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Re: [RELEASE] - Griff Illicit Unlock update/debug

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 7:19 pm
by Pluisje
Thanks for the update.

Two minor things. In my log there's this:

[plist.parse.failed]: Failed to parse /Applications/Spellen/Oolite beta 1.75/Oolite/AddOns/Griff_illicit_unlock.oxp/Config/shipyard.plist as a property list.
XML parser error:
Unexpected character / at line 1
Old-style plist parser error:
Missing ';' on line 171

I added an extra / at the beginning and end of line one and a ; at the end of line 170, it all works now.

Re: [RELEASE] - Griff Illicit Unlock update/debug

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 9:23 pm
by Duggan
Please forgive my thread necromancy here, but I have been having some difficulty getting the Griff Illicit unlock to work. i'e new ships Viper, Constrictor etc become available for sale when i have installed this oxp.

I am currently using the griff shipset resources and griff shipset replace oxps , just in case a conflict might be apparent and or I should get rid of the shipset replace and use stand alone illicit unlock along with the resources set..IDK.

Just a passing query, any advice greatfully recieved :)

Re: [RELEASE] - Griff Illicit Unlock update/debug

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 4:39 am
by Capt. Murphy
It's might be the missing semi-colon at line 171 - although I'd guess that Windows won't choke on that being a little more forgiving.

It reads: weapon_facings = 15 should be weapon_facings = 15;

Other than that it's probably the low figures Dertien has set for "chance" which means that most of the ships will hardly ever be seen at all in the shipyard.

A quick look at suggests it should only be dependent on the Resources oxp, so doesn't rely on either the Addition or Replacement version.

Re: [RELEASE] - Griff Illicit Unlock update/debug

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 11:42 am
by Duggan
Thanks Captain Murphy,
Other than that it's probably the low figures Dertien has set for "chance" which means that most of the ships will hardly ever be seen at all in the shipyard.
I think this might be the subject matter of the issue. I do remember using an oxp that offered other Non Player Craft for Sale at Shipyards. most notably the Krait, which up to press has also to make an appearance in the Ship yards(I thought that this was that oxp , but might be mistaken) , though Ferdies and Asps appear at every tech 8+ Coriolis..

I will leave the oxp in and see if a Constrictor or Viper shows up in the ship yards :)

Re: [RELEASE] - Griff Illicit Unlock update/debug

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 6:43 pm
by Duggan
Nope I cannot get it to work at all. No Gecko's No Kraits nothing . So my next Plan is to try it on its own. Just the One OXP to see if that cracks the case.. I think one of the other oxps I run might be conflicting somewhere. :)

Re: [RELEASE] - Griff Illicit Unlock update/debug

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 8:50 pm
by Griff
just to muddy the water a bit more, i also have an oxp that allows the player to fly some of the NPC ships (it's not as comprehensive as the others though as you can't fly a viper or a constrictor), it's called and it's in my folder it definately does work, i keep it installed most of the time and i do see kraits, mamba's etc come up for sale, although i'm not sure if i put any thought into the prices for these ships or not, so you may need to tweak those if you use the oxp

Re: [RELEASE] - Griff Illicit Unlock update/debug

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 9:43 pm
by Duggan
Hi Griff,

I can happily live without flying a constrictor or viper and was , I suppose curious to see what bells and whistles these vessels had. Thanks for pointing me in the direction of Kraits, Sidewinders and Geckos though . I think this must have been the oxp I had installed before (as mentioned above):)