<watches the men in white coats drag Selezen away>

Re: Elite : Reclamation (Novel)

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 8:11 pm
by cim
Selezen wrote:
Which does beg the question - which of the conflicting back stories to Frontier staff consider to be "canon"?
Actually, thinking about it, the Elite manual + Dark Wheel fit quite well into the Frontier/FFE canon (which is itself consistent between game and manual), with a few renamings and a bit of poetic license on the "galactic" hyperdrive being all that's needed. So probably that one. It's just that pesky Elite game which contradicts it.

Re: Elite : Reclamation (Novel)

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 10:16 pm
by drew

As promised. The trailer for 'Elite:Reclamation'.

(Minor Spoilers)



Re: Elite : Reclamation (Novel)

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 10:18 pm
by Commander McLane
Nice trailer! :D

"They stole her future … they assassinated her family … now she wants vengeance …"

Now, [EliteWiki] what does that remind me of? :wink:

The "… then they murdered her …" part is new and intriguing, though. :D

Re: Elite : Reclamation (Novel)

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 10:22 pm
by Cody
Very cool!

Re: Elite : Reclamation (Novel)

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 10:26 pm
by drew
It will bear as much resemblance to Status Quo as a finely prepared pheasant does to a pot noodle. Trust me, I know. :wink:



Re: Elite : Reclamation (Novel)

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 3:10 am
by Selezen
Only in the Elite universe could "THEN THEY MURDERED HER" be followed with "NOW SHE WANTS REVENGE". ;-)

Re: Elite : Reclamation (Novel)

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 5:07 am
by Wolfwood
Hehe, sounds intriguing, indeed! :)

Re: Elite : Reclamation (Novel)

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 8:03 am
by drew
This particularly 'lady' is going to be a rather nasty piece of work indeed...

I also found Michael Brooke's blog about the sequel, no detail yet. It's here > ... novel.html

He's a 'horror' man primarily. I'm not a fan of that genre in the slightest, so I think we're guaranteed very different takes on the Elite universe. Interestingly he notes that he'll be writing it in conjunction with David Braben - I generally avoid twin-author books, look what happened to the Rama series after Gentry Lee got hold of it...



Re: Elite : Reclamation (Novel)

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 8:36 am
by DaddyHoggy
drew wrote:
This particularly 'lady' is going to be a rather nasty piece of work indeed...

I also found Michael Brooke's blog about the sequel, no detail yet. It's here > ... novel.html

He's a 'horror' man primarily. I'm not a fan of that genre in the slightest, so I think we're guaranteed very different takes on the Elite universe. Interestingly he notes that he'll be writing it in conjunction with David Braben - I generally avoid twin-author books, look what happened to the Rama series after Gentry Lee got hold of it...


As a writer friend who did a screenwriters course once told me - "Just because you go to the movies, what makes you think you can write one" - could equally be interpreted as "Just because you can write a computer game what makes you think you can write about the Universe you've created."

I was going to pledge for the "Official" Sequel of the Dark Wheel - now I know that I'm definitely not going to!

Re: Elite : Reclamation (Novel)

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 8:52 am
by drew
Oh... and he can't spell 'conjunction'... :D


But people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw bricks... :oops:



Re: Elite : Reclamation (Novel)

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 6:52 pm
by Tricky
drew wrote:
But people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw bricks...
Wow! You southerners sure are rich. We were only supplied with stones for that proverb. :mrgreen:

Re: Elite : Reclamation (Novel)

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 5:47 pm
by pagroove
Pledged :). :D

Re: Elite : Reclamation (Novel)

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 8:27 pm
by drew
Thanks fella!

Quick update. I remixed the trailer with the new combat footage to give it a little extra zing...



Re: Elite : Reclamation (Novel)

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 8:32 pm
by pagroove
Only one tip for the video's. Don't boost the music. As I understand Youtube compresses the music also. So then you get over compression. And the music sounds distorted. :D