Commander McLane wrote:Sorry for the new problem! What does latest.log say? Can you post it again. (When something goes wrong it's always a good idea to look into the log. It may contain some information.)
Here is the Last Log. I must have removed more than a quarter of the oxps last night before my eyes couldn't stay open anymore, and it still crashed the system. I don't get it.
01:11:21.984 [log.header]: Opening log for Oolite version 1.75.2 (x86-64 test release) under Linux at 2011-06-01 01:11:19 -0500.
2 processors detected.
Build options: spoken messages, mass/fuel pricing, JavaScript console support, OXP verifier, localization tools, debug GraphViz support, JavaScript profiling.
Note that the contents of the log file can be adjusted by editing logcontrol.plist.
01:11:22.781 [display.mode.list.native]: X11 native resolution detected: 1366 x 768
01:11:22.889 [joystick.init]: Number of joysticks detected: 0
01:11:22.992 [oxp.message]: /home/mandoman/.Oolite/AddOns/Missile Rack 1.02.oxp: This OXP has been retired and incorporated into Armoury.oxp . It will no longer be supported as a seperate OXP. Please download Armoury instead as this contains the 1.74 updated version.
01:11:23.432 [plist.parse.failed]: Failed to parse /home/mandoman/.Oolite/AddOns/JavaScript test.oxp/requires.plist as a property list.
Parse failed at line 1 (char 9) - extra data after parsed string
01:11:23.996 [oxp.message]: /home/mandoman/.Oolite/AddOns/AMS 1.10.oxp: This OXP has been retired and incorporated into Armoury.oxp . It will no longer be supported as a seperate OXP. Please download Armoury instead as this contains the 1.74 updated version.
01:11:24.016 [oxp.message]: /home/mandoman/.Oolite/AddOns/Probe 1.10.oxp: This OXP has been retired and incorporated into Armoury.oxp . It will no longer be supported as a seperate OXP. Please download Armoury instead as this contains the 1.74 updated version.
01:11:24.859 [oxp.message]: /home/mandoman/.Oolite/AddOns/Captured Thargons 1.00.oxp: This OXP has been retired and incorporated into Armoury.oxp . It will no longer be supported as a seperate OXP. Please download Armoury instead as this contains the 1.74 updated version.
01:11:26.190 [dataCache.rebuild.explicitFlush]: Cache explicitly flushed with shift key. Rebuilding from scratch.
01:11:26.206 [searchPaths.dumpAll]: Unrestricted mode - resource paths:
~/.Oolite/AddOns/ooCheat 1.10.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/Missile Rack 1.02.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/Armoury 1.07.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/TG2forSmivs' Anarchy.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/Cargo Shepherd 1.00.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/Ring Racer 1.21.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/PlanetFall 1.41.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/Aquatics 2.23.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/Saleza v2.3.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/spyhunter 1.1.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/LongRangeScanner v0.2.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/GalDrivePod v1.2.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/BountyStatus 1.00.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/ringpod 1.1.1.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/Shady Cobra.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/longway 1.1.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/TCAT 1.10.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/BigShips 1.02.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/IronHide 2.00.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/RepairBots 2.02.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/JavaScript test.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/Freaky Thargoids 3.2.2.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/DeepSpacePirates 1.3.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/military Fiasco 2.5.2.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/supercobra 1.4.2.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/Trident Down v2.0.3.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/FTZ v0.15.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/Target Reticle 1.2.1.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/YellOo Cabs.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/Thargorn_Threat 1.5.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/Dictators v1.4.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/Missile Analyser 1.2.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/Pirate_coves 1.2.2.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/Flight Log 1.03.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/BlOomberg Markets v2.4.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/HyperCargo 1.04.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/Executive Spaceways v2.3.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/Lave Academy 1.21.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/TG2forSmivs' Armageddon.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/Hired Guns 1.25.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/SecondWave 1.32.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/TG2forSmivs' Apocalypse.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/ToughGuys Anarchy.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/Transports 2.52.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/AMS 1.10.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/Probe 1.10.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/Iron Raven v1.0.2.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/Stealth 1.03.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/Taranis 1.2.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/TargetTracker v0.2.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/LinkG7 v0.1.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/Galactic_Navy 5.3.0.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/Python Class Cruiser 2.6.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/ToughGuys Apocalypse.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/Pods 1.22.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/ToughGuys Armageddon.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/Ore_processor 1.58.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/Missiles and Bombs v2.4.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/lovecats 1.2.1.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/Gates 1.12.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/Vortex 1.11.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/Captured Thargons 1.00.oxp
~/.Oolite/AddOns/UPS-courier v1.7.7.oxp
01:11:26.206 [rendering.opengl.version]: OpenGL renderer version: 2.1.0 ("2.1 Mesa 7.9-devel"). Vendor: "Tungsten Graphics, Inc". Renderer: "Mesa DRI Mobile IntelĀ® GM45 Express Chipset GEM 20100330 DEVELOPMENT ".
01:11:26.206 [rendering.opengl.extensions]: OpenGL extensions (123):
GL_ARB_depth_texture, GL_ARB_texture_env_add, GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object, GL_ARB_half_float_vertex, GL_IBM_multimode_draw_arrays, GL_EXT_texture3D, GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array, GL_NV_vertex_program1_1, GL_EXT_separate_specular_color, GL_ARB_framebuffer_object, GL_EXT_shadow_funcs, GL_EXT_texture_cube_map, GL_EXT_rescale_normal, GL_ARB_transpose_matrix, GL_EXT_stencil_two_side, GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp, GL_ARB_multisample, GL_ARB_half_float_pixel, GL_ATI_separate_stencil, GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two, GL_INGR_blend_func_separate, GL_EXT_bgra, GL_ARB_sync, GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3, GL_NV_light_max_exponent, GL_APPLE_packed_pixels, GL_EXT_provoking_vertex, GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays, GL_ARB_vertex_shader, GL_ARB_shader_objects, GL_ARB_map_buffer_range, GL_NV_texgen_reflection, GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays, GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip, GL_EXT_texture_object, GL_ARB_vertex_program, GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3, GL_NV_texture_env_combine4, GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions, GL_EXT_stencil_wrap, GL_EXT_texture_swizzle, GL_MESA_pack_invert, GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit, GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra, GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil, GL_ARB_texture_compression, GL_EXT_blend_color, GL_ARB_vertex_array_object, GL_EXT_blend_minmax, GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object, GL_ARB_texture_swizzle, GL_EXT_subtexture, GL_MESA_texture_signed_rgba, GL_ARB_point_sprite, GL_ARB_depth_clamp, GL_NV_depth_clamp, GL_EXT_vertex_array, GL_EXT_abgr, GL_NV_blend_square, GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object, GL_ATI_envmap_bumpmap, GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample, GL_NV_texture_rectangle, GL_EXT_texture, GL_ARB_multitexture, GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra, GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map, GL_ARB_copy_buffer, GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex, GL_APPLE_object_purgeable, GL_ARB_shadow, GL_EXT_blend_subtract, GL_MESA_window_pos, GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow, GL_ARB_window_pos, GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat, GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias, GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar, GL_ARB_point_parameters, GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp, GL_EXT_copy_texture, GL_MESA_ycbcr_texture, GL_EXT_texture_sRGB, GL_ARB_texture_env_combine, GL_ARB_fragment_program, GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic, GL_EXT_draw_range_elements, GL_EXT_blend_logic_op, GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object, GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil, GL_ARB_texture_rectangle, GL_EXT_fog_coord, GL_SGIS_texture_lod, GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1, GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters, GL_APPLE_client_storage, GL_ARB_fragment_shader, GL_OES_EGL_image, GL_EXT_polygon_offset, GL_SGIS_texture_border_clamp, GL_ARB_shading_language_100, GL_EXT_secondary_color, GL_EXT_point_parameters, GL_NV_vertex_program, GL_ARB_draw_buffers, GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap, GL_ATI_blend_equation_separate, GL_EXT_texture_rectangle, GL_EXT_draw_buffers2, GL_OES_read_format, GL_EXT_blend_func_separate, GL_ARB_texture_cube_map, GL_EXT_cull_vertex, GL_ARB_occlusion_query, GL_EXT_packed_pixels, GL_EXT_framebuffer_object, GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat, GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3, GL_ARB_provoking_vertex, GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate, GL_EXT_texture_env_add, GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp, GL_EXT_texture_env_combine
01:11:28.711 []: Shaders are supported.
01:11:29.717 [shipData.load.begin]: Loading ship data.
01:11:32.849 [plist.parse.failed]: Failed to parse /home/mandoman/.Oolite/AddOns/Griff_illicit_unlock.oxp/Config/shipdata.plist as a property list.
Parse failed at line 10 (char 323) - unexpected character (wanted ';' or '}')
01:11:33.728 [plist.parse.failed]: Failed to parse /home/mandoman/.Oolite/AddOns/TG2-Griff(all-in)_apocalypse.oxp/Config/shipdata-overrides.plist as a property list.
Parse failed at line 237 (char 7471) - reached end of string
01:11:33.735 [plist.parse.failed]: Failed to parse /home/mandoman/.Oolite/AddOns/ToughGuys Apocalypse.oxp/Config/shipdata-overrides.plist as a property list.
Parse failed at line 451 (char 13635) - reached end of string
01:11:33.801 [plist.parse.failed]: Failed to parse /home/mandoman/.Oolite/AddOns/ToughGuys Armageddon.oxp/Config/shipdata-overrides.plist as a property list.
Parse failed at line 26 (char 714) - unexpected character (wanted ';' or '}')
01:11:34.002 [shipData.merge.failed]: ***** ERROR: one or more shipdata.plist entries have like_ship references that cannot be resolved: griff_normalmapped_cobra_mkIII_with_subent_missiles_NPC
01:11:37.422 [shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "adck_bhmBallturret" specifies non-existent model "adck_Ballturret.dat".
01:11:39.076 [shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "oresrian_trader-player" specifies non-existent model "Oresrian_Trader.dat".
01:11:39.687 [shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "frame_itsatrap" specifies non-existent model "Wreck1.dat".
01:11:39.796 [shipData.load.error]: ***** ERROR: the shipdata.plist entry "Spiv-Player" specifies non-existent model "Spiv2.dat".
01:11:40.163 [plist.parse.failed]: Failed to parse /home/mandoman/.Oolite/AddOns/Firewasp.oxp/Config/shipyard.plist as a property list.
Parse failed at line 1 (char 1) - extra data after parsed string
01:11:41.042 [shipData.load.shipyard.unknown]: ----- WARNING: the shipyard.plist entry "griff_normalmapped_mamba-player" does not have a corresponding shipdata.plist entry, ignoring.
01:11:41.042 [shipData.load.shipyard.unknown]: ----- WARNING: the shipyard.plist entry "griff_normalmapped_gecko_sharkteeth_decal-player" does not have a corresponding shipdata.plist entry, ignoring.
01:11:41.042 [shipData.load.shipyard.unknown]: ----- WARNING: the shipyard.plist entry "Spiv-Player" does not have a corresponding shipdata.plist entry, ignoring.
01:11:41.042 [shipData.load.shipyard.unknown]: ----- WARNING: the shipyard.plist entry "griff_normalmapped_viper-player" does not have a corresponding shipdata.plist entry, ignoring.
01:11:41.042 [shipData.load.shipyard.unknown]: ----- WARNING: the shipyard.plist entry "griff_normalmapped_gecko-player" does not have a corresponding shipdata.plist entry, ignoring.
01:11:41.042 [shipData.load.shipyard.unknown]: ----- WARNING: the shipyard.plist entry "griff_normalmapped_sidewinder-player" does not have a corresponding shipdata.plist entry, ignoring.
01:11:41.042 [shipData.load.shipyard.unknown]: ----- WARNING: the shipyard.plist entry "griff_normalmapped_krait-player" does not have a corresponding shipdata.plist entry, ignoring.
01:11:41.042 [shipData.load.shipyard.unknown]: ----- WARNING: the shipyard.plist entry "griff_normalmapped_viper-interceptor-player" does not have a corresponding shipdata.plist entry, ignoring.
01:11:41.043 [shipData.load.shipyard.unknown]: ----- WARNING: the shipyard.plist entry "griff_normalmapped_constrictor-player" does not have a corresponding shipdata.plist entry, ignoring.
01:11:41.043 [shipData.load.shipyard.unknown]: ----- WARNING: the shipyard.plist entry "griff_normalmapped_viper-pursuit-player" does not have a corresponding shipdata.plist entry, ignoring.
01:11:47.742 [script.load.notFound]: ***** Could not find a script file named lrScanner.js.
01:11:47.788 [script.load.notFound]: ***** Could not find a script file named targetTracker.js.
01:11:47.794 [script.load.notFound]: ***** Could not find a script file named linkG7_autoJumper.js.
01:11:50.333 [script.load.notFound]: ***** Could not find a valid script file named lrScanner.js.
01:11:50.555 [script.javaScript.exception.notDefined]: ***** JavaScript exception (JavaScript-test): ReferenceError: LogWithClass is not defined
01:11:50.556 [script.javaScript.exception.notDefined]: /home/mandoman/.Oolite/AddOns/JavaScript test.oxp/Scripts/ahruman-test.js, line 203.
01:11:50.556 [script.javaScript.load.failed]: ***** Error loading JavaScript script /home/mandoman/.Oolite/AddOns/JavaScript test.oxp/Scripts/ahruman-test.js -- could not run script
01:11:50.558 [script.load.notFound]: ***** Could not find a valid script file named ahruman-test.js.
01:11:51.535 [script.load.notFound]: ***** Could not find a valid script file named targetTracker_Main.js.
01:11:51.565 [script.load.notFound]: ***** Could not find a valid script file named linkG7_main.js.
01:11:51.568 [script.load.notFound]: ***** Could not find a valid script file named linkG7_autoJumper.js.
01:11:52.278 []: Loaded 150 world scripts:
ams_system 2.02
aquatics_equipment 1.1
aquatics_populator 1.0
armoury_machineScript.js 1.00
Baakili Populator 2.0
behemoth 2.5.4
bigShips_populator 1.0.2
Bounty Scanner 2.0 2.00
Bounty Status Display 1.00
buoyRepair 1.02.8
Cabal_Common_Comms 1.2
Cabal_Common_Functions 1.2
Cabal_Common_Keyboard 1.2
communist_population 2.11
CT_Script 1.0
deep_space_pirates 1.3
dictators.js 1.0
display-reputation-contract 1.1
display-reputation-passenger 1.1
ECM_jammerScript 1.00
executivespaceways.js 1.0
ExtraPirates3 1.0.1
ExtraPirates5 1.0.1
Famous Planets 2 Launch Script 2.0.2
feudal-challenge.js 7.0
feudal-mission.js 7.0
feudal-planetfall.js 3.0
feudal-promotion.js 4.0
feudal-ranks.js 4.0
feudal-tournament.js 8.0
fireworks 1.1
FlightLog 1.02
Fuel Collector 0.06
GalDrivePod_main_script 1.0
GalNavy 5.3.0
gates_masterScript 1.0
hiredGuns_system 1.0
hofd 5.3.0
hoopy_casino 1.2
HyperCargo 1.04
illegal_goods_missions 1.3
illegal_goods_tweak 1.3
interstellar_help 2.1
Interstellar_Rescue 0.1
ionics_v_rlf 1.3.1
IR-defences.js 1.0
IR-finance.js 1.0
IR-main-script.js 3.0
IR-SDF.js 1.0
IR-shipment.js 1.0
IronHide Armour Script 2.00
killit 1.4
LaveAcademy 1.2
lord-of-the-rings 1.1
Manchi Populator 2.0
military_fiasco 2.5.2
missile_analyser 1.2
Missiles & Bombs 1.0
OO-Haul Escort 1.60
ooCheat 1.10
oolite-cloaking-device 1.75.2
oolite-constrictor-hunt 1.75.2
oolite-nova 1.75.2
oolite-thargoid-plans 1.75.2
oolite-tianve 1.3
oolite-trumbles 1.75.2
oreProcessor 1.57
OXPConfig 2.0.2
PAGroove_superhubPopulator 1.1
personalities 0.9
Pirate_Coves 1.2.2
PlanetFall 1.40
railgun 1.3
Random_Hits 1.4.10
Repair system 2.0
reticle_target_sensitive 1.2.1
RingRacer 1.20
rockHermit_Locator 1.3.3
saleza.js 1.0
Save Anywhere OXP 3.1 3.1
SE-main-script 2.3
sell_equipment 1.4
snoopers 2.1
Spawn-damagewolf 1.0.1
Spawn-griffkrait 1.0.1
Spawn-renegadevenomtest 1.0.1
stealth_missionScript 1.03
System Demux 2.0
System Redux 1.2 1.2
TCAT_masterScript 1.0
TCAT_missionScript 1.0
Thargorn_Witchspace_Battle 1.5
TigersTurf 0.52d
transportSchedule 2.52
trident-down 2.0
ups_container 1.7.7
ups_docs 1.7.7
ups_parcel 1.7.7
ups_slaves 1.7.7
ups_sun 1.7.7
vector 1.5
vector_insp 1.5
vector_missionArn 1.5
vector_news 1.5
vector_pad 1.5
vector_updater 1.5
vortex_player.js 1.02
WitchpointBlockade 1.0.1
wormhole-restoration 1.1
01:11:55.049 [files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "FA_Sunracer_normalmap.png".
01:11:55.559 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program Frame_Registration_Generic.vertex.
01:11:55.559 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader Frame_Registration_Generic.vertex/Frame_Registration_Generic_Scale.fragment in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
01:11:55.564 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program Frame_Registration_Generic.vertex.
01:11:55.564 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader Frame_Registration_Generic.vertex/Frame_Registration_Generic_Scale.fragment.
01:11:57.019 [files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "FA_Dart_normalmap.png".
01:11:58.131 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program Frame_Registration_Generic.vertex.
01:11:58.131 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader Frame_Registration_Generic.vertex/Frame_Registration_Generic_Scale.fragment in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
01:11:58.135 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program Frame_Registration_Generic.vertex.
01:11:58.135 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader Frame_Registration_Generic.vertex/Frame_Registration_Generic_Scale.fragment.
01:11:58.388 [shader.compile.failure]: ***** ERROR: GLSL vertex shader compilation failed for dbshaderv.vertex:
>>>>> GLSL log:
0:7(9): preprocessor error: Redefinition of macro OO_TANGENT_ATTR
01:11:58.388 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader dbshaderv.vertex/dbshaderf.fragment in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
01:11:58.389 [shader.compile.failure]: ***** ERROR: GLSL vertex shader compilation failed for dbshaderv.vertex:
>>>>> GLSL log:
0:8(9): preprocessor error: Redefinition of macro OO_TANGENT_ATTR
01:11:58.389 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader dbshaderv.vertex/dbshaderf.fragment.
01:11:58.422 [ai.load.failed.unknownAI]: Can't switch AI for <ShipEntity 0x18f27c40>{"Werewolf ~ Damage Inc."} to "route1PatrolAI.plist" - could not load file.
01:11:58.448 [files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "spear_top.png".
01:11:58.683 [files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "FA_Sunracer_normalmap.png".
01:11:59.257 [shader.compile.failure]: ***** ERROR: GLSL vertex shader compilation failed for venomshaderv.vertex:
>>>>> GLSL log:
0:7(9): preprocessor error: Redefinition of macro OO_TANGENT_ATTR
01:11:59.258 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader venomshaderv.vertex/venomshaderf.fragment in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
01:11:59.258 [shader.compile.failure]: ***** ERROR: GLSL vertex shader compilation failed for venomshaderv.vertex:
>>>>> GLSL log:
0:8(9): preprocessor error: Redefinition of macro OO_TANGENT_ATTR
01:11:59.258 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader venomshaderv.vertex/venomshaderf.fragment.
01:11:59.888 [shader.compile.failure]: ***** ERROR: GLSL vertex shader compilation failed for venomshaderv.vertex:
>>>>> GLSL log:
0:7(9): preprocessor error: Redefinition of macro OO_TANGENT_ATTR
01:11:59.888 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader venomshaderv.vertex/venomshaderf.fragment in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
01:11:59.889 [shader.compile.failure]: ***** ERROR: GLSL vertex shader compilation failed for venomshaderv.vertex:
>>>>> GLSL log:
0:8(9): preprocessor error: Redefinition of macro OO_TANGENT_ATTR
01:11:59.889 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader venomshaderv.vertex/venomshaderf.fragment.
01:12:00.760 [script.addShips.failed]: ***** SCRIPT ERROR: in "<system script_actions>", could not spawn ship with shipdata key 'ring01'.
01:12:00.760 [script.addShips.failed]: ***** SCRIPT ERROR: in "<system script_actions>", could not spawn ship with shipdata key 'ring02'.
01:12:00.760 [script.addShips.failed]: ***** SCRIPT ERROR: in "<system script_actions>", could not spawn ship with shipdata key 'ring03'.
01:12:00.760 [script.addShips.failed]: ***** SCRIPT ERROR: in "<system script_actions>", could not spawn ship with shipdata key 'ring04'.
01:12:00.830 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program Frame_Registration_Generic.vertex.
01:12:00.830 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader Frame_Registration_Generic.vertex/Frame_Registration_Generic.fragment in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
01:12:00.835 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program Frame_Registration_Generic.vertex.
01:12:00.835 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader Frame_Registration_Generic.vertex/Frame_Registration_Generic.fragment.
01:12:00.849 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program Frame_Registration_Generic.vertex.
01:12:00.849 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader Frame_Registration_Generic.vertex/Frame_Registration_Generic.fragment in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
01:12:00.853 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program Frame_Registration_Generic.vertex.
01:12:00.853 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader Frame_Registration_Generic.vertex/Frame_Registration_Generic.fragment.
01:12:00.862 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program Frame_Registration_Generic.vertex.
01:12:00.862 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader Frame_Registration_Generic.vertex/Frame_Registration_Generic.fragment in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
01:12:00.867 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program Frame_Registration_Generic.vertex.
01:12:00.867 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader Frame_Registration_Generic.vertex/Frame_Registration_Generic.fragment.
01:12:00.995 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program Frame_Registration_Generic.vertex.
01:12:00.995 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader Frame_Registration_Generic.vertex/Frame_Registration_Generic.fragment in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
01:12:00.999 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program Frame_Registration_Generic.vertex.
01:12:00.999 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader Frame_Registration_Generic.vertex/Frame_Registration_Generic.fragment.
01:12:01.005 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program Frame_Registration_Generic.vertex.
01:12:01.005 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader Frame_Registration_Generic.vertex/Frame_Registration_Generic.fragment in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
01:12:01.010 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program Frame_Registration_Generic.vertex.
01:12:01.010 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader Frame_Registration_Generic.vertex/Frame_Registration_Generic.fragment.
01:12:01.018 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program Frame_Registration_Generic.vertex.
01:12:01.018 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader Frame_Registration_Generic.vertex/Frame_Registration_Generic.fragment in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
01:12:01.022 [files.notFound]: GLSL ERROR: failed to find fragment program Frame_Registration_Generic.vertex.
01:12:01.023 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader Frame_Registration_Generic.vertex/Frame_Registration_Generic.fragment.
01:12:01.225 [debugTCP.disconnect]: No connection to debug console: "Connection to debug console failed: 'NSPOSIXErrorDomain 111' (outStream status: 7, inStream status: 7)."
01:12:01.225 [debugTCP.disconnect]: No connection to debug console: "Connection to debug console failed: 'unknown error.' (outStream status: 0, inStream status: 0)."
01:12:01.225 [debugTCP.connect.failed]: Failed to connect to debug console at address
01:12:01.404 [Flightlog]: Kills Store set to player score
01:12:01.406 [script.javaScript.exception.notFunction]: ***** JavaScript exception (personalities 0.9): TypeError: system.systemNameForID is not a function
01:12:01.406 [script.javaScript.exception.notFunction]: /home/mandoman/.Oolite/AddOns/Personalities.oxp/Scripts/personalities.js, line 41.
01:12:01.434 [Save Anywhere OXP 3.1]: initialising Save Anywhere OXP 3.1
01:12:01.557 [loading.complete]: ========== Loading complete. ==========
01:12:02.285 [script.javaScript.exception.notDefined]: ***** JavaScript exception (System Demux 2.0): ReferenceError: planets is not defined
01:12:02.285 [script.javaScript.exception.notDefined]: /home/mandoman/.Oolite/AddOns/System_Demux_2.oxp/Config/script.js, line 61.
01:12:22.158 [shader.compile.failure]: ***** ERROR: GLSL vertex shader compilation failed for dbshaderv.vertex:
>>>>> GLSL log:
0:7(9): preprocessor error: Redefinition of macro OO_TANGENT_ATTR
01:12:22.158 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader dbshaderv.vertex/dbshaderf.fragment in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
01:12:22.159 [shader.compile.failure]: ***** ERROR: GLSL vertex shader compilation failed for dbshaderv.vertex:
>>>>> GLSL log:
0:8(9): preprocessor error: Redefinition of macro OO_TANGENT_ATTR
01:12:22.159 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader dbshaderv.vertex/dbshaderf.fragment.
01:12:22.179 [shader.compile.failure]: ***** ERROR: GLSL vertex shader compilation failed for dbshaderv.vertex:
>>>>> GLSL log:
0:7(9): preprocessor error: Redefinition of macro OO_TANGENT_ATTR
01:12:22.180 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader dbshaderv.vertex/dbshaderf.fragment in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
01:12:22.180 [shader.compile.failure]: ***** ERROR: GLSL vertex shader compilation failed for dbshaderv.vertex:
>>>>> GLSL log:
0:8(9): preprocessor error: Redefinition of macro OO_TANGENT_ATTR
01:12:22.180 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader dbshaderv.vertex/dbshaderf.fragment.
01:12:23.803 [script.load.notFound]: ***** Could not find a valid script file named lrScanner.js.
01:12:23.813 [script.javaScript.exception.notDefined]: ***** JavaScript exception (JavaScript-test): ReferenceError: LogWithClass is not defined
01:12:23.813 [script.javaScript.exception.notDefined]: /home/mandoman/.Oolite/AddOns/JavaScript test.oxp/Scripts/ahruman-test.js, line 203.
01:12:23.813 [script.javaScript.load.failed]: ***** Error loading JavaScript script /home/mandoman/.Oolite/AddOns/JavaScript test.oxp/Scripts/ahruman-test.js -- could not run script
01:12:23.815 [script.load.notFound]: ***** Could not find a valid script file named ahruman-test.js.
01:12:23.874 [script.load.notFound]: ***** Could not find a valid script file named targetTracker_Main.js.
01:12:23.877 [script.load.notFound]: ***** Could not find a valid script file named linkG7_main.js.
01:12:23.880 [script.load.notFound]: ***** Could not find a valid script file named linkG7_autoJumper.js.
01:12:23.960 []: Loaded 150 world scripts:
ams_system 2.02
aquatics_equipment 1.1
aquatics_populator 1.0
armoury_machineScript.js 1.00
Baakili Populator 2.0
behemoth 2.5.4
bigShips_populator 1.0.2
Bounty Scanner 2.0 2.00
Bounty Status Display 1.00
buoyRepair 1.02.8
Cabal_Common_Comms 1.2
Cabal_Common_Functions 1.2
Cabal_Common_Keyboard 1.2
communist_population 2.11
CT_Script 1.0
deep_space_pirates 1.3
dictators.js 1.0
display-reputation-contract 1.1
display-reputation-passenger 1.1
ECM_jammerScript 1.00
executivespaceways.js 1.0
ExtraPirates3 1.0.1
ExtraPirates5 1.0.1
Famous Planets 2 Launch Script 2.0.2
feudal-challenge.js 7.0
feudal-mission.js 7.0
feudal-planetfall.js 3.0
feudal-promotion.js 4.0
feudal-ranks.js 4.0
feudal-tournament.js 8.0
fireworks 1.1
FlightLog 1.02
Fuel Collector 0.06
GalDrivePod_main_script 1.0
GalNavy 5.3.0
gates_masterScript 1.0
hiredGuns_system 1.0
hofd 5.3.0
hoopy_casino 1.2
HyperCargo 1.04
illegal_goods_missions 1.3
illegal_goods_tweak 1.3
interstellar_help 2.1
Interstellar_Rescue 0.1
ionics_v_rlf 1.3.1
IR-defences.js 1.0
IR-finance.js 1.0
IR-main-script.js 3.0
IR-SDF.js 1.0
IR-shipment.js 1.0
IronHide Armour Script 2.00
killit 1.4
LaveAcademy 1.2
lord-of-the-rings 1.1
Manchi Populator 2.0
military_fiasco 2.5.2
missile_analyser 1.2
Missiles & Bombs 1.0
OO-Haul Escort 1.60
ooCheat 1.10
oolite-cloaking-device 1.75.2
oolite-constrictor-hunt 1.75.2
oolite-nova 1.75.2
oolite-thargoid-plans 1.75.2
oolite-tianve 1.3
oolite-trumbles 1.75.2
oreProcessor 1.57
OXPConfig 2.0.2
PAGroove_superhubPopulator 1.1
personalities 0.9
Pirate_Coves 1.2.2
PlanetFall 1.40
railgun 1.3
Random_Hits 1.4.10
Repair system 2.0
reticle_target_sensitive 1.2.1
RingRacer 1.20
rockHermit_Locator 1.3.3
saleza.js 1.0
Save Anywhere OXP 3.1 3.1
SE-main-script 2.3
sell_equipment 1.4
snoopers 2.1
Spawn-damagewolf 1.0.1
Spawn-griffkrait 1.0.1
Spawn-renegadevenomtest 1.0.1
stealth_missionScript 1.03
System Demux 2.0
System Redux 1.2 1.2
TCAT_masterScript 1.0
TCAT_missionScript 1.0
Thargorn_Witchspace_Battle 1.5
TigersTurf 0.52d
transportSchedule 2.52
trident-down 2.0
ups_container 1.7.7
ups_docs 1.7.7
ups_parcel 1.7.7
ups_slaves 1.7.7
ups_sun 1.7.7
vector 1.5
vector_insp 1.5
vector_missionArn 1.5
vector_news 1.5
vector_pad 1.5
vector_updater 1.5
vortex_player.js 1.02
WitchpointBlockade 1.0.1
wormhole-restoration 1.1
01:12:23.965 [shader.compile.failure]: ***** ERROR: GLSL vertex shader compilation failed for dbshaderv.vertex:
>>>>> GLSL log:
0:7(9): preprocessor error: Redefinition of macro OO_TANGENT_ATTR
01:12:23.965 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader dbshaderv.vertex/dbshaderf.fragment in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
01:12:23.966 [shader.compile.failure]: ***** ERROR: GLSL vertex shader compilation failed for dbshaderv.vertex:
>>>>> GLSL log:
0:8(9): preprocessor error: Redefinition of macro OO_TANGENT_ATTR
01:12:23.966 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader dbshaderv.vertex/dbshaderf.fragment.
01:12:24.438 [files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "Qbomb_DS.png".
01:12:24.468 [script.javaScript.exception.notFunction]: ***** JavaScript exception (personalities 0.9): TypeError: system.systemNameForID is not a function
01:12:24.469 [script.javaScript.exception.notFunction]: /home/mandoman/.Oolite/AddOns/Personalities.oxp/Scripts/personalities.js, line 41.
01:12:24.479 [Save Anywhere OXP 3.1]: initialising Save Anywhere OXP 3.1
01:12:25.880 [ai.load.failed.unknownAI]: Can't switch AI for <ShipEntity 0xe6d8320>{"Lambdashuttle"} to "shuttleAI.plist" - could not load file.
01:12:27.709 [ai.load.failed.unknownAI]: Can't switch AI for <ShipEntity 0x154a8490>{"GalCop Vampire"} to "planetpatrolAI.plist" - could not load file.
01:12:29.018 [shader.compile.failure]: ***** ERROR: GLSL vertex shader compilation failed for dbshaderv.vertex:
>>>>> GLSL log:
0:7(9): preprocessor error: Redefinition of macro OO_TANGENT_ATTR
01:12:29.018 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader dbshaderv.vertex/dbshaderf.fragment in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
01:12:29.019 [shader.compile.failure]: ***** ERROR: GLSL vertex shader compilation failed for dbshaderv.vertex:
>>>>> GLSL log:
0:8(9): preprocessor error: Redefinition of macro OO_TANGENT_ATTR
01:12:29.019 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader dbshaderv.vertex/dbshaderf.fragment.
01:12:29.316 [script.javaScript.exception.notDefined]: ***** JavaScript exception (System Demux 2.0): ReferenceError: planets is not defined
01:12:29.317 [script.javaScript.exception.notDefined]: /home/mandoman/.Oolite/AddOns/System_Demux_2.oxp/Config/script.js, line 61.
01:12:29.642 [files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "FA_Cruiser_main_normalmap.png".
01:13:29.386 [ai.load.failed.unknownAI]: Can't switch AI for <ShipEntity 0x18f68c20>{"Far Star"} to "piratetAI.plist" - could not load file.
01:14:07.900 [shader.compile.failure]: ***** ERROR: GLSL vertex shader compilation failed for dbshaderv.vertex:
>>>>> GLSL log:
0:7(9): preprocessor error: Redefinition of macro OO_TANGENT_ATTR
01:14:07.900 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader dbshaderv.vertex/dbshaderf.fragment in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
01:14:07.901 [shader.compile.failure]: ***** ERROR: GLSL vertex shader compilation failed for dbshaderv.vertex:
>>>>> GLSL log:
0:8(9): preprocessor error: Redefinition of macro OO_TANGENT_ATTR
01:14:07.901 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader dbshaderv.vertex/dbshaderf.fragment.
01:14:07.906 [shader.compile.failure]: ***** ERROR: GLSL vertex shader compilation failed for dbshaderv.vertex:
>>>>> GLSL log:
0:7(9): preprocessor error: Redefinition of macro OO_TANGENT_ATTR
01:14:07.906 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader dbshaderv.vertex/dbshaderf.fragment in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
01:14:07.907 [shader.compile.failure]: ***** ERROR: GLSL vertex shader compilation failed for dbshaderv.vertex:
>>>>> GLSL log:
0:8(9): preprocessor error: Redefinition of macro OO_TANGENT_ATTR
01:14:07.907 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader dbshaderv.vertex/dbshaderf.fragment.
01:14:07.911 [shader.compile.failure]: ***** ERROR: GLSL vertex shader compilation failed for dbshaderv.vertex:
>>>>> GLSL log:
0:7(9): preprocessor error: Redefinition of macro OO_TANGENT_ATTR
01:14:07.912 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader dbshaderv.vertex/dbshaderf.fragment in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
01:14:07.912 [shader.compile.failure]: ***** ERROR: GLSL vertex shader compilation failed for dbshaderv.vertex:
>>>>> GLSL log:
0:8(9): preprocessor error: Redefinition of macro OO_TANGENT_ATTR
01:14:07.912 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader dbshaderv.vertex/dbshaderf.fragment.
01:14:07.918 [shader.compile.failure]: ***** ERROR: GLSL vertex shader compilation failed for dbshaderv.vertex:
>>>>> GLSL log:
0:7(9): preprocessor error: Redefinition of macro OO_TANGENT_ATTR
01:14:07.918 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader dbshaderv.vertex/dbshaderf.fragment in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
01:14:07.919 [shader.compile.failure]: ***** ERROR: GLSL vertex shader compilation failed for dbshaderv.vertex:
>>>>> GLSL log:
0:8(9): preprocessor error: Redefinition of macro OO_TANGENT_ATTR
01:14:07.919 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader dbshaderv.vertex/dbshaderf.fragment.
01:14:07.940 [shader.compile.failure]: ***** ERROR: GLSL vertex shader compilation failed for dbshaderv.vertex:
>>>>> GLSL log:
0:7(9): preprocessor error: Redefinition of macro OO_TANGENT_ATTR
01:14:07.940 [shader.load.fullModeFailed]: ----- WARNING: Could not build shader dbshaderv.vertex/dbshaderf.fragment in full complexity mode, trying simple mode.
01:14:07.940 [shader.compile.failure]: ***** ERROR: GLSL vertex shader compilation failed for dbshaderv.vertex:
>>>>> GLSL log:
0:8(9): preprocessor error: Redefinition of macro OO_TANGENT_ATTR
01:14:07.940 [shader.load.failed]: ***** ERROR: Could not build shader dbshaderv.vertex/dbshaderf.fragment.
01:14:07.946 [testscript.spawn]: Generated 5 damagewolf for testing purposes.
01:14:08.043 [testscript.spawn]: Generated 10 renegadevenomtest for testing purposes.
01:14:08.279 [testscript.spawn]: Generated 3 griffkrait for testing purposes.
01:14:11.030 [Fuel Collector]: Number of globes is 3
01:14:11.030 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType]: ***** JavaScript exception (Fuel Collector 0.06): TypeError: System.planets is undefined
01:14:11.031 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType]: /home/mandoman/.Oolite/AddOns/FuelCollectorV0.06.oxp/Scripts/frame_fuel_collector.js, line 142.
01:14:31.906 [script.javaScript.exception.ooliteDefinedError]: ***** JavaScript exception (personalities-ship-script 0.9): Error: Ship.commsMessage: Invalid arguments ("Ah, that\'s what that button does.") -- expected message and optional target.
01:14:31.906 [script.javaScript.exception.ooliteDefinedError]: /home/mandoman/.Oolite/AddOns/Personalities.oxp/Scripts/personalities-ship-script.js, line 81.