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Re: How to change default player Cobra MK III textures?

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 12:51 pm
by v01i0
El Viejo wrote:
v01i0 wrote:
now I can fly nice looking Cobra MK III too.
Good… enjoy your newly-skinned Cobra MkIII.

Of course, it’s possible to have a Cobra MkIII with your own custom colour scheme, and up to four decals of your own design, as I have on Rolling Thunder.
Thank you :)

What a nice dragon in yer Rolling Thunder. I'd like one myself too, especially when being a dragon in a chinese horoscope myself and all...


Re: How to change default player Cobra MK III textures?

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 6:04 pm
by Grimm
Eric Walch wrote:
That file on pastebin is also illegal for me. My plist editor says is starts with the illegal character 'F'. I don't know if you just added it to pastebin, or if its in your saved commander also.

Suffixes can be tricky sometimes. On the mac I can use periods as part of a filename. That allows me to define a filename like:
But, when I have selected to hide extensions for that file, I just see '~.oolite-save', while the real extension is '.txt.
Yes, the "F" was the problem. Something i should have seen by my self :oops: Thanks for the help!