which the mother's AI is littered with but rarely seems to produce the expected message. The player prompt to dock is produced by the shipScript rather than the AI.OneoftheLost - that little bug should be fixed in version 1.
Moderators: winston, another_commander
which the mother's AI is littered with but rarely seems to produce the expected message. The player prompt to dock is produced by the shipScript rather than the AI.escort_mother.js
under the this.shipspawned = function
(it's the first function) your log may be useful for working out what's going on.this.ship.reportAIMessages = true;
Code: Select all
// functions used in the starting system. ec_mother1AI.plist is the main AI used in the starting system.
this.shipSpawned = function()
this.ship.displayName = "Trader " + missionVariables.ec_mothername +"'s " +;
this.ship.setAI ("ec_mother1AI.plist");
this.ec_playerwarnings = 0;
this.ec_playerinflicteddamage = 0;
this.ec_suppresslowenergyalert = 0;
this.ship.reportAIMessages = true;
Not really a bug as the ship is defined as having rock scanclass. And rocks don't spawn cargo on destruction. I was surprised that I could not mine it with mining lasersmaik wrote:I just encountered another bug--or a particularly stupid trader mother: It fled from combat (quite clever) but then headed almost directly away from the station and took me along for a ride with its jump drive. After a few minutes of going the wrong way I decided the galaxy is better off without stupid traders and was quite unhappy to see that this Boa Class Cruiser didn't even carry cargo.
Code: Select all
cargo_carried = "PLENTIFUL_GOODS";