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Re: OXPs that must updated with Oolite 1.75

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:35 pm
by Thargoid
Which versions are you running, and on what OS?

I don't get either of those errors...?

That said things do look weird in the Vortex multibays now, will investigate further.

Re: OXPs that must updated with Oolite 1.75

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:48 pm
by Okti
That is interesting. I do not get the the message I posted now. If I come accross with that again, I will post again. And Planetfall seems to be working fine.

By the way OS is Windows Vista.

Re: OXPs that must updated with Oolite 1.75

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:53 pm
by Thargoid
I confirm the error (and fix) in Vortex (which is silent on my machine, it just stops things working).

Now preparing v1.11 - thanks for the heads-up!

Note to other OXP makers - Manifest["<item>"] has now also stopped working (without any notification or log error). As Okti says, replacing it with manifest["<item>"] is the cure here.

Re: OXPs that must updated with Oolite 1.75

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 12:08 am
by Mauiby de Fug
A useful thread! My Oolite playing time is somewhat limited over the next few days, but when I get around to it, I'll re-download a large quantity of my AddOns folder to 1.75 compatible stuff. And take the time to remove oxps that I don't want, and add/fix some others that I do. I've been meaning to do this for some time, but haven't got around to it - the new version has finally given me the push I need!

Anyways, well done to all those who made it, and also to those who're updating all their oxps to keep them working! Part of what makes this game so great is having such an active and helpful community! Keep on the good work, commanders!

The unbearable flightless of B-Wing

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 1:26 am
by tonyhippy
I've updated OXPs etc and now there's only one snag.....My Commander Jagger's beloved B-Wing isn't working! All my other player ships are fine including the Star Wars X-Wing, but the B-Wing shows just a big spinning question mark. It says the OXP isn't loaded but it's there. How will Jagger finish Trident Down now????

Re: OXPs that must updated with Oolite 1.75

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 12:19 pm
by Commander McLane
Eric Walch wrote:
* CargoWreck 1.6.3 (fixed in 1.6.4)

In the first download link of your sig ( I find CargoWrecksTeaser 1.6.5 (Jan 31st, 2011).

Re: OXPs that must updated with Oolite 1.75

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 12:33 pm
by DGill
another_commander wrote:
It will just take a few days at the beginning until the majority of OXPs gets in sync with the new game version. This is the case every time there is a version bump, but this time it might be a bit more noticeable because of the complete overhaul of the JS engine.

I would expect in a couple of weeks things will have been sorted more or less out. If you want to stick with 1.74.2 you are free to do so of course, but note that there is a very good chance that things will begin to not work anymore with 1.74.2, as the OXPs get updated with the new non-deprecated versions of handlers, or the correct syntax for scripts or whatever else version 1.75 of the game has introduced. To all intents and purposes, 1.75 is the thing for now and it will be the basis of the next stable release, so it's best to stick with it.
Decided to try out 1.75 - very nice it is too - and updated the oxps (thanks Thargoid). The only issue seems to be the joystick, the log file gives:

[loading.complete]: ========== Loading complete. ==========
[]: Loaded 30 world scripts:
AsteroidStorm 4.01
BGS-M 1.3.2
buoyRepair 1.02.7
deep_space_pirates 1.3
Famous Planets Launch Script 1.2
feudal-challenge.js 5.0
feudal-mission.js 4.0
feudal-planetfall.js 2.0
feudal-promotion.js 3.0
feudal-ranks.js 3.0
feudal-tournament.js 6.0
FuelStation-Setup 1.31
gates_masterScript 1.0
genericHUDswitch.js 1.01, modified by Wyvern
hoopy_casino 1.2
LaveAcademy 1.2
oolite-cloaking-device 1.75
oolite-constrictor-hunt 1.75
oolite-nova 1.75
oolite-thargoid-plans 1.75
oolite-tianve 1.3
oolite-trumbles 1.75
PlanetFall 1.31
Random_Hits 1.4.7
reticle_target_sensitive 1.2.1
rockHermit_Locator 1.3.3
System Demux 1.0 1.0
thargoid_wars 4.5.1
Welcome Information Script 1.1
[unclassified.JoystickHandler]: Callback...
[unclassified.JoystickHandler]: Callback...
[unclassified.JoystickHandler]: Callback...
[unclassified.JoystickHandler]: Callback...
[unclassified.JoystickHandler]: Callback...
[unclassified.JoystickHandler]: Callback...
[unclassified.JoystickHandler]: Callback...
[unclassified.JoystickHandler]: Callback...
[gameController.exitApp]: .GNUstepDefaults synchronized.

Closing log at 2011-02-20 12:24:21 +0000.

Also, regarding the Feudal States v1.9.5 I get the error:

Welcome Information Script 1.1
[script.javaScript.exception.notFunction]: ***** JavaScript exception (feudal-challenge.js 5.0): TypeError: system.systemNameForID is not a function
[script.javaScript.exception.notFunction]: ../AddOns/The Feudal States v1.9.5.oxp/Scripts/feudal-challenge.js, line 588.
[gameController.exitApp]: .GNUstepDefaults synchronized.

Closing log at 2011-02-20 13:06:30 +0000.

the lines in the .js are:

587 var currentLocationNo = system.ID
588 var currentLocationName = system.systemNameForID ([currentLocationNo])

what should I change these to?

Re: OXPs that must updated with Oolite 1.75

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 1:15 pm
by Eric Walch
Commander McLane wrote:
Eric Walch wrote:
* CargoWreck 1.6.3 (fixed in 1.6.4)

In the first download link of your sig ( I find CargoWrecksTeaser 1.6.5 (Jan 31st, 2011).
I already started to build the list of oxps to update at 7 January and tried to keep it up to date. For cargo wreck the above is correct. The bug for compatibility with 1.75 was fixed in version 1.6.4. But later on a new bug was posted of the trumble pods not giving scoop messages. That is fixed in 1.6.5 but has nothing to do with the casing bugs. That is probably why I did not update above list with it.
And Micha attended me today on another one in YourAddHere, I already fixed the bug locally before I started that list and forgot about the fix. That oxp must also be added as I never updated the corrected version.

Re: OXPs that must updated with Oolite 1.75

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 4:58 pm
by another_commander
DGill wrote:
Decided to try out 1.75 - very nice it is too - and updated the oxps (thanks Thargoid). The only issue seems to be the joystick, the log file gives:
[unclassified.JoystickHandler]: Callback...
[unclassified.JoystickHandler]: Callback...
[unclassified.JoystickHandler]: Callback...
[unclassified.JoystickHandler]: Callback...
[unclassified.JoystickHandler]: Callback...
[unclassified.JoystickHandler]: Callback...
[unclassified.JoystickHandler]: Callback...
[unclassified.JoystickHandler]: Callback...
[gameController.exitApp]: .GNUstepDefaults synchronized.
If by joystick you are referring to the drift issue reported elsewhere, this has been fixed in trunk. If you are referring to the messages above, they are just notifications that must have been forgotten from the time when the joystick code was being debugged and they have been just silenced in trunk.

Re: OXPs that must updated with Oolite 1.75

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:16 am
by DGill
DGill wrote:

Also, regarding the Feudal States v1.9.5 I get the error:

Welcome Information Script 1.1
[script.javaScript.exception.notFunction]: ***** JavaScript exception (feudal-challenge.js 5.0): TypeError: system.systemNameForID is not a function
[script.javaScript.exception.notFunction]: ../AddOns/The Feudal States v1.9.5.oxp/Scripts/feudal-challenge.js, line 588.
[gameController.exitApp]: .GNUstepDefaults synchronized.

Closing log at 2011-02-20 13:06:30 +0000.

the lines in the .js are:

587 var currentLocationNo = system.ID
588 var currentLocationName = system.systemNameForID ([currentLocationNo])

what should I change these to?

Interestingly it seems changing system.systemNameForID ([currentLocationNo]) to System.systemNameForID ([currentLocationNo]) seems to work though apparently other references to "system" (e.g. system.ID) the 's' is lower case.

Re: OXPs that must updated with Oolite 1.75

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:34 am
by Commander McLane
DGill wrote:
Interestingly it seems changing system.systemNameForID ([currentLocationNo]) to System.systemNameForID ([currentLocationNo]) seems to work though apparently other references to "system" (e.g. system.ID) the 's' is lower case.
For the explanation have a look in this thread.

Re: OXPs that must updated with Oolite 1.75

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:24 am
by DGill

Re: OXPs that must updated with Oolite 1.75

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 9:39 pm
by Grey Area
This might be in the wrong thread, but I think I've discovered a bug in the Galactic Navy 5.3.0 OXP running on the v1.75 beta.

In Galaxy 2, I docked at the Atzaxe Sector Command.

The usual Galactic Navy welcome screen appeared, with the usual menu choices at the foot of the text.

However, selecting the "Reserve Duty" option didn't offer me a spot of bug-splatting or pirate-correction. I was dumped back into the standard station menu screen instead.

Thinking I'd made a mistake of some kind, I launched, performed a 180 degree turn and docked again. As before, the Galactic Navy welcome screen appeared, and volunteering for reserve duty dumped me back into the standard station menu screen.


In a spirit of scientific enquiry, I launched again and made my way to the Sector Command at Xeatxe.

With the same result.

Any ideas, Commanders?

Re: OXPs that must updated with Oolite 1.75

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:47 pm
by OneoftheLost
This problem is documented


I believe a solution can be found in both. Unfortunately it looks as if neither the latest version or TEST version has been updated with the fix. No idea on an ETA either.

*EDIT* the fix found in the thread does nothing for me. I REALLY want to do a reserve mission, but I guess its not meant to be in 1.75. Back to 1.74 for me. :)

Re: OXPs that must updated with Oolite 1.75

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 8:48 am
by Commander McLane
I'm happy to announce that [EliteWiki] Anarchies.oxp has been updated to version 2.4, which works with Oolite 1.75. :)

Other OXPs of mine will follow in (hopefully) short order.

EDIT: [EliteWiki] Flying Dutchman.oxp updated as well.

EDIT: And so is [EliteWiki] Generation Ships.oxp.