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Re: BB Facebook 'like' button

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:08 am
by Thargoid
Fair enuff. Although just because people can post any kind of rubbish they want, doesn't necessarily mean that it's a good idea to make doing so a fully automated and push-button action.

The buttonless style would be most appreciated, thank you :) And yes I do agree that the katana wielders and the first post approval is a very good way of dealing with the spam (we do the same in t'other place, where I'm the main katana wielder), although I would have no wish to give them more work to do.

And of course the computer is my friend, that's why I'm green level ;)

Re: BB Facebook 'like' button

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:17 am
by aegidian
Thargoid wrote:
Although just because people can post any kind of rubbish they want, doesn't necessarily mean that it's a good idea to make doing so a fully automated and push-button action.
You may have misunderstood my explanation.

The button does not publish anything here at all. Instead it publishes a link to here on the user's Facebook page.

Re: BB Facebook 'like' button

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:17 am
by Smivs
Oooooo, I love a good heated debate. :D
This is a real 'Marmite' issue isn't it, you either love it or hate it. Unless you're like me! I can see that today when social networking* is clearly such a big part of so many people's lives that something like this is enevitable and even desirable, but equally I can sympathise with the 'none of that nonsense here, thank you' camp.
Personally, I don't mind if it stays or goes. I don't expect to use it and wouldn't miss it if it went again, but it is inobtrusive and my visual cortex has already started to filter it out.
Ultimately if it brings more attention to the Board and the Game, I guess that's probably a good thing.

* My social network!

Re: BB Facebook 'like' button

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:32 am
by aegidian
You can now choose 'No Facebook' by clicking User Control Panel then 'Board Preferences' and choose My board style: No Facebook from the drop down list. Then click 'submit'.

Presto chango - no 'like' button.

Re: BB Facebook 'like' button

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:34 am
by Thargoid
aegidian wrote:
You may have misunderstood my explanation.

The button does not publish anything here at all. Instead it publishes a link to here on the user's Facebook page.
I understood that - whilst I on principle have nothing to do with Farcebook, I don't do so from a standpoint of ignorance. My wife is a Farmville addict (it balances up the time I spend on Oolite so I can't really complain) and so has a Farcebook presence. I know how the "like" buttons and similar work, and how such information posted (and re-posted) on walls gets harvested and abused with alarming frequency.

I can appreciate the viewpoint and idea of using it to gain more people knowing about and downloading the game and supporting it, but as with everything it will tend to attract not just those sort of people.

Time to go change preferences. Thank you at least for showing the consideration and listening to those of us who don't want the damn thing.

Re: BB Facebook 'like' button

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:40 am
by Commander McLane
It seems the debate doesn't only take place in this thread. I just noticed that CaptKev has added a fake 'hate' button to his sig. 8)

Oh, and my previous post with the screenshot here in the thread has got a boxed '1' next to the 'like' button. Does that mean that one forum denizen pressed that button?

Re: BB Facebook 'like' button

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:41 am
by aegidian
Well, if it prompts a flood of spamlike rubbish it's pretty easy to switch it off now and count the experiment a failure. Thanks for feeding back, it's really useful because I have an unfortunate tendency to want everyone to be happy. :)

Re: BB Facebook 'like' button

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:44 am
by Gimi
Has the Facebook button/"like" link been taken off? It's gone! (It may have fallen victim to some of my no script settings in firefox, but I have disabled No Script for the Oolite bb.

As for preference, none really. I'm on Facebook, mainly to keep track of children and their Internet presence, but I never hit "like buttons", and will only ever do so when they also introduce a dislike button, at least to all the commercial/news/etc. pages where the like buttons are popping up.

Edit: I have not disabled the functionality in the Control Panel.
Edit2: Confirmed the the no script add on for Firefox is in fact blocking the button.

Re: BB Facebook 'like' button

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:51 am
by Fatleaf
And now I have that dilemma of curiosity! My initial reaction was to think "right lets get rid of the damn thing. But then I will always think "did someone "like" my last comment?" and enable to have a look and then disable it after may initial disappointment of seeing not one click.
But my initial scepticism that this thread would degenerate into - who can think of the best insult thread - hasn't came true. So that is a plus.

Re: BB Facebook 'like' button

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:51 am
by Cody
aegidian wrote:
You can now choose 'No Facebook' by clicking User Control Panel then 'Board Preferences' and choose My board style: No Facebook from the drop down list. Then click 'submit'.

Presto chango - no 'like' button.
Thank you, sir... sweet.

Re: BB Facebook 'like' button

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:56 am
by Mauiby de Fug
I'm one of the people who likes to keep things separate. On Facebook, my use of "liking" things is strictly limited to comments/statuses posted to Facebook. I find the idea of "liking" pages weird. And I find it a tad annoying to see Facebook stuff popping up all over the internet telling me I can "share" with one click on such a button. So I'm probably going to turn the thing off.

That said, I wouldn't mind an in-board like button, as a way to agree with peoples' comments. Although this probably isn't something that can be easily implemented, and in the rare case that there's a serious disagreement could serve to alienate people.

Just some thoughts of a half-asleep squirrel...

Re: BB Facebook 'like' button

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:57 am
by aegidian
If you're not seeing the button it may be that your board style is set to 'No Facebook'.

You should choose the style 'subsilver2' by clicking User Control Panel then 'Board Preferences' and then pick My board style: subsilver2 from the drop down list. Then click 'submit'.

Presto chango - discreet little 'like' buttons at the bottom left of each post.

Re: BB Facebook 'like' button

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:47 pm
by Bugbear
aegidian wrote:
You can now choose 'No Facebook' by clicking User Control Panel then 'Board Preferences' and choose My board style: No Facebook from the drop down list. Then click 'submit'.

Presto chango - no 'like' button.
Thanks for that sir! Keeps the forum behaviour in the same style of Oolite OXPs itself - if you don't like something, you don't install it.

Re: BB Facebook 'like' button

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:47 pm
by Selezen
By popular request (well, one person) I have created the following:






All can be downloaded in a zip file here - feel free to use them as links, avatars, attribution needed (just so it's clear). Just don't link them straight from my site.

Re: BB Facebook 'like' button

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 1:41 pm
by CaptKev
Commander McLane wrote:
It seems the debate doesn't only take place in this thread. I just noticed that CaptKev has added a fake 'hate' button to his sig. 8)
Someone's paying attention :D