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Re: Debian package build system broken

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:27 pm
by McDjanoff
Kaks wrote:
McDjanoff wrote:
PS : The SpiderMonkey enhancement project wiki : JagerMonkey which indicate the Mercurial repository.
If you look at the svn log, you should see that the js engine is updated to the latest jaegermonkey/spidermonkey release. the same engine on firefox 4 beta11 to be precise... :)
Thank you Kraks, but Getafix indicate already this to me.


Re: Debian package build system broken

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:05 pm
by JensAyton
McDjanoff wrote:
- Unfortunely, the library you are using isn't clearly separate from the main source of the project, in another word I don't know if JagerMonkey will evolve on is own and be merges to the main stream of Firefox, or evolve in the last one.
The TraceMonkey and JägerMonkey development branches are continually merged into mozilla-central, which is what we’re using.

There used to be a stand-alone SpiderMonkey package; as I understand it, the intention is that there will be again after FF 4.0 goes gold.

Re: Debian package build system broken

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:16 pm
by McDjanoff
Thank you Arhuman,

I've the same understanding as you about different repositories.
The important point is the reference used by the project : mozilla-central.


Re: Debian package build system broken

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 10:00 pm
by McDjanoff

here my first patch proposal

The issue :
On my system, the svn info output is :

Chemin : .
URL : https://[email protected]/sv ... inux/trunk
Racine du dépôt : https://[email protected]/sv ... lite-linux
UUID du dépôt : 127b21dd-08f5-0310-b4b7-95ae10353056
Révision : 4371
Type de nœud : répertoire
Tâche programmée : normale
Auteur de la dernière modification : another_cmdr
Révision de la dernière modification : 4371
Date de la dernière modification: 2011-02-17 20:58:05 +0100 (jeu. 17 févr. 2011)

It is due to my locale : fr_FR.utf8. In english the revision line is "Revision: 4371"

I've made the following modification in the Makefile :

#SVNREVISION := $(shell svn info | grep Revision | cut -d ' ' -f 2)
SVNREVISION := $(shell svn info | grep -e '^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]*.: [0-9][0-9]*' | cut -d ' ' -f 2)

It work now both with french and english locale on my system, a Debian testing.

The package built correctly without any other change. I've used make -f Makefile pkg-debsnapshot
