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Re: New OXP for testing

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:37 pm
by Smivs
The great and the good are there to enlighten. :)
My ignorance about some OXP matters is legendary, but somebody is always happy to help, and it never stopped me :?

Re: New OXP for testing

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 9:26 pm
by JensAyton
UK_Eliter wrote:
Thanks. (And, yes, I'm at the stage where I am learning the difference between such things as 'AIs' and 'scripts'. But admittedly, given that, probably I should not bother the great and good with my unenlightened questions!)
Well, I don’t mind.

The huge difference between AIs and ship scripts, both in capabilities and syntax, is confusing and unnecessary. It’s another thing we’d like to fix for 2.0. (For the curious, here’s an early sketch. It’s actually from 2009, and I’d do some things differently now, and there are some errors.)

Re: New OXP for testing

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:38 am
by UK_Eliter
Dear all

EDIT: the zip file really is, now, available. The version on offer includes various debugging messages that are displayed to the player.

With much help from Thargoid, I've now got good-looking and powerful turrets on my 'Fer-de-Lance 3G' ship. Moreover, with lots (*lots*) of work, I've created a good (but probably still buggy) cloaking and general AI for cloaked-pirate versions of my ships. There is a hopefully just-about-functional AI for the bounty-hunter versions, too; and various trader versions just use the standard trader AI.

The OXP is available here:

There's still work and testing to do, though. But I thought people might want to try the thing out as it stands. The way that the formidable 'Pirate King' version fights is quite interesting - and the OXP, as it stands, will generate one of those ships (plus escorts!) on launch from the station (although, occasionally, it/they will be 'masked' and so won't appear on the scanner). There are some save files included, too - and a brochure.

Thanks to all for their help.

PS: I do know that there is a little more work to be done on the turrets.

Re: New OXP for testing

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 12:51 am
by UK_Eliter
I've uploaded another test version of the OXP. In this one the 'pirate king', who should appear when you launch from the station, should, finally, work more or less as he should. I've turned off the debugging messages.

Download location: