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Re: Copyright theft on Amazon Kindle - Drew's books

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 7:44 am
by Killer Wolf
yep, the apathy i got from ebay made me want to go and burn their offices down, even though it wasn't even my art getting ripped off.

just mailed the author of The Unearthing to let him know that's getting ripped.

Re: Copyright theft on Amazon Kindle - Drew's books

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:29 am
by ClymAngus
I knew there was a good reason why I hid ours in an oxp. Still, shocking. Maybe an anonymous e-mail to F.A.C.T. Might be in order. If you only list OTHER peoples free books then there sould be little comeback.

On the other hand it might be a trade descriptions issue. ... ledArticle

Applies a false trade description to any goods: eg; A PRICE!
Technically Amazon are fencing stolen goods and profiting from a criminal act.

That's a lot of wind to blow up anyone's jackzi. Even Amazons.

Re: Copyright theft on Amazon Kindle - Drew's books

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 1:24 pm
by Kaks
And aren't they the same Amazon that was DRMing their Kindle to the hilt?

IIRC there was a pretty big song and dance about their ability to 'unsell' Kindle books sold via Amazon.(Free MOBI books transferred via comp usb port would be unaffected) At the time they sort of explained their Kindle DRM concept like this: the author can always be in control of their creations, even after Amazon sell them.
That is, if I'm not mistaken.
Maybe time to remind them?

I any case: way not to go, Amazon. :(

Re: Copyright theft on Amazon Kindle - Drew's books

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 1:48 pm
by Disembodied
Here's an article from The Australian from September 2010:
Amazon caught by fake e-book scam.
The Australian wrote:
"This book was added to our catalogue by a third party who we now believe did not have the rights to make the book available for sale."


Seattle-based Amazon spokeswoman Stephanie Mantello declined to say how long the book had been on sale, how many copies had been purchased or what steps the company would take to ensure the incident was not repeated.
I think we know the answer to that last one, "what steps Amazon would take": no steps. No steps at all.
The Australian wrote:
It is unclear how the third party slipped through Amazon's screening process ...
I can give them a few clues – starting with "Screening process? What screening process?"

Re: Copyright theft on Amazon Kindle - Drew's books

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 1:59 pm
by Killer Wolf
if you're uploading and selling, surely there should be a simple tick box saying "i am the owner/creator" or "i have permission" type of thing. then it's a clear fraud case if they tick to sell Drew's book etc, and they should hit the first few w/ a full fraud case to serve as a warning to others.